Dragoncrest Cliffs He's the one who knows it's completely over
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had always held his mother on a pedestal. She was the standard with which he held all women. And even some men. For his mother had been both mother and father to him and his siblings. And thus far no wolves despite his mother, sister and granmes had ever reached the standard.

Etienne had not planned to fall in love with a wolf he truly thought he couldn't have. He had only meamt to stop his heart from breaking. Amd instead he had broken it himself, tenfold.

If @Anselm hadn't come by now. Etienne knew now he never would. He had probably long forgotten the seaborn existed in his love with Heda.

Etienne froze and then spoke. The cadence of his voice as always like the sea. It came on me like de cool frost in late winter. W'en your own air is de only warm ting an' only for de briefest of seconds. I met 'im w'en i was at my lowest. I 'ad just left 'ome and de guilt and de pain was so 'eavy. 'E was only a few mont's older dan me.

Etienne's voice cracked a little. An' 'e was so mean manman. I tot for sure 'e 'ad to 'ave a bad mudder to be so cruel. 'Er 'ad tot 'im no manners an' spoiled 'im

But den dey left 'im. Just one day decide dey no longer want to stay and left 'im all alone. So i stay. 'E was angry and 'urt. Like a wounded beast. I took good care of 'im manman i promise.

He sighed. An' I always find 'im beautiful, but I did not expect dat attraction to turn to love. And it 'ad me so deep before I even knew. 'E 'as eyes like sunsets and fur like de cold mountains. And in dose eyes of 'is dere be a million different emotions 'e dare not say. 'E tinks in a certain way and very close minded. But 'e protected me w'en 'e didn't 'ave too. 'E made sure I took care of myself as muc' as i took care of otters. And den he lay wit' 'eda. Dey 'ad little babies and is is clear to me dere be no place for me in 'is 'eart. I left because I 'ate 'er so big. And it is a scary feeling dis darkness w'en i be lookin' at 'er. And it is not fair of me.

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RE: He's the one who knows it's completely over - by Etienne - May 29, 2024, 12:09 PM