Sun Mote Copse dreams see us through to forever, where clouds roll by for you and i
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Njord admired Meerkat’s optimism, though he silently wished another adult, like Fennec or Phox, was around to help Towhee guide the next generation. It was true – their kin would always hold this land in their heart. It would be protected, and those who called it home would look out for one another. They had all worked hard to carve out a place in the world to call their own, and Njord was sure it would not be given away so easily.

He basked in his wife’s sentiments and hummed a note of agreement.

“Ye ken just how tae ease me mind,” he commented with a gruff breath.

But next, Meerkat wore her heart on her sleeve for Njord to see.

It was one thing to lose a child… but to willingly part from one?

He cradled her head in the crook of his neck.

“I know, mo chride, I know…” he whispered.

“Otter’s life is full of love. She’s got a braw heart just like her mum,”
Njord observed as he kissed a tear away from Meerkat’s cheek. “This isnae goodbye forever,” he reminded her.

A moment passed and then Njord had a thought. “I found something ye might like,” he offered.
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