Firefly Glen [PHE]So, don't say I'm not ready, 'til I fall on my sword
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne did not wish to dwell so much on Heda. Ezra of course, but Heda. He had once loved her, thought her wonderful, beautiful and kind. He could even forgive the love between her and Anselm, it was not his place to argue that. But what he could not forgive, was how selfish she was at times. How she tried to so hard to hold so tightly to everyone and then when things got hard she ran. She did not try and fix them. She merely ran. And now four lost young souls were wandering without their auntie and their mother and it was a shame.

Etienne chuckled softly. I 'ave been takin' care of udders since I was very small. And he had. When had he ever not taken care of someone he honestly could not say.

Dere be many colors. mmm let me tink. Stingray 'is was silver it meant 'e was poised, dignified and 'ad good self control. Suzu's was peachy it meant 'er was playful, spirited and brite. And i do not know about Stingray anymore, but Suzu is all dose tings 'er be my best friend and Sister. Val's was gold, meant courageous and free and exploerer. 'e be all dese tings, 'e 'as stories for days of 'is travels uncle val. R'aegals was brown. It meant 'e was grounded and confident, but I 'ave not seen 'im in long time. T'eo was silver also poised and dignified, loyal. "e be my brudder not seen 'im in long time neit'er. Dere be many otters.
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