Firefly Glen [PHE]So, don't say I'm not ready, 'til I fall on my sword
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne nodded, but he did offer a small sardonic smile. I won't be sayin' some of it isn't deserved. We come from a long line of fierce and wild women. So it makes sense dat dere be grudges, but not'in in recent memory. We are secluded on de cliffs sometimes. And very private group. Dat is wut i mean w'en i say dis.

Etienne gave a soft smile. It may take my manman sometime to warm up, but she is good 'earted. Just guarded. 'er 'as 'ad a difficult life at times.

Etienne smiled and dipped his head. T'ank you very kindly, Pharoah Toula. He added her moniker to her name as the Fellahin were in attendance now.
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