Hyperion Tree
105 Posts
Ooc —
Random Event 
Several miles up the coast from the watery graveyard, another gentle giant fell. One of the largest redwoods in the coastal forest dropped suddenly and without warning, dragging several neighboring trees down with it and causing quite a clatter of falling brush. It struck the forest floor with a dull roar that could be heard for miles, rolling slightly before coming to rest. The torn roots thrust dozens of feet into the air, leaving a yawning fissure in the earth and revealing the peculiarly hollow interior of the mammoth dead tree like a 350' long tunnel...

Authored by: Kat (Wildfire)

Inspiration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperion_(tree)
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Making Seb arrive in this thread on present day (21st), which is 6 days after the tree has fallen! Since they are exploring the coast @Haven @Aduin @Maja Set after this thread so Aduin can post too! ^^

Sebastian knew Haven liked the forest, she felt at home there. So if they were going to look for their new home then it should contain some forest. As Sebastian moved south to scout out the area he came upon a forest by the sea. Maybe this would be perfect for Haven! Sebastian grew excited. He really liked the location of the cliffs, they looked like big teeth, and not too far from the cliffs there was an actual forest they could call their home. Though, Sebastian wanted to settle for the best. So this mini-exploration was of vital importance. 

The young male moved through the forest, it definitely had potential. He moved deeper through the woods that were clearly unclaimed. Lots of the coast was unclaimed, Sebastian didn't understand why. That was when the male stumbled upon the huge tree. He stopped in his tracks and gaped at the biggest tree he'd ever seen in his life! Though, it had fallen over. Could you imagine if that tree would have fallen of another wolf! Sebastian instantly marked this forest as unsafe for living. Though the tree required some extra exploring! How interesting!
She's beauty, she's grace, she will punch you in the face.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mae
Maja trotted through the trees. She was scouting near the cliffs, checking if this was good enough to become pack territory. With the corner of her eyes, she tilted her head, inspecting it. There were birds that left the second she came, but even now, there were a couple left.
  She stepped a little closer, experimentally. One of them stared right back, a small seagull. She growled at the pathetic thing, forcing it away. It stood in the same spot, though the others got the message. She snapped at it, not meaning to get it. That scared the small bird away. She smiled. Haha, I win.
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Aduin stuck close to the others as they traveled along the coast. They had come across a forest filled with very, very tall trees. He had to imagine how long it would take a chipmunk, or a squirrel to reach the top. Just looking up to the canopy made him feel dizzy, so he quickly led his eyes down. What he saw amazed him. One of the large trees lay against the ground, the dirt and undergrowth around it disturbed by when it must have fallen. He caught a glance at Seb, who was gaping at the fallen tree. He couldn't help but think of the small animals that had lived in it. Now they had lost their home.

"What could have caused this to fall?" he wondered aloud, before trotting on, his eyes glued to the large tree. It would be a smart move to avoid this area, and always be on the lookout for trees that look like they could fall. As he passed the tree, he could only stare at the gaping tunnel inside. Curiosity got the best of him as he lifted his forepaws onto the rim, peering inside. It must have gone on for some length. He took a deep breath, and let out a quiet bark. One that echoed much louder than it truly was.
Won't you torture someone else's sleep?
545 Posts
Ooc — Captain
Krypton saw the fallen tree and gasped. It was huge, much bigger than normal trees she has seen in her home forest when she was young. She trotted down the steep path where the roots used to be, her paws exploding dirt everywhere as she moved. Her ears twitched slightly as the chilly wind blew into the soft fur. She finally reached the bottom and looked at the tree from ground level. 

Her eyes widened at the pure size of the tree. She walked underneath the roots and felt some of the dirt fall off and land on top of her head. She growled in annoyance and shook it off. Her coat looked dirty as it is, she didn't need any more attributions to the look. She looked around the large gap in the hole and realized her mistake.

"You stupid wolf! How could you forget about how deep this is?! Now you're probably stuck in here until a bear comes and kills you." Her conscience screamed at her.

She sighed and put her head close to the ground her front left paw landing on top of it. "Stupid stupid stupid..."

Krypton looked around once more and started to see spots that she could climb. There were small pieces of rock that could fit two paws at one time. Maybe if she can reach one of the, she could get out.

Just as she was going to make her move, she heard a quiet bark echo through the hole, making her stop and look around, her ears pinned forward. Her eyes showed interest, curiosity, and alertness. She stayed still, feeling the breeze blow through her fur. She looked around the rim of the fallen tree. She couldn't see any wolf, but she stayed still and quiet.
Medic: 0/10
Guardian: 0/10
???: 0/10
in time you'll taste all the salt in my lungs
2,045 Posts
Ooc — lauren
Master Warrior
even in the isolated fold of her grotto, caiaphas heard the roar overhead of something monstrous reuniting with the earth. she froze as clods of dirt fell and the tunnels shuddered -- and for a moment, the sea-witch feared for her pitiful life. but after a moment the earth ceased its quivering and the dust settled and the sound, immense and cacophonous, echoed headlong down the dim corridors until it was heard no more.

filled with an urge to investigate, the wretch made her way to the surface world. upon immediate inspection the strand looked the same as last time she had witnessed it -- barren and pale. she cast her mulish ears about her, squinting off towards the distant treeline that marked ankyra's melding with monolith forest. it was possible it had come from there -- and ever ready, the sylph rose to inspect what had possibly caused such an uproar.

monolith forest, intimidating to some, was a second home for caiaphas - she had spent many an hour praying towards the mothers, flanked by the vigil of an empire of trees. aktaie had spoken of the forest, and how it was touched by a semblance of the sanctimonious. and so, when caiaphas came across wolves trespassing on the nereides' hallowed ground, her blood boiled.

with a roar, the wretch ducked into the hollowed tunnel of the collapsed tree, her shrill voice lent a hellish ambition by the tunnel's echoing resonance. they were on the other side and likely had not seen or detected her yet -- and as she galloped headlong down the hole her paws thundered and clattered off the bark. she sounded angrier and bigger than she truly was as she barreled down the mouth of the tree towards the intruders that dared sully her forest. they would get what was coming to them -- they would truly know the wrath of the sea-waif, and the salty tongue of revenge swiftly brandished. "get out, get OUT, GET OUT!" the brazen witch screamed, her voice ignited by fury: "leave LEAVE LEAVE!"
this house was my flowered heart,
but my petals have fallen.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Assuming Maja is with Aduin and Seb, correct me if I'm wrong

Sebastian placed his paws upon the bark and sniffed it. He wanted to jump on it but it was clearly too big for any wolf to jump on. Sebastian and his friends were close to the base. The large male trotted down, his tail up as he was taking the lead and he was really interested in this whole thing.

He turned his head to Aduin a bit. "I don't know, but I don't think this forest is safe for living," he returned. "I'd rather like the forest by the cliffs we were the other day. Don't you agree?," he spoke to Aduin. Sebastian lead their small group a bit further down the tree they could check out its roots and see what happened. Sebastian was not a naturalist but still.

The large grey male reached the base at a brief trot. The tank looked around, first not spotting the female down in the crater. Sebastian was looking up to the roots from the edge of the crater the fallen tree made. There were bits of dirt still hanging there, where he looked down it seemed there was a tunnel! Then his pale eyes fell on the female. "Oh!, Are you okay?," Sebastian asked. He might look immense and intimidating but he was pretty cool, ask Aduin.

Sebastian was about to reach down when he heard heavy paw falls and a female voice screaming. Even Sebastian jumped away from the crater since it came so unexpected. Yet once his eye fell on Aduin he manned up. He still had Maja here, they could protect him. And that female! She was down there too, alone he might add. Sebastian bravely jumped forward, going out to safe a stranger. He half slipped down the crater but stayed on his feet.

Sebastian had a think for doing recklessly heroic things in possible life threatening situations. He stood before the female making himself even bigger by pulling up his shoulders and raising his hackles. He would face this enormous female because he was enormous too.
She's beauty, she's grace, she will punch you in the face.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mae
Ah! I wrote one and it got deleted :/(Sorry I'm late) 
 Maja was in the back of the 'mini group'. Though, she stayed near Aduin and Sebastian. She glanced behind them every now and then, making sure nothing followed them. Roots were eerily hanging from the dirt. 
 Maja secretly felt annoyed when Sebastian only addressed her brother. She pushed the feeling out of the way and shook her head. She gave a small sigh. 
 Suddenly, when Sebastian was looking at what seemed like a tunnel, he gave a small "oh!". Maja looked in front of him to find a wolf. 

 She saw Sebastian get closer to the she wolf, an ear-piercing shriek came. Another wolf appeared, screaming at them to get out. Maybe she trapped and enslaved the wolf. Maja's ears went instantly flat. She gave a low growl. She got closer to Sebastian, hoping that the wolf will turn away once they saw that it were out numbered. 
"We won't leave, not without the other wolf", she said, talking about the stuck she wolf. It wasn't that Maja was attached to this place, she wanted to get the wolf out at least. Plus, no one dares tell what Maja can or can't do. She wasn't going to be pushed around by some crazy wolf. She gave another warning growl, getting even closer.
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
@Maja Is Corvasa still doing the thread with Itsy

Aduin let off a playful smirk. He could certainly have fun with this. But then, everything happened at once. The other two went toward the crater, and another wolf came running through the tunnel, right at him. The sudden movement frightened him enough to fall on his back with a yelp as she started screaming at them. He quickly got to his feet and retreated to the others, his tail hugging one of his rear legs. 

Sebastian was busy with the wolf in the crater, and Maja was talking back to the other wolf. And Aduin not being much of a fighter went to join Seb to help the female in the crater, taking his time to get down.
Won't you torture someone else's sleep?
545 Posts
Ooc — Captain
Krypton saw another wolf start to make its way down, but her ears were more focused on the growls erupting from atop of the rim. Maybe there was a fight? Who knows, it didn't matter now. She needed to get out of here before something bad happens. She already had heard the loud howl and the thundering paws. The last thing she needed was another fight to pick. Taking her chances, she started to trot quickly towards the two males, looking for signs of danger from the two.

It didn't seem dangerous at all, both seemed docile, but quite excited and aroused by the angry howl made. Krypton didn't waste her time. She dug her large paws deep into the soft dirt and started to make her way up the steep slope. It was difficult from her massive size of her paws, literally it was an uphill battle. With each step, the dirt seemed to be dragging her down. Her brain was like a train wreck, cluttering around ideas and ears about defeat and falling. What if she got stuck? What if these males would kill her atop? What if... what if... what if... "No more what if's Kryp! You gotta make it up there!" her conscience full of courage shouted at her, making her quicken her pace up the steep slope.
Medic: 0/10
Guardian: 0/10
???: 0/10
in time you'll taste all the salt in my lungs
2,045 Posts
Ooc — lauren
Master Warrior
omg sorry for holding this up!

he salt wretch thundered down the tunnel, pleased by the resounding boom that each foot-fall extricated from the fallen bough. in the darkness her shadow was long and her voice supreme, as if she were some forgotten and draconian demi-god risen from timeless slumber. she slowed her pace, eyeing the far-off exit and the shadows that lanced across it -- she was still far enough where her light figure was not yet discernible.

she hung back and slumped to the floor, kicking the sides of the bough with her limber legs in a feat of almighty force. the cacophony that followed was deafening as it grew in strength down the narrow mouth of the tree. "LEAVE. THE MOTHERS COMMAND IT." the sylph howled into the darkness, her voice  enthused with guttural ire. she hoped her distance and the eerie quality of her voice would encourage the wolves to stay at bay, and at the very least, keep them from recovering her true identity.
this house was my flowered heart,
but my petals have fallen.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian had a good look at the female in the crater. She was the one that was lurking behind them in the shadows. Now he realized!!! Sebastian frowned when she tried to make her way out of the crater without even reacting to him offering his help. She was definitely weird and getting on Sebastian's nerves. What did she want?! Was she following him? Sebastian scowled. "She clearly doesn't want to be helped," he stated to Maja and the recently joined Aduin. 

Then the weird voice came and Sebastian flattened his ears. He stepped before Aduin. "Lets get out of this forest, clearly it is not a great place to settle," he pointed out to the two others. Sebastian was surprisingly not unnerved by the voice, he was more unnerved by the big tree falling down. He knew some critter or other wolf had to be messing with them, but trees falling down was something far more serious. Sebastian still didn't know the reason, oh well. He wasn't too bothered in finding out. "Let's go back guys, Aduin let me help you up," he spoke calmly. Hopefully that would keep the others calm too. Sebastian completely disregarded the stalker woman that declined his help. He was glad Haven was not that crazy.
She's beauty, she's grace, she will punch you in the face.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mae
I thought this was finished, sorry >.< 
 Maja tilted her head, apparently the wolf didn't want to be saved. Ignoring the crazed shrieks, she got closer to her brother, unconsciously checking if he was okay. 
 Sebastian told them that this wasn't the perfect place. She gave a small nod in approval. She slowly turned around, hoping that they could leave as soon as possible. If there was nothing else to do, she wanted to get out, before any trees could flatten them. "Okay, lets head out." 
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Aduin stopped when Sebastian spoke about the wolf in the crater not wanting help. He looked at her, quirking an eye ridge towards her. Why would she ignore help? Especially with that screaming wolfess near them. Inside he wanted to help, but he wouldn't. Not without Seb's permission. 

He went with Seb's plan and accepted his help, pulling himself up using the roots. They were sturdy, and only wobbled a little after he pushed up with one of his paws. Once at the top, he joined Maja at the top, awaiting Seb to come to them. He wanted to get as far from here as possible. Both because of the possibility of trees falling and the crazy shrieker behind them.