Dragoncrest Cliffs Pye ki pa estab
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Unsteady feet. He may not be able to walk, but he can try

Etienne had a few days to get used to the blobs around him. The 3 small ones, the bigs ones that came and go. Though on occasion the sight of something large and obscure would wake him up or startle him with a fright. Though he had learned their different touches, their different vibrations. He had been crawling around the den for days, though he always returned in search of warmth and milk, his body becoming chilled a few moments after leaving whichever blob had him in their embrace.

Today his mouth hurt, though he was unsure why, and he didn't want to do anything, but gum at his mother's toes, or his siblings legs. Though, often when he gummed at his siblings, except for the smallest one, they kicked him. As they had begun to get a little more control of their limbs.

Today Etienne realizing the blob was further away than he liked, and he was cold and he was tired. He turned to crawl towards them, when he realized he could put the things that hung from him on the ground. He tried it and for a brief moment he was on top of the world, until he tried to move himself. Then he was ass over end, and he bumped his nose into the ground with a yelp. Which then surprised him so much, he peed all over the ground.

He lay there feeling sorry for himself, staring at the blob in reproach for not saving him.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo was minding his own when his brother started to make a lot of noise. He whimpered in annoyance and opened his eyes to see the blurry shape of Etienne, doing who knows what. Theo kicked out as his brother gnawed on his leg, and returned the gesture to Etienne, as he too felt the sudden urge to use his jaw. It felt good to move his gums on something, that something being his brothers leg. 

Then Etienne began to move, and did something Theo had never seen such a small thing do. He rose like the adults did! then he fell, and rolled around over himself for quite some time, messing himself at the same time as well. Theo made another annoyed grunting noise, but he too wanted to try what his brother just had. Struggling onto his wobbly feet, Theo rose like his brother had. But the second he tried to move, his fell. He wasn't as shocked as his brother was and managed to regain his balance after a moment. He didn't try to stand again though. Instead, he settled for laying there, watching his brother.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne squinted at the largest, small blob. He tried to get closer to scrutinize his face. His current predicament forgotten in his curiosity to see his brother's face. So he stood again, limbs shaking he took one step, then too and then stumbled and landed in an ungraceful heap against his brother, but well it was a small set back, he got where he wanted, just not in the position he wanted. He gave a small noise, a grunt and a whine, and tried to push away from him, just forcing himself further into his brother, though now one leg was over the other, and his head was sort of upside down. Ugh.

He began to try and make noises like the adults did, trying to make sounds, but where their sounds had rhythmn and cadence, his just sounded like a bunch of loud noises and an occasional TTT....ooo...Grrruff
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo was quite uncomfortable in his current situation. His brother had made everything worse and now the two were a tangle of legs and tails. His brother was upside down and he was sideways. As Etienne struggled to his feet, Theo tried the same, but as he tried to, Etienne stumbled into him again.

His brother finally managed to get off him and Theo tried to get to his feet. He managed to and stumbled to his brother, not falling this time. He managed to stay on his feet.

He heard his brother make some interesting sounds and Theo tried the same. He tried to say his own name “Thhhhhh”. Then he tried to growl but it came out more like “grrrrap!”, like a growl into a yap.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Theo and he were separated and he lay still for a moment, staring up at the ceiling little sides heaving. As his breathing evened out and he could make the noises again with whistles. He lifted his down head and again attempted to get to his feet. He managed, only to fall in a heap, legs shaky. He couldn't stay up for long, not strong enough yet. None of them were.

His brother's grryap laid his ears to his skull and he grryapped back. He grumbled and groaned, trying out all different noises taht he could make. He was certain he would wake everyone up, but he was having far too much fun to care. Not that he would really know anyway.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo wanted to try something else. He had started to control his legs more, so why not try them out in play a bit? Theo shakily dabbed his paw out at his brothers nose, who was on the floor. He fell while doing so, since 3 legs could not support him, but he was thrilled with himself as his new action. He dabbed his brothers nose again and yapped in joy.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A blob came at his face, his eyes crossed as he tried to look at it, and then boop right on the snoot. He yapped in surprise, brows narrowed, though he wouldn't realize that was what it was.

Kouman Oze

Etienne threw a paw out, not sure what it would connect, but he hoped it would hit whomever had been absolutely rude enough to touch his snout. Just because Theo was bigger than him, didn't give him any right to boop the snoot. How dare he.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo didn't have the reflexes to dodge the 'bop' from his brother yet, so it his him square on the nose. Theo tried to growl in annoyance, but the sound didn't come out very annoyed. "Grrap!" was what he had made, though it was quite a loud sound so perhaps it could warn his brother to not to that again. 

Theo wanted to retaliated, so he tried to lock his jaw around his brothers nose and snout.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne didn't like the sound that his brother made, so he made an unintelligible one back. Something like Grr...and TTT and something else, that made no sense, but made perfect sense to him in his head. After all, he was young and his vocal chords still developing.

However, at his brother's next move. He did make a louder sound and he wiggled and fought to get away. A new emotion lingering and burning hot in his belly. Anger, though he couldn't put a name to it. He would not be dominated, especially by his older brother. He jabbed again, though he over extended and ended up on his belly again. He whined, sulky, wet and hungry now.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo gave a little headbutt to his brother but it startled him and he stumbled back, dazed. He sat up, and moved his head around, trying to clear his vision, which was still quite blurry.

Bored at the game he was playing with his now whining brother, Theo attempted to walk again, taking a few shaky steps, before splaying his legs out and landing on his stomach once more.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
If Eitenne knew what laughter was he would have laughed at his brother. Instead, he just turned foggy, blurry eyes towards him and made a noise like ahaha. That sounded like both laughter and a whine, what did they want from him, he was like 2 weeks old.

He was growing tired though and he began to walk crawl towards the large blob in the far side. His mother, or his grandmothers or one of the aunts. He wasn't certain, but he was tired and wanted sleep.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo too was growing tired and he crawled/stumbled after his brother toward the big blobs, but he used his nose to scent out the one with milk, so he knew she was his mother.

He settled down at her side and was soon asleep.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
856 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was hungry, but for now his limbs and body were tired. He crawled/stumbled to the side of the wolf. And buried his face into whatever fur was readily available and he was soon fast asleep.