Northstar Vale Right Beside You
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Reyson followed the path of many scents, that he recognized. Across his broad shoulders he carried multiple rabbits. Blood dripped down along his body, staining his fur a darker red.

He had not asked or told anyone what his plans were, but he would not allow a new family to go hungry in their first days and this was a new pack, but sister pack and he wanted to help ease some of their transition.

So with a slight hitch in his step, he settled about ten feet from the border and he howled out for @Tamar and what was her mates name...ah yes @Arsenio

Then he waited, patiently rabbit meat at his paws, and eyes on the horizon. It was beautiful here, well defensible, and yet if someone were to bottle neck them in there, it could end badly, unless there was back pathways out of the pack lands.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The howl from the border was for the leaders of their domain, but it brought a light scowl to the she-wolf’s otherwise pretty countenance. Loping forward, the dappled silver form of the newest Epoch recruit began to close the distance between her and the visitor—eager to ensure Tamar had the rest she required while nursing her new babes.

The new mother need not worry about such visits, and she held no doubt that the doting Arsenio was by her side as well for the moment. Epoch was small yet, and while she was of less use guarding the borders, she knew it best for the new parents to be with their young and one another as much as they could without enduring stress.

There, she came upon the large form of a golden and crimson wolf. The opposite of herself—and she swallowed down any apprehension and lifted her muzzle a notch, scenting him curiously while moving closer to him. “May I help you?”
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A pretty she wolf came at his call. Draped in tapestry of gold and silvers with warm eyes. Though she was thin. He eyed her as she neared him, keeping his stance Neutral and his tail against his legs. She was tiny. He dipped his muzzle towards her.

I'm Reyson from Mereo, sister pack to Epoch. He pointed down his muzzle to the rabbit meat at his feet.

I know it's not much, but I wanted to bring some meat for the new parents while they transitioned from each other to parentage. I am going to attempt to fell a deer or a goat later on. I'll drop that by as well.

He looked down at the 5 or 6 rabbits unsure if the female could carry such a load. It had been trick even for him to drape them over his shoulders and hocks. And her pelt was so pretty he'd hate to mar it up with blood and gore.

Would you like me to build a cache near the border edge?

He'd carry them in for her too if she wanted.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Hiding her thoughts and emotions wasn’t something Meadow did well, and so she studied the male with a great amount of skepticism as he spoke, her eyes drifting from his rather intimidating form to the pile of rabbits that lay at his paws. Mereo was not a pack she was familiar with, but it was apparent the visitor held knowledge of Epoch—not simply by stating the pack’s name but also that the leaders were busy with new life.

What brought a great deal of her skepticism, though, was his statement of felling a goat or deer by himself. He was hefty—sure—but wasn’t that a bit dangerous for a pack that wasn’t even your own? “All by yourself?” Her tone could not hide her disbelief as she blurted the question out before sucking in a sharp breath. Her muzzle tiltied only slightly before she tried to straighten herself, as if she could emanate some form of composure or confidence.

“Do you know the leaders here?” For now, she ignored his question regarding a cache—choosing instead to gain insight to his intentions.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson chuckled and shook his head. No. I am not that stupid. I have other comrades who would help if I asked I am sure.

Reyson didn't move and he quickly quieted. Clearly she didn't know him or his pack.

He lifted a wolfish brow and nodded. Yes Tamar and Arsenio. They are, our sister pack of mereo. I have filled caches with Tamar.

He nodded towards the rabbits. They were brought in good faith, but you can choose not to accept them. I'll take them to Mereo.

He shifted and bent to begin lifting the rabbits. He didn't know what else she wanted. He had been plain with his answers. Had told her why he was here. Had stayed neutral, had stayed kind.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He seemed affronted at her questioning, and it stirred a frown to her brows. She knew nothing of Mereo and was one of four adults within the pack ranks—one of two which was not a new parent and likely riddled with exhaustion. If his feelings had been ruffled by her questioning, she couldn’t find it within her to feel bad—her loyalty was to Tamar, her pups and her mate.

As such, the man seemed to pose no thread, and the silver arrow scoffed at his words, his motion to bend down and take the food away from her one question coming across to her as that of a pup.

Her eyes swept over him once more, and she shook her muzzle. “Tamar needs the nourishment. I would not turn food away from her.” She paused, waiting to see if he would object again to this statement. Perhaps, his assumed moodiness was that he was fatigued from his travels. She simply had no clue where this Mereo was.

“But I don’t think it wise to place a cache near our borders. We’re only four adults strong—I wouldn’t want it to draw the wrong attention.” She paused, grim at the prospect of sharing such information with another she did not know. “If Mereo is a sister pack to Epoch as you say, I’ll escort you within our borders and you can deliver the gift to an area closer to Tamar and her mate. Perhaps one of them will be able to venture over to say hello.” She was tempted to try to simply take the rabbits herself and deliver them to the nursing mother with a message, but there was no way she would be able to do such a thing by herself. This Reyson was indeed capable and much larger than herself.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ryeson was not affronted in the least, but he also didnt wish to cause her irritation and mistrust. And he didn't blame her her questioning. The nature of his slight irritation was answering her twice.

She didn't know him. So she didn't know he hadn't wanted to stir the pot as he had with Towhee. Whom had disliked that he had dropped off food, because he had been too near. He had wanted to be kind perhaps he should have sent a messenger requesting if he was allowed instead

He lifted the rabbits again to his broad back and stood to his large paws.

I will not linger if you're uncomfortable. I will drop the food and return to the borders to continue any conversation.

He frowned. :Perhaps I can speak with Germanicus to allow some of our soldiers to come help you and yours for a time. Like they do with Akashingo.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He lifted his gift to the new Epoch parents to his pack, a maneuver she had not witnessed before. Granted, the few Meadow had dared let in to her life for any duration had also not been as kind to strangers—nor as conversational.

As if to clear her head, the she-wolf gave a light stretch of her shoulders, head tilting to indicate the direction they would travel. There was a moment of awkwardness for her—should she offer to help assist him in carrying the load, where he already seemed prepared? Was it rude not to?

Overthinking in her usual manner, she instead averted her gaze solidly to the vale ahead, silver paws beginning to lead him in a direction more suitable for a cache and closer to Arsenio and Tamar’s hearth and home.

She was silent for a moment, contemplating his words over, before finally she stole a glance to him, honeyed eyes seeking his own icy gaze. “I’m new here.” Obviously, she added quietly. “Are the nearby packs troublesome? Would we need extra at our borders?”
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson managed not to get as much blood on his pelt at the head toss to put them upon his back. Were it larger game he'd have hit his knees and crawled under, but as it were they weren't.

He shook his head. We haven't had any trouble thus far. There are enemi3s further away. But i would hope they'd be too far away.

He tilted his head. I was new once too. Do you like it?

He wondered again at moving here. Towhee had told him he may fit. And it would help them also solidify their allyship. He was able bodied.

I apologize I didn't catch your name?
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Large, imposing, despite not trying to be. The male was swathed in gold and crimson—some of that to be sure, rabbits blood. It wasn’t quite what she envisioned her day including but here she was, a meek attempt at placing blind trust in another while possibly leading a lion to a den of newborns.

“I’m not privy to the politics between our packs but I can mention it to Arsenio or Tamar if you don’t see them before you leave.” The sun above warmed her coat, and she could only imagine how ragged and gritty her new companion felt, given the blood caked upon him.

Both questions were not necessarily unexpected, but she wasn’t entirely sure how to answer. She paused for a decent moment, chewing her lip for only a second before responding. “Meadow. My name is Meadow…” Engi, her mind chose to remind her, the masculine purr of the male’s voice who had named her so stirring a shiver up her spine, grief forming as a lump in her throat before she swallowed it back down. “It’s nice enough… Tamar is sweet and has kept me busy. Busy is good,” she offered, enough for conversation, but never enough to give way her inner feelings. “And you? What is Mereo like, and why are we sister packs?”
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson kept a respectable distance as they walked. Eyes forward, occasionally glancing to her at his side. But for the most part, he tried to stay polite, neutral and well smaller than he was. He did not wish her to find her trust at allowing entry second guessed.

Reyson shook his head. I don't know much more than we are sister packs. Two of our members were bound for your pack, before circumstances took that leave from them. But we still hold allyship. I met Tamar personally. I knew she was expecting and I wanted her to have something to eat when she was too tired to gather. And Though I'm not privy. I imagine women want their men near them as well when they have littles?

IT was not a question he expected an answer too. He was merely stating, his facts as he knew them.

Reyson frowned. Mereo is a militant pack. We are guardians, warriors, fighters. I do not know the history, but it seems that our leaders knew each other in times past. OF how or why I am not privy too. Above my rank. It is a nice pack, has it's routine.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
She swept past a tall tree, eyes glancing up to one of the chirping birds on the branches. Soon, winter would be upon them and the birds would be gone for a time—it was a silent time of year she dreaded. Somehow, though, there was a small spark in her chest that hoped it wouldn’t be as bad this year—not with a pack in the safety of the vale.

He commented on his assumption that mothers wished for the fathers to be nearby—spoken with the implication he was inexperienced as such. Her thoughts drifted to Tamar and Arsenio, considering—and then to her previous pack… where kindling relationships and closeness had not been a prevalent custom in their ranks.

Anything before the Watch had been irrelevant as well. Her family taken by flames—each pack disbanding within months of joining. Her jaw set, and she shrugged, a small sigh passing her lips. “I think… if you’re doing it right, then yes. I would assume a mother would want the father of their pups and her love nearby as often as she could to support her in those first few weeks.” A wry smile followed, tracing her lips but not meeting her eyes. “I’ve seen very little of that in my life, though. Tamar and Arsenio are a breath of fresh air.” And she would leave it at that, for now.

A militant pack did not surprise her—he seemed to be built for such a lifestyle. She could have questioned routine, but she dare not. It wasn’t her business. Instead, weaving forward, she came to a canopy of trees and mossy grounds, near enough to the lead pair to be of use, but distant enough that their visitor was not upon their doorstep. “We can make the cache here, if you think?”
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson followed her gaze to the trees. The song bird singing to it's love he imagined. Or saying goodbye to summer, which one he wasn't certain. Reyson didn't much mind winter, it was cold and it was harsh, but well you learned about yourself in those months.

He smiled. Glad to hear it. My parents before they were killed were that way. Very much in love. that was all he said on the matter. She didn't need to know that his former pack had killed them for him, or that they had loved him just as fiercely. That was just not something shared.

Reyson nodded his head. He allowed the rabbits to fall from his shoulders and slowly began to dig. Paws taking up large swatches of dirt and leaving a hole in it's wake. I have heard you can dry the pelts for soft places to sleep, but I am unsure how to do so.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Doe-like eyes regarded the male quietly as she attempted to hide her surprise by his words—a slip of insight to the wolf before her thought she doubted he intended it as such. She didn’t comment on it, his switch of the topic dropping the state of love his parents once had for each other indicating it was perhaps something he did not wish to dwell on, and so the silver lady dipped her muzzle lower, her own paws swiping away dirt and moss from @Tamar’s new cache.

Of course, his own larger paws were harder to maneuver about, and when she accidentally bumped into him more than once, sheepishly, Meadow would sit back a moment, a quirk in her lips her silent understanding that she was probably more of a hindrance than a help to the large wolf.

Instead, an ear flicked curiously at his statement of pelt drying, and she shifted to the rabbits, nosing one gently with consideration. “I’ve never done such a thing. I wonder if it’s the same as drying plants?” Her musing was quiet, her eyes sweeping from the man to a snap of branches just within the foliage, suspicion flaring in her chest suddenly.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson was growing accustomed to sharing more of his former life. He tried to hide the more unpleasant things and only share the good. Maxim had taught him that. He was growing into a better wolf, from talking with the younger male. He wasn't certain of his footing, always, but he was trying.

Reyson didn't mind her bumping into him, he simply moved to give her more room. Until she quit. He gave her a brief glance, but continued at his work. It would be done soon enough.

Reyson shrugged a broad shoulder. I am not sure. Something with water and fish, and then drying in the sun. It was not something I was interested in, though now i realize it was probably a skill that i could have used.

Reyson heard the noise too and immediately froze in his movements and head lifted quickly, eyes on the noise, ears forward. He backed up and moved to guard the female, hair along his ruff standing up. His body between hers and the possible threat. He lifted nose to sniff. Speaking quietly.

Does your pack have enemies, Meadow?

He drifted slightly forward to try and figure out what or whom was there.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Her nose would crinkle at the thought of fish—the question of what such a terrible smelling creature had to do with preserving something without making it stink just on the tip of her tongue before their interruption.

No sooner was the shudder of the foliage given did the sunborn beast place himself before her, and she felt exceptionally small in that moment. His question drew a light shake of her muzzle, her amber eyes steadfast upon the direction of the rustling noise. After all, she had only just learned of their alliance with Mereo.

Clearly, she had a lot to learn about her new home and companions.

Reason was like a boulder in front of her—assessing, unmoving, and also very much blocking her view. Ducking down and over, she tried to catch glimpse in the brush before them, finally noting the giant shake of the tall grass and shrub when finally, a pungent smell struck her nose and a porcupine came sauntering into view.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fish were foul it was true, but they did well for a meal in a pinch and they were easy to catch if you were skilled. And there was water places always. Fishing was an adept skill for all, he felt at any rate.

Reyson covered his nose with a paw, realizing what the creature was before it came into view and then he backed up quickly. But being mindful not to bump into the she wolf.

Ugh Porcupines. Those tails are deadly.

He kept his nose far out of reach, eyes looking around, trying to discern where they should go. Porcupines were usually pretty calm creatures if he could remember, but he had tried to avoid them. So his knowledge was limited.

He turned and looked to the she wolf. I'm afraid I don't know much about porcupines. How do we make it go away without getting nailed with it's quills?
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Reyson needn’t worry about plowing over the silver doe, her own back peddle taking her closer to the tree side she had abandoned earlier. She watched the bumbling creature, noting it seemed to be in no rush and then giving a mournful look to the rabbits and partly started cache.

She’d known hunters to try to hunt them—killed only when the soft flesh of their belly was broken. But she had never known anyone to do it without getting a face full of painful quills—and the stench the critter emanated was almost ghastly. “Maybe it will just go away,” she whispered in a hush, as if the porcupine was unaware of their presence—it wasn’t.

As it continued forward, poking about, Meadow eased closer to the tree, relaxing slightly when she realized if they left it alone, maybe it would leave them alone too? And then, “It’s kind of cute,” she mused quietly, studying it.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson noted that she had quickly backed up as well, with a small lift of the side of his maw. He followed her though, keeping eye on the creature, and a paw over his nose.

Reyson would never try to hunt such a thing, the smell alone made him ill. He couldn't imagine putting it in his mouth. He felt a strong urge to gag suddenly and forced it back .

I hope so. I'd like to finish the cache for you and I don't want to linger in your borders when they are not mine and your leaders are indisposed. It seems rude.

Reyson looked at her, eyes glittered once with amusement. It's cute?

He turned back to look at it. He supposed if you could get past the smell, and the ass spikes it was kinda cute.

I has a cute nose and beady little eyes, but that ass. He wrinkled his nose again.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He was eager to move on—and she was eager to have the cache in decent shape for Tamar… anything to assist a swifter recovery for the matriarch. Another idea began to spin in her mind for a moment, and her mouth opened, about to question him: “Hey, Reyson…”

But when the porcupine ambled closer, she chuffed softly, skirting further back around the tree trunk. She had no intention of getting a quill in her nose. Or anywhere in the vicinity of her face. But then he questioned her description of it, and she shot him a look, arching a delicate brow as her gaze drifted over to study it again with mild scrutiny. Beady eyes, pudgy body, a devil-may-care strut as it did whatever it wanted.

 “Yeah,” she decided, giving a nod to assert her answer as well. “It’s cute.”

”But that ass,” And that was when Meadow released a very non-delicate and non-lady-like snort of amusement, her eyes rolling up and a giggle following. “What is with men and asses?” 

And somehow, she had gone from being perturbed about the man’s sudden visit to being dangerously close to making a new friend… and she tried not to shy away at the thought.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson turned and lifted his eyes to hers. Yes Miss Meadow?

It seemed that she was about to ask a question, but of what he wasn't sure. If it got the uglyalright cute creature out of the way he was all for it. He'd do what he could. Even if it was possible he got a face full of prickles. He'd rather it was him than her, really.

Reyson stood still, eyeing the creature now with mild irritation. He was tired of backpedaling and trying to get away from it. Why was it being so irksome. He studied his paws. He wondered if he shoved it, quick enough to cut, but not get smacked could he get it out of the way. Then he eyed the creature taking note of it's form and where the spikes were. There were some chinks in it's armor, if he could aim for those....He lowered into a half-hunter position debating.

Though he was distracted by the giggle that had followed his words and he turned to her with a smile.

You really don't want to know, darling.

His eyes lighting up for a brief moment, before he was back at his stoic expression. Though truthfully if she did, he wasn't sure how he could answer her. Like what he could say you know it's just the form and the way it moves and what could be done. And he quickly cut off his thoughts. Turning back to the beast in front of him.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
After an answer like that, of course she wanted to know. But she managed to bite her tongue, instead, giving the man a slow and amused shake of her muzzle. Had they been on better terms, she just may have. Instead, amusement turned to minor alarm as he crouched, and the gentle shake of her head became more demanding. “No—don’t, what if it gets in your eyes?” Or his nose—his jaw? Even his paw?

That was when began to edge closer to him, as if she could talk better sense into the warrior if she were closer. And that was also when the porcupine’s casual amble began to slow, and it spun quickly once, whipping its tail as if it could suddenly sense the threatening thoughts.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Okay slight powerplay only because I can't imagine Reyson not doing something in this instance. I can edit and delete if you like just pm me.

Reyson saw her shake of her head. He was glad she didn't ask, because it was a conversation he didn't want to talk about, especially given the fact that he was very much an ass man. He hadn't decided what he was doing, just watching and waiting.

However, as her voice grew higher and she shook her head. The creature began to take notice. Reyson saw it as if in slow motion and with a growl he jerked forward and shoved her hard with his shoulder out of the way. The quills snapping across his jaw and face, around his eye. He snarled then and turned towards the creature.

Teeth splayed, fur bristled, face throbbing he snapped at the creatures beady eyes and small muzzle, again and again, drifting back until his maw was bloody. He stood still for a moment and then sighed. Letting his head droop slightly. Blood was welling down through his eye. and face. The creature dead at his feet.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
I'm good--let me know if you need me to change any minor PP or assumptions!

It was a flurry of motion. One moment, her nose would reach to touch his shoulder in a quiet quest to have him wait a moment—to find another way. Its tail would whip, but she would only feel the panic of the moment when she realized she couldn’t breathe for a stolen moment, the wind knocked out of her as the man’s large shoulder collided with her face and chest to push her from harms way.

There were snaps and snarls—Meadow finally regained air and she sucked it in with a startled gasp, though swayed. She stumbled, almost falling into the cache that had been started and only managed to catch herself before completely face planting.

Then there was silence, and ignoring the smarting ache of her cheek and chest, the silver doe rushed forward, all but ignoring the now dead and definitely no-longer-cute porcupine in favour for looking to Reyson and his injuries—the swell of quills causing her mouth to feel suddenly dry.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson had not meant to jar her so well, but he had needed to get her out of harms way. It was reflex. Normally he also would have been able to get himself out of the way, but not this time. Which that happened sometimes, even in war. Hence the scars that riddled him.

Reyson shifted as he saw her sway, but he couldn't get to her any quicker than he had already. And his face throbbed like a mother. He sighed again, and shifted, bending his head down to his paws, to measure how many quills were in his face with his paw.

He blinked at her, eye swelling shut and spoke. You're gonna need to pull them out as quick as you can. Can you do it? Or do I need to get Fennec or Aquene?

He shifted and looked her over. I'm sorry if I hurt you. He murmured.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected.