Redhawk Caldera up there, screaming β€” along with all of them.
136 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
tags for reference, aw!

His voice never came back.

But his strength came back in the wake of @Bridget's care to him β€” and he sought to better integrate into this place. Something he had witnessed was the way @Teya hunted the waters. It seemed so easy when she did it. Caches often filled by her ventures.

Today he attempted the same. Situated along the shore of the lake in the late afternoon.

makan cannot speak β€” i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
when the waters froze, teya was not sure how much of her skill would be applicable.
she had stayed up the night before to track deer, but had found herself dazzled by the stars, and remembered in that evening the passion she had always held for the skies.
she was exhausted but vibrant as she paused to watch makan with approval.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — siv
He did not know he was watched, not yet.

He was too focused on the water and looked for something. Anything.

The first glimmer that caught his eyes, he dove. Teeth snapped with a ferocity he had not used in sometime. He ached for it and when something filled his mouth besides the water, he wondered if he had bit down on his tongue.

Only he rose his head.

A fish hung from his jaws.

It was then he spotted Teya.

makan cannot speak β€” i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya was joyful. "good job!" she said to makan, laughing gently. "first time too!"
the raven came closer to inspect his catch, smirking. "i make you fisherwolf in brecheliant." she was quite approving, and saw the man inch closer to his status as their family.
136 Posts
Ooc — siv
He did not know the roles and ranks here.

Not in a true capacity, but he swung his tail and hips in wide waves of joy at her words.

Yes, yes! He could be a fisherwolf!

With what could nearly be described as a grin on his face, he placed the fish before her. Then returned to the water with an eager look.

makan cannot speak β€” i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she nodded at him with encouragement in her eyes.
"try again."
the raven crouched close, eyes bright with anticipation. she had discovered a grand love for teaching these past seasons.
136 Posts
Ooc — siv
Try again.

This time, excitement thrummed too heavy from him. When it came time to lunge for the fish, he found himself too early.

So when he reared his head back, it was drenched. Nothing to show for his diving.

But discouragement did not find him yet.

makan cannot speak β€” i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he fished. he struck. he seemed as dedicated to his task as she was.
and so she would stand in silent cheer of him, tail waving each time he pierced the surface of the water.
he showed promise for it. teya enjoyed this.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — siv


Perhaps he had exhausted himself for the day. Skill waning. His tail flicked with his silent frustration. Quickly beginning to pull himself from the waters.

Some small sense of shame bloomed.

makan cannot speak β€” i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"hey." she nosed along his shoulder. "you do well." her lips curved. "fishing hard. many days you go home with nothing."
her skill had taken many months to cultivate, years really.
"wanna do something else?" not hunting. not fishing.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — siv
Something else.

He lived for moments of activity nowadays. Too long had he spent lying around, healing, waiting. He could not vocalize it but his head and tail moved in ways to confirm his interest.

Anything was better than nothing.

makan cannot speak β€” i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
continue or fade? game for both! <3

she nodded. "i know place."
once upon a time, she had found a lovely facet of brecheliant along the hills, and here she led makan.
"go inside," she urged him. it was frequented enough to where no one else would dare to take up residence.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]