Ouroboros Spine turtle was asleep in the tall grass
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
It had felt as if life went on without him. He was here, of course; Mojag did not stray far from @Shikoba when she needed him, as he was dedicated to his mother in a way that dwarfed his attention to all others of the Spine. He did his best to be attentive towards @Inutsuk, although he was rarely alone with the man, and could not often find words to share with him - but he was as friendly as he could manage, and often busy. There was a time that Mojag would have sought out @Chakliux for stories from a hunter's mouth; but those days ceased the moment the man was sent away from the village, leaving Mojag a touch bereft. He felt detached from everyone else, and grew to miss his would-be mentor greatly. Perhaps it was this change which began his withdrawal.

Knowing, too, that his birthday had come and gone sometime during the passage in to spring, he had the inclination that some part of him was indeed missing. If it was the hunter's spirit (in the form of his friendship with Chakliux), if it was something more paternal (which had been missing for far longer), or something more far-reaching (and when he thought hard enough, he thought of Heda, and @Bartholomew, and the isle), Mojag could not be certain. He knew of many changes to the village which came after. That one of the girls had taken a husband and had departed, for instance.

And here he stayed. Here, beside his mother. He hunted with her, he watched for dangers that never came to the village limits, and he felt his spirit stagnate.

Once, Mojag had spoken vaguely of his desire to be different. He had been afraid to speak against his mother's lifelong pursuit to be a hunter, and had allowed himself to fall in line with that which she expected of him; he did not think to go against that now, especially knowing that their family would soon grow by many mouths; he would be a big brother soon! Mojag could not disperse from the village in good conscience, knowing he was the man of the family (as he had steeply discounted his father's role, given his poor relationship with the man). It would be up to Mojag to teach his siblings to hunt, to protect, and to find their place! As excited as he was for the future, Mojag found himself unsure - even dreading it, to some degree.

Thus his days passed with mediocrity front and center. He took longer treks around the village limits; his hunts often went without spoils; and slowly, he became more distant from even Shikoba - choosing to sleep beneath the stars somewhere high upon the mountain, or down among the foothills, rather than near her ulaq. His bed (made with many scrapes to the soil) could be found some mornings - although on this particular one, he was still laying lethargically bundled against the dirt.

The bright voices of many song birds lilted from the trees, as they had been singing since sun-up; but he did not appear interested in them, laying there with a distant expression upon his glum face.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
am i stealing this absolutely :) Tag for ref

Rodyn trekked between villages. He had permission from @Kukutux to traipse through Moonglow. Today he was moving some more of the furs amd such he'd gotten from all his hunting. It was slow work, and the man was growing tired. His fur was windswept and a bit tangled. Only cause he'd not had the time to clean it.

Today he came across Mojag and he remembered the conversation between himself and Shikoba and based by the dull look in the boys eye, she hadn't spoken to him yet. She would need too soon. Affirm with him that she was proud of him even if he didn't follow the path of hunter.

So it was with kindness Rodyn stopped today. Carving a place in his life for the boy now a man as he always had tried to do. He hadn't done as well as he planned.

Mojag! He called out with a hearty sound. A smile on his face, yellow eyes aglow with happiness.

There was a sweep of his tail. With him he brought both the scent of the ocean and forest. A mixture of loam and salt.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Of all the people he might have anticipated finding him there, Rodyn was one of the few he had not expected in the slightest! The sensation of stomping feet shuddered the earth and made Mojag at least vaguely aware that someone was passing by - but he did not look up, even when his name was called, and finally flicked an ear when the stranger was close enough for their shadow to dance across his own face. He blinked, looking up finally to the man, and realized he had been distracted by his many layered thoughts.

Rodyn! Hello. The boy croaked softly, lifting himself to a sitting position that was more amicable than his lazy bundle. The man carried scents of the sea which made Mojag's spirit yearn for the island all over again! It was strong and familiar, and Mojag felt suddenly so heavy with something bordering nostalgia, maybe regret; and then guilt! How could he be yearning for the place where he had been lost? What an insult that was to his own mother! So he stowed the feeling as best he could, and plastered a smile upon his face that looked entirely rehearsed.

You've been away, the boy remarked, lamely. He knew of the man's marriage, and of the dispersal of Rodyn with Samani. It was one of those things the women of the village spoke about often, of late. —do you like it? The seaside, I mean. Wherever it is you've chosen for your village. The image of the isle Mojag had created in his mind's eye had never felt so strong, and so far away.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
i should be sleeping lmao i have to work today, but i am up :(

Rodyn tried not to abuse the fact that he could come and go. Right now though, it was mere movement and he was only one. Samani helped when she could, but she was also building their home and relations with packmates.

A brighter smile and a dip of muzzle down. He looked over the reddened youth, fearful that his apathy had grown to deep, but he was trying. Though it was clear it didn't ring true his smile, his gaze. That spoke volumes for the character of the youth. Though, it felt painful when Rodyn thought of it. To be so filled with duty to something you didn't exactly want. It was a bit unfair.

He nodded. We chose a plateau near yhe sea with the forest at its back. You can see the mountain from there, but also the sea. Just a day or two walk to moonglow. This way I have the forests I love and Samani has the ocean she loves.

Rodyn bent his head to tug at some of the snarls in his fur. I apologize if I look a fright. I've been back and forth to gather all our things. You should come visit us! You are even welcome to stay for a time if you'd like. Or permanently if you'd want.

Rodyn remebered that he'd been found near the sea. We are like Moonspear a faction of moonglow. Still moonglow pack, just under new name and new place, but all members of moonglow have free rein of our pack lands.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Again he felt as if he had been left behind, which he knew to be untrue, and borderline ridiculous! Yet he felt it all the same. Chakliux was gone, Rodyn had gone now too, and slowly things were settling in place, different in many ways; Mojag did not yet know he felt such jealousy, and that was what caused his spirit such distress. To think that he had been the first to venture away from the village! Even if it had been to seek out a man he had failed to hunt down, he had done it, and he had survived it, and now he was home again - to watch as others left, to forge their own paths.

Rodyn spoke fondly of this place he now called home. It was an extension of their village, different too, but a sister-place, or a brother-place; and with kindness Rodyn welcomed Moonglow! He offered the boy a time to stay, be it temporary or not, and Mojag found himself enamored by the idea. To see the ocean again! To be far from home, but not too far! A free spirit, able to visit both villages as the desire might come to him. It was a tremendous offer that thrilled Mojag - but he also thought of his mother, and his duties (despite his recent lassitude towards them).

I would like to see it. The boy found himself agreeing, even smiling now with a more genuine manner. You know, when I was gone from the village - I was on an island? I learned to fish there! And more than fish, there are birds and their eggs, and crabs, and sometimes these things called turtles which are slow-moving - they look like shifting stones, he bubbled over with knowledge, and then took notice of how he rambled, which stalled him.

Ah, I'm sure by now you've seen some things. He had not meant to be so boisterous; but his love of the island have usurped his lethargy for that moment, and now receded like its own tide. He was quiet, and wiggled his toes in the dirt, dropping his gaze.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn could see that Mojag was distressed, but for what. He wasn't certain. Had he known what the boy felt, he could have probably put it into words for him to understand what he was feeling. Though he loved the wolves of moonglow, he did notice they were quite reserved with their emotions at times, where he was in your face with them on his sleeve, but theirs came from a good place. A place to please family. This he too could understand.

Rodyn offered the path with kindness. But he also knew that in this Shikoba may be alright. To know where her child was, but he would also be happy. Though he wouldn't say this.

I had known you were found near the sea.

Rodyn moved forward and nudged the boys shoulder if he allowed. Please know Mojag you need not hide away what you love with me. As for all of those things. I have not ever seen them. I know how to fish in rivers, but not the ocean and i do not know what these other things you speak of are. You must show me if you'd like too. I would want to learn it.

There was a shift in his shoulders. He was glad Mojag had found a love for the island and he was dismayed that he felt he couldn't share it with those he cared about.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He had taken the seaside as a home, yet he did not know of crabs?

Mojag was surprised by this! Maybe it was the work that kept Rodyn from seeing all the minutae of his new home. It could be that the man was so busy being husband to his new wife, in whatever capacity that entailed, that he did not yet know of the bounties the seaside could hold. The boy was immediately pleased with himself for knowing so much, as that came rarely these days, and yet he also felt disjointed. He knew so much and could not utilize it! His desire to be helpful was so great - and so he was at war within himself, all over again.

To stay and be a brother, or to go and be a man! Mojag had much to think about. He needed his mother's guidance above all, he thought, and looked over one shoulder as if Shikoba might appear; but he had slept so far from her lately that he knew he'd have to track her down. His thoughts were many, heavy things.

When he'd focused enough to seek Rodyn's eye again, Mojag was in better spirits. Perhaps I will visit. I could show you things, teach your village? Still, there was apprehension. I love the sea, and I miss the island. Maybe your village would be a better fit for me - but I also have to speak with my mother. I am to be a brother soon, and I cannot abandon her like that, or -- or those that have yet been born. It felt odd to think of them this way! His brothers and sisters, whoever might be here in the future.

But I would like to show you. I think... I think I could be happy, doing that.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The ocean was not the home that Rodyn had envisioned for himself. So it was a period of learning he would need to go through to live near the coast. But he was looking forward to it.

You can teach us all you want too, and you needn't stay all the time if you don't wish to. Our friend Heph. She is part of our pack numbers, but she roams far and wide. Making allies and bringing friends and news.

Rodyn smiled and nodded his head. I understand.

A small movement of happiness. I will be glad to learn from you, Mojag!
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
It appeared they had a plan of action, now. Mojag was glad to have something he could excell at, and knew that once he got the ball rolling on lessons he would find some spark of enjoyment - but it all came down to what Shikoba had to say. He felt guilty for having such strong feelings and ideas when he should have been focused on his mother, his coming siblings, and everything else within Moonglow.

I will talk to my mother first. I may only come to visit, but even so - I am glad for the opportunity. He smiled again, infected in part by Rodyn's own good humor. There was a tendril of dread creeping within Mojag as he thought of the confrontation required, and how best to speak to his mother. What if she didn't want him to go? He couldn't abandon the family, and her, the way his father had. He wanted to make sure his siblings knew of him - he wanted to be a man, for them, the way his father never had.

Thank you again, Rodyn. He gave the man a small nod of his head, his ears sliding back atop his head in a moment of submission before the soon-to-be alpha, and his friend. So concluded their discussion - and Mojag went off from there, leaving his sleeping place and seeking a path to the ulax.