Sleepy Fox Hollow Sea King
Gentle doesn't mean weak
869 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Though Etienne knew he should feel some sort of shame for the way he had behaved with the youth Anselm. He found he didn't. He felt the boy had deserved exactly what he got at least this time. But Etienne had realized a few things after this confrontation and none of them were necessarily a good thing.

The first thing he loved women, they raised him, taught him, kept him. But he didn't love women. No, he found that he liked males. He saw nothing wrong with this, but he would keep it to himself for a time. Because well he just wanted too and felt he needed too where he knew no one.

The second thing. Anselm was going to make his life hell and he'd have to eat his sour grapes, because he had given in and let his hot blood speak for itself. Foolish he was, just as he had called the lad.

The final thing. He'd have to ignore him, because that is what the boy wanted. A reaction. He wanted Etienne to be miserable, he wanted him to be treated poorly, possibly even oust him. And Eti was determined not to let that happen. So it was with determined air, that he began to seek out the plants that could heal. And learn what he could of what lay in the meadows and areas around.
114 Posts
Ooc — Meri
The sleepy fox hollow was a prime herb gathering location. Many different types of flora and fauna made their home in the valley. Meridian saw it as a place to further practice her studies, and perhaps set up a trading post, when enough supplies were collected. They were wolves here, yes, but she had no quarrel with them, and saw no reason that they couldn't share the plentiful supplies.

As she went around, foraging, Meridian came across the young wolf. He had a sense of determination to him, but also an underlying sadness. What is it, that troubles you so? The coyote inquired with a gentle but curious tone, as to not upset him further.
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
Gentle doesn't mean weak
869 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Paleo is territorial so is Meridian across the border? If not I'll edit.

This place was full of herbs and plamts of all kinds. Etienne could spend a liftime studying and still not possibly know all of which lay ensconced here.

He hadn't been among them long, but he knew enough to know that outsiders were not allowed in the pack lands and when he saw the coyote his gusrd was up.

Tail up over his back and a loud growl. You are not to 'ere. Pack lands. Leave or else.

Honestly, he'd normally be fine with a conversation, but she had passed into the pack lands. And he was already on rocky footing because of the beautiful, indomitable and irritating Anselm.
114 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Yep! She's trespassing.

Meridian frowned. She had approached with kindness, and the young wolf had reacted with hostility. Pack lands, he said. Meridian had never understood the wolf concept of "your land, my land", especially in a place of plenty. Why? Am I doing any harm? Silly wolves!
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
Gentle doesn't mean weak
869 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne gave a soft growl again and nodded.

Unfortunately you are and if you don't leave the borders i will 'ave to attack you. Please.

He moved forward ready to attack her if he needed. But he hoped she'd go to the edge and he could continue conversation. He could tell her if she got permission to be here from @Mahler she could be here. Otherwise teeth and claws.
114 Posts
Ooc — Meri
The young wolf stayed firm on his decision of having her leave the territory. As if using "please" makes you sound polite, silly wolf! And yet the threat of an attack deterred her from staying much longer. Meridian was sure that she could hold her ground in a fight, but something so trivial needn't be a cause for bloodshed. As if a little coyote would deplete the pack's whole food and herb source, she thought. With an eye roll, Meridian trotted back towards the border, keeping an eye on the persistent wolf. She would just sneak back in later, when nobody was watching.
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
Gentle doesn't mean weak
869 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He followed her to the edge amd if she'd listen he'd speak. But he also wouldn't blame her one whit if she ran off.

Pack territory. But if you get permission from de leader Mahler per'aps you can be 'ere. 'E be a 'ealer like me and i be guessin' like you.

He thought she'd been lookingvfor herbs. He looked her over with soft sad eyes making sire she wasn't hurt and that was her reason for trespass, but she seemed fine.
114 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Sorry for the wait! I have been a bit overwhelmed.

Annoyed, Meridian heaved a dramatic sigh as the young wolf tried to explain who and where she should get permission from. Permission to simply be here. Pack territory, he said. Idiot territory. Meridian knew that wolves could hardly be convinced to change their ways, and yet she tried to enlighten him with her opinion. Why so territorial? Surely much bloodshed could be averted if you simply share. A healer he said he was. What a healer you are, threatening to bite my tail off mere moments ago. Healer, trader, traveler. I don't put a label on myself and my job.
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
Gentle doesn't mean weak
869 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No worries.

Because it is de way of tings. I don't keep you out. Den i get in trouble and I just got 'ere myself. And already found a wolf or two dat don't be likin' de way i be. I would probably agree, but I am neider a leader nor 'igh on the 'ierarchy.

he shifted. I just be learnin' I know a bit. Granme passed dough she was de one teachin'
114 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Meridian pricked her ears in interest. It seems as if you don't like this either. Why is it that others are so stingy? She dipped her head in respect as he spoke of those who had passed. I am sorry for your loss. Where did your paws lead you from?
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
Gentle doesn't mean weak
869 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti shrugged bony shoulders. I be afraid I don't be knowin'

A sad smile and twitch of an ear. T'ank you i come from de sea. I be sea born.

He looked sround the hollow was very different from his home. However, it was ne essarily a bad thing.