Moonspear Here with you
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 

Rodyn had gotten the news. After informing @Heph he'd be gone for a few days. He jeaded straight for the spear. Fear and worry aetting flame to his paws.

He knew how T.K. felt about wolves. And he wouldn't let them be alone. He rushed towards the Ulaq only long enough to tell @Sialuk he was there. Then he slipp3d into the Ulaq.

Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
horror! badness!! awfulness!!! tk voiced all these with loud cries of a dog being fried alive--

and when a shape obstructed the wolfhole's entryhole the sprinter stiffened still as if any coming to reply wasn't part of the plan.

( it wasn't )

rigidness remained for a long long moment as heart picked up the pace thrumming in the tightening ribcage--



such happiness overtook himher shehe leapt tail wagging wild---

frozen legs tangled in limbs and bedfurs and tk fell and tumbled onto the dirt tail still ablur.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn rushed firward to help T.K. up. A small chuckle deep in his throat.

Hey T.K.

He wanted to hug the little dogbeast, but he knew T.K. was the one that needed to initiate any physical touch

But he made sure to be near with a smile and friendly demeanor.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
rodyn's presence rodyn's voice like warm carpet or biscuit snack for good behavior.

hey! hey! hey! punctuated by little barks as sprinterdog untagled legs from skinfurs.

still shehe couldn't stand even though heshe tried to, fumbling stumbling sliding down onto ground looking up with big happy smile at rodyn tongue poking out panting tail wagging.

ileftileft- butireturned! areyouhappy? i'mhappy!

tail beating the ground thwack thwack thwack.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The little dog beast tried to get to him and couldn't. So Rodyn met them. He settled to his haunches first and then his belly. His nose and front paws within reach of T.K. the rest was up to them.

I'm happy you're back. I was worried. What have you been doing?

Delight in his yellow eyes. Patience deep within. Happy to lidten to the adventures of the little dogbeast he cared about so much.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
rodyn rodyn rodyn rodyn-

ibeentostreets! perk of ears. i- i- iatetrash!

i- i-ittastebad. sad flop. notgoodlike- likefreshbloodkill.

tk rolled onto herhis back, tongue still out, panting with excitement.

but!! ic- c- catchraccoon! a-andiburiedraccoon! likerodyntaught!  


humansdon'tlike- don'tlikewhereiburiedraccoon.

theysend- sendpolecatchpeople!! butiwasfast! iranforwoods, iranranranran- itwascoldandsnowbuti-

irantowhereiwasbefore. wherewaswolves. andcoyotes. a- andfreshbloodkill.

was- wasgonnafindrodyn. gonnafind- mntide!! butcouldn't-- couldn'tfind- sea. soi- soilookedformountain. wherewhitewolf - khkhktx!! - lives!

butwasveryverycold. couldn't- couldn'truninsnow. wasveryhungry. verycold. butisawmountain! b-bigwolfbeastsayisfirendofrodyn. putmehere. likelastwinter!!

isthis- isthiskhkhtxmountain?? d- d- d- doesmntidelivehernow??

each pause was a loud wheeze.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn wasn't entirely sure what trash orcstreets were. Other than not good and tasted bad.

Good job. Proud of you. How wonderful that T.K. was able to use skills he himself had taught. But people. Now there was a fear even the large wolf knew. They hurt and killed.

Rodyn smil3d. You did so good T.K..

He shook his head. ,This is moonspear. One of Kukutux's daughters are leader here. Sialuk. But they came and gor me to take you back to moontide if you want to go?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
if rodyn's presence was happiness, rodyn's praise was joy joy joy- it felt like tk's tail would wag right off hisher butt!!

yes! shehe yipped, bounced to stand- and sprawled on the ground again. still did nothing to quell the joy, or more trembling attempts to stand on limbs still paleskinned and bloodless, muscles thin and weakened.

i- i- icomewith! igoseesea! seesea? sea! another failed try and the same persistent smile. iseemntid! a- a- and, uh, uh, heff! andsamaniwife!!

joy joy joy.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Danni
T.K was so happy to see him. Rodyn couldn't help the joy that snaked into his heart and leaped along his soul. How he cared for this little dog beast that he had found half-dead.

Though the sadness soon permeated and Rodyn had to bow his head for a minute. You can certainly see Heph. But Samani wife has passed away. She died while having our children. But we have two little boys Rolayne and Panuk.

It hurt to say her name, but he knew T.K. would not understand. And he shot a request to Sedna to forgive him this once.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.