Noctisardor Bypass Let me be your light.
46 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
All Welcome 
Kikimora was curious about the Spring sunshine that sent rays cascading into the entrance of the den. She sat for a time, watching the way specks of dust glittered in the gilded light. She wondered if it had always been there, warming the hollow where she had her siblings had spent the entirety of their short lives.

A tiny white feather drifted across the den floor, drawn to the tunnel where the adults frequently cane and went. Kikimora lifted her stormy gaze to follow it's movement, then shakily pulled herself up on wobbly limbs as it vanished into the unknown beyond.

Suddenly, she had to see.

Carefully she stumbled forward, enough to poke her head outside and squint her sensitive eyes against the fierce morning light.
32 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Goldfinch and her goldfinch were never far from one another, even now that she'd returned to the den with her siblings. Most often the bird lurked just outside, dodging the adults, and of course that meant that Goldfinch often stole away to visit her feathered friend.

What she did not expect was to find her sister ahead of her. Goldfinch slowed in her own trek toward the den entrance to sniff over Kikimora, head tilting with curiosity. Was she going to visit the bird too?
Typically accompanied by a male American goldfinch.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hoping to get caretakers specialty, but if you'd rather it can be cameo and he can simply be watching let me know.

Etienne sort of kinda hated Anselm and Heda's children. Simply because they were those two. But he knew as he got to know all the children this would dissipate. Because he was a gentle beast and had always loved children. Even now his heart was slowly thawing towards Druids children at least.

The two girls would find him much as goldfinch had the day of her adventure. Sitting quietly and patiently watching the world go by.
46 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Kikimora, likewise, had not expected to find another of her siblings beyond the threshold of the den. She observed Goldfinch's approach, blinking up into her sister's face with surprise to see her there.

Her focus shifted to another who lounged nearby. He was an adult, sitting and seemingly watchful of the clearing beyond the hollow she'd been born to, and on awkward limbs the white-tipped whelp stumbled closer to investigate.
32 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Goldfinch's gaze followed her sister's to the man. She recognized him immediately. Intrigued by his presence here, she too crept closer, steadier on her feet than her small sister.

Unafraid but cautious all the same, she moved close enough to sniff him. He smelled the same as he had last time she saw him. Hm.
Typically accompanied by a male American goldfinch.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was soon sniffed by the two little girls. Goldfinch he knew. The other one he didn't quite know her name yet. He made a mental note to ask the childrens names.

Bonjou, ti Queens

He twitched his nose and sniffed them back. Golden eyes warm amd steady on them. Only occasionally glancing up at the little bird that flitted around.
46 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
At once, Kikimora knew she liked this one. When she was done exploring the scents he carried on his furs, the littlest girl blinked up into his face. He was made of warm hues and his eyes were kind; she blinked slowly, satisfied to share his company.

She followed his earthen stare upward, to the gilded wingbeat of a finch. Kikimora lifted her velvet ears, appreciating the sound of birdsong as it settled on a branch to regard the trio.