Sun Mote Copse I still feel our fragments rush
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
All Welcome 
With nothing to hold her back now, Wildfire let her needs take over and requested @Eljay's attentions as often as he was willing to give them. They were both quite tired out by the end of the day, collapsing together in a heap on an open patch of stiff winter grass. Especially after the restless night prior, Wildfire slept like the dead, stirring only when morning sun once more crept over the two of them.

She sat up and winced a little at the sweet ache of her muscles. She assumed a sphinx-like position, blinking out at the copse. She really ought to call @Kiwi and @Sequoia here and ask them to delegate some tasks while she was otherwise preoccupied. Wildfire wouldn't be able to tend the borders for another few days, plus it was simply best if she kept to herself (and her partner). She would need the rest of the pack's help to pick up the slack.

But for now, she enjoyed the morning stillness. She looked over at Eljay, her expression soft despite a flash of fear. There was no taking any of this back. And in the quiet, she wondered if it was wrong to have done this with him, if he really felt the way she suspected, knowing she didn't feel the same way. Yet, Wildfire reminded herself, reaching out her smudged snout to nuzzle his temple. It was meant as a brief and affectionate gesture, though she could feel his scent beginning to drive her wild again.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Everything had gone so fast. Eljay hadn't quite pictured it this way. If anything, he would've hoped for more time: time so that he could get adjusted to the weird and confusing feelings that Wiffle was making him feel. So that he could figure out what would happen, how to proceed, things like that. But Wiffle's heat and desire to breed had changed everything. Eljay would've liked to have waited but now there was no going back. Only forward. Oh gosh, what would he even tell mommy and daddy when they arrived at the copse?

But for now Eljay relished the time they had together, with just the two of them, while trying his best to push all of the thoughts to the background. He looked at her and smiled when she nuzzled him. His tail wagged a few gentle beats.

He opened his mouth to ask about what they'd tell the others, then reminded himself that he wanted to enjoy what time they had together rather than worry. So instead he looked out over the peaceful-looking copse, imagining how beautiful it'd be when it was filled with flowers, grass, sun and puppies. Eventually he said: Raven taught me a lot about um, pregnancy and that stuff, so I'm gonna make sure they'll -- you'll be healthy. It went without saying really, but somehow he wanted to say it anyway. Wiffle might not know all the stuff Raven had taught him. I like just... This, just being together with you. It's like being alone, but better. Which seemed a pretty silly and duh kind of statement, if it'd come from anyone else. But for Eljay, social things were often quite heavy. With Wiffle it felt good, even though he also had the crazy urge to do everything perfectly for her.
565 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Guess what? Wildfire might not have called Kiwi, but that didn't mean the over-attentive girl wasn't gonna seek  her out.  She hadn't seen her all day, which was odd, and she kinda also didn't want to spend the night alone what with everything that was happening.  She stayed with Sequoia sometimes but tonight she was feelin the need for some mom time.

She tracked her down rather easily, confused by the odd strength of her presence but also not really learned in that stuff just yet.  When she popped over outside the nest, though, it became apparent mom wasn't alone.

Mom?  Uh.... are you ok?  She was hiding out over here with... Eljay? Instead of patrolling around and checking on things and that immediately made her think something was wrong.
Kiwi will internalize lies and twist things to her benefit until this becomes her reality.  Her thoughts are not my own <3
408 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Idk why Seq is all about bathroom humor, but it amuses me.

Sequoia, having no idea that Kiwi was trying to find Wildfire, ended up tracking her down and came up behind her right as Kiwi spoke. She didn't know Eljay well (or at all, really), but she knew he was highly ranked and had known Wildfire since they were children. There was a slightly odd smell in the air, but Seq didn't think much of it, not wanting to embarrass anybody by asking who farted. Besides, what if it was her who had farted and was giving off the smell?
No longer speaks Trigedasleng regularly.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Before she could propose they go for another round, Eljay said something so sweet that it sent a rush of warmth through her slender body that had nothing to do with arousal. It meant a lot to her that he was so dedicated to looking out for her and their unborn offspring. The comment about her company made her feel fuzzy too. She knew Eljay didn't feel comfortable easily or often, so it meant a lot that he felt that way with her. Wildfire would do her best to maintain this serene vibe between them.

"I'm really enjoying you too," Wildfire said, a little gleam in her eye at the extremely subtle double entendre. "Would y—" she began to ask when Kiwi's sweet face popped into view. The Sovereign felt herself flush. She and Eljay weren't even in a compromising position but she felt like they'd been caught red-handed, perhaps because she'd been two seconds away from inviting him to mount her again.

"Kiwi!" she greeted, pushing herself upright to walk over and adding, "Seq!" when she saw her adopted daughter behind Kiwi. It was still a little hard to smile, though she managed a soft one for her girls. "Yes, everything's fine. I'm sorry I've been away so long. I went to visit your Aunt Rave, then, ah, my body decided it was time to go into season." She was pretty sure Portia had gone over this stuff with them back at Drageda, though Wildfire was prepared to answer any questions they might have.

She sneaked a peek over at Eljay while she waited, gesturing for him to come stand beside her if he liked. They weren't really mates and they didn't share a rank. But they were partners now, nonetheless.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt warm inside when Wiffle said that she was enjoying him too, totally missing any double entendres. She was about to ask him something, and she got the bedroom eyes look on her face again. Eljay didn't really feel like doing the deed again and admittedly was a little uh, sore, too. He liked showing he cared about Wiffle, and it made him feel good to some degree, he supposed, though he'd enjoy going flower picking equally much, if not more.

Anyway, before she could finish her question and he could find out whether or not she was going to ask for more, they were interrupted. Eljay visibly startled and made a little jump, then turned to see that it was only Kiwi. He'd liked her when they'd met before. It occurred to Eljay on some level this might all be different now but he liked to think that things were still okay.

Hiya Kiwi, he said and he forced a smile. Another approached, but Eljay didn't remember if he'd met her at the meeting right away. Was it Sequoia..? Eljay nervously wondered if Wiffle would tell them about what they'd done and if so, what she'd even tell them. Because he was a little fuzzy on the details himself, still. As Wiffle gestured, Eljay stepped forward to stand awkwardly by Wiffle's side and he waited to see their response to Wiffle's words. And, more importantly, what more Wiffle would tell them.
565 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh,  Kiwi began.  Then the words clicked and she froze.  Oh.  It hadn't really occurred to her yet that heat was a thing that could happen to everyone, every year, because she hadn't had her own yet.  But Portia had filled them in on most aspects, and as Wildfire spoke of her season, Kiwi immediately knew what she and Eljay might be up to.  Not the specifics, because no way did she want to think of that with her mom.  But... the whole more pups thing.  With Eljay.

Unsure how she felt about that, she figured it might be best to kinda... duck out.  Ok.  As long as your ok, we'll... go check on things.  She glanced at Sequoia, then moved to hightail it out of there.
Kiwi will internalize lies and twist things to her benefit until this becomes her reality.  Her thoughts are not my own <3
408 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sequoia looked puzzled for a moment, but it sunk in quickly enough. Her tail waved excitedly behind her, and she nodded understandingly with a wide smile. That meant there would probably be little Wijays running around! Thrilled by that thought, she gave Wifi and Eljay both a nod of approval, then sped off after Kiwi.
No longer speaks Trigedasleng regularly.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
The girls were intelligent; it didn't take long for them to deduce what exactly was going on here. Wildfire felt herself blush a little beneath her fur, then tried to distract herself by opening her mouth to ask Kiwi and Sequoia to do a few things while she was out of commission. But the older Honoree beat her to the punch, saying she would go check on things. And before the Sovereign could specify anything she needed done, they both took off into the distance, leaving her alone with Eljay once more.

With a quiet snort of amusement, Wildfire turned to him. "I guess that could've gone a lot worse," she mused, cocking her head. "Where were we?" she added in the next breath, quickly forgetting all about the brief interruption as she sidled closer to him and pressed her smudged snout against his hip, a coyly flirtatious prod.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Kiwi seemed neutral about it all, and a little awkward about walking in on them, while Sequoia looked.. happy? Eljay smiled at them, super sheepishly and a little uncomfortable, as they agreed to take care of things without Wiffle even having to ask. Thanks, Eljay murmured as they offered to 'check on things', glad they seemed okay with this all. Wiffle seemed to agree that it could have gone worse, and Eljay mused, Do you think they'll... Will they like being older siblings? Eljay had loved being one, so he couldn't imagine they would not. Sequoia had seemed happy enough about it, too. Yeah, it'd probably be fine. But he asked anyway, because he did not know them like Wiffle, of course.

Wiffle herself seemed more eager to get back to the.. thing.. deed.. it. Oh, he mumbled, then, as Wiffle proded him, Oh! Eljay didn't necessarily need more of the deed but if it would make Wiffle happy then he would gladly serve. He smiled softly at her, feeling butterflies flit through his stomach, and moved in to nuzzle her neck, getting ready for more, uh, kerflompling.

fade? :)