Hushed Willows Would I run off the world someday?
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Pack Activity 
Takes place on a quiet, clear evening on the 28th. All souls have been informed of the initiation in some way or another and should have their offerings ready already. There is a posting order, though please do include if your character can be skipped in your post so this thread can move quickly (this goes especially for the ones NOT being initiated and just there to participate/watch). The ones being initiated are: @Eleuthera @Dante @Valiant @Stryx and @Caw . Cameos of other faeries are encouraged once the bathing section begins. Special tag for @Kincaid who wanted to watch and/or participate as well but is not officially part of the pack. Being vague about what happened the day before with Donovan.

Though her thoughts wandered off to yesterday and her confrontation with Donovan, it was a time of celebration. She'd decided the souls would go through initiation before a war broke out, as they'd be able to fight and stand as a unit of faeries then. None would feel excluded anymore and if they must die, they'd be dying as one of the fae folk.

The queen had prepared the Weeds of Wisdom already as soon as she'd given the souls the task of finding their offerings earlier that day. It was one of the few plants she recognized and could harvest without help. She'd placed them before the moon-pool in their Cave of Wonders where the ritual would be taking place. The water was a comfortable temperature for how warm the summer was becoming, so that was going to be no problem.

She stood outside the cave, tipping her head back to release a call for those being initiated and all those that wished to participate in the grooming - or wished to observe.
the rambler
109 Posts
Ooc — Sully
Kincaid arrived on the scene with his tail wheeling, holding a rabbit that was still kicking weakly within his jaws. He gave it a rough shake before dropping it before Lumiya, looking up appreciatively at the mouth of the cave, dark nose twitching to try and detect what sort of landscape could be found just beyond.

When it seemed he was the first to arrive, he gave Lumiya a little nod before singing to his belly to wait, tail still whisking gently over the ground. He was very interested in this ceremony, and in the 'faeries' as a whole.
* Kincaid is obviously not a shibe in a cowboy hat. Just a regular, reddish wolf. His avatar is just a silly spiritual portrait.
228 Posts
Ooc — Rosie Partytime
Eleuthera spent all day preparing her offering. She was insistent that she do this alone, and spend the day alone, for what today stood for was no small deal for her. Eleuthera was dutiful and loyal, as evidenced by her lifetime with Séamus, and she took her promises very, very seriously. This pledge she was taking for the willows, for Seelie Court, was a life-bond decision for her. As long as there was something here worth protecting, she would place her life on the line to ensure it was kept safe from the powers in the world that might stoop to abuse it.

Bears, cats, and wolves alike.

Kincaid was here, and he supported her in this, so Eleuthera found that she had very few reservations about taking part in the initiation ceremony. At this moment, no part of her wanted to run. Instead, a calling to stay rushed to fill her, and finally use her skills and tact to better the group as a whole, for once.

Eleuthera took heed of the Queen’s call the moment Eleuthera perceived it dancing upon the air — she half trotted, half sprinted to the location the ceremony and rituals would take place (was there no place in the Hushed Willows that she wasn’t intimately familiar with?) and padded up to the scene quite merrily, rabbit swinging in her jaws, laughing when she saw that Kincaid had hunted and brought a fat summer hare as well.

The lilac woman was astounded that the cowboy was participating, to be honest — but he had expressed interests in the Faeries, in a capacity that was larger than something she solely influenced. Whether it was for her, or whether it was simply to slake his thirst for experiences (and another interesting story to tell), Eleuthera found herself profoundly grateful for the man; that she could go through this experience with him by her side. She always had done better, was more confident, as a duo. Perhaps now she would be even greater with a pack.

She pressed her muzzle against his neck, the limp rabbit thumping against his chest, and Eleuthera then presented the Queen, Lumiya, with the kill. The fodder was left at the silver-streaked fae’s feet, and Eleuthera crept backward to await the arrival of the other faeries and souls.
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

102 Posts
Ooc — Florian
It was time. Dante had been adopted in so readily by the nymph; she had given him home, a family, prospects for the furture, and even better yet, her heart. The least he could do was eagerly accept her invitation when the ceremony came up in conversation. He had mused over the idea of it all since he'd agreed, feeling curious more than anything. Well, curious and joyful. The notion of being united together with his fellow faes officially was something that made the boy's heart leap. Though he'd been ready to accept each as kin as soon as he'd met them, there was something very profound about having a shared experience that really, truly bound them.

For most of his young life, Dante had felt like he was floating- or falling, perhaps, in open air, nothing tying him down to reality. When he had resided in Innisfree, sure, there were friends and distant family and handsome young men who would go make him fall in love and then die, but there was never any place or pack that had given him a real sense of being needed, or useful, or just simply grounded. In the court, he felt grounded. He felt as though each member of their family was equally as essential as any other. It reminded him slightly of the boughs of the willows- all individual, but at their core connected to one system that they each and every one thrived upon. 

It was with these dawdling thoughts that Dante approached Lumiya, having come at her call with a quail already prepared (he'd gotten quite good at fetching them since their last trip). His eyes lit up when he saw the wisp, step picking up a little quicker as he reached her, dropping the feathered body at her feet before reaching forward to brush his face lightly against her neck. With a fond grin, Dante padded into the cave, awaiting all that was to come with a brilliant excitement fizzing within him.
194 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Please tag me if you need a reply as I am still on vacation lol!

Learning the layout of the territory with all of its nooks and crannies would take time, longer now that the group had established themselves and made an enemy; Stryx was mindful to build an assortment of medical caches and keep them stocked to excess between check-ins with the strangers who defended the land. But when Lumiya approached her with this initiation - requesting she bring an offering with her to a seemingly sacred space - Stryx obliged, if only for the break in the work.

When she made her appearance she was a little late, a little frazzled, and carried with her a pile of black-eyed-susans of which were mostly intact and gloriously yellow. As an offering perhaps it was abnormal; but it was the most abundant of all the plants she had found aside from the willow trees and felt appropriate. The smell of blood carried through the air as an ominous undercurrent - and when Stryx emerged among a gathering she wondered, 'What have I gotten myself in to?'

There were other initiates present. Each held something bloodied and limp in their teeth, with the healer the odd woman out with her bouquet. The fur on the nape of her neck raised as she took in the scene; it was both eerily familiar to her previous life and strangely different at the same time. She found a place behind the others and lingered there, watchful.
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
In the days since his father's death, Valiant floated aimlessly, easily led and directed by those around him. He marked borders haphazardly, hunted poorly, and slept often — but when asked to provide an offering, he made sure to put what was left of his heart into it.

The result was a yearling fox, her pelt golden and her paws delicate and quick. It had hurt him to kill her, but after several failed hunts in a row, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to strike when he'd caught her accidentally on unawares.

He slunk toward the sound of the call with her cold body held carefully off the ground, and when he saw that one of his fellows had brought plants instead of meat, his stomach dropped in sickening shame. Still, he laid the fox down and tried to look unaffected, glancing sideways at the other Souls to see two large hares and a single quail.
75 Posts
Ooc — markab
sorry for the wait!!

caw has learned quickly, with the requirement of catching prey for something other than his own rituals upon his shoulders, that ducks are very hard to chase down. he has spent an unfortunate number of hours crouched on the bank failing to go after them, splashing through the pond and sending ducks fleeing in every direction, but he is stubborn, even if it is probably a better idea to chase a squirrel.

still! he does manage in the end. the duck is safely in his teeth, and vrána is readjusting all the feathers that he has accidentally thrown into wild disarray when the call rises into the air. caw’s head snaps after it and, ignoring vrána’s irritated squawk in his ear, he gets to his paws and trots off into the woods.

his fur is still very wet by the time he arrives, but at least he has stopped dripping water everywhere! clinging to his shoulder, vrána nudges the last feather back into place as he presents the duck to the faerie queen, tail wagging eagerly as he looks around at the others who have gathered here with him and the assortment of foxes, quails, and hares they have come to present.

none of them are as wet as caw is. he looks a bit like a drowned rat. but also foxes, quails, and hares do not live in ponds, and either way caw does not possess the self-consciousness needed to be bothered at all. he stands there and waits, licking blood and water from his lips as vrána slides her beak through his messy fur.

[Image: U0sgGSq.png]

"english" | "irish"
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Any faerie is still welcome to join in the grooming!

She watched her members trickle in one by one, joining her outside the cave with their offerings. The meat would be offered to the hungry, the yellow flowers Stryx had brought would be gifted to the medicine den - the offerings were not for her, after all, they were for the court and its faeries. She was surprised to see the dedication and thought put behind the offerings - they ranged from furry to feathery to leafy - and she gently took each one to store in the nearby cache that had been dug for this occasion. She knew not what to do with the yellow flowers, other than take them inside where the ritual would continue to make sure they were safe from the elements.

Welcome. She said warmly, nearly motherly, tail gently swaying behind her. I hope you're all in the mood to calm and cool down after your hard work - please, follow me. She said with a small dip of her muzzle, before picking up the flowers and heading inside. The cave was lit only by the few, blue glowworms near the side of the small lake and the last remnants of daylight spilling in through the large opening in the ceiling. Her steps echoed throughout the cave, as well as the calming rhythm of the water that dripped from up high. She placed the bundle of plants on a shelf-like structure near the opening, then proceeded to make her way to the water.

Without a word, the fae glanced over her shoulder at the others and then slowly submerged herself in the water. Though the deepest part would definitely force you to swim, if one kept to the edges it was easy to find footing and in some places even sit. Come, let us relax and clean ourselves. She spoke softly, looking to the others expectantly as she ascended slightly - without the fluff of her fur, the fae looked even more delicate and fragile.
the rambler
109 Posts
Ooc — Sully
Eleuthera arrived before long, and then several other wolves that Kin hadn't had the occassion to meet. He wagged his tail in greeting all the same, and then wagged it a little harder when Caw appeared, glad to see a familiar face.

Just like that, their offerings were accepted, and Lumiya led them into a cavern that had Kincaid gazing around in quiet awe. He shared then a wondering glance with Eleuthera, asking if she'd known of this place before. It was beautiful, as was the notion of being cleansed in such a place, with three wolves he thought quite well of to replace the one he sorely missed.

Kincaid followed Lumiya trustingly into the water, dunking his head under and then giving it a gentle shake to keep the water out of his ears. He looked 'round then for Eleuthera, feeling a little unsure of himself now that it came to something he was a little less familiar with.
* Kincaid is obviously not a shibe in a cowboy hat. Just a regular, reddish wolf. His avatar is just a silly spiritual portrait.
228 Posts
Ooc — Rosie Partytime
They followed the Faerie Queen into the cave, a place that she had only been to once or twice in her life — even the council of Elysium knew the hallowed ground to be sacred, and took measures to protect its sanctity. It was reserved for only the more profound of experiences, and a faerie initiation seemed appropriately fitting. 

The pool glowed a soft, pale blue and gave off the impression of warmth. Lumiya led the small group of wayward souls into the water — which was indeed warm, Eleuthera was delighted to find. They were to bathe themselves, which Eleuthera was happy to do. She proverbially shed her clothes and left them on her towel on the beach, following the others into the illuminated, earthly bathtub.

Kincaid was eager, yet clearly seeking her guidance. Though Eleuthera had no idea what she was doing either, she slid through the water as if she were a snake upon it and offered her humble bathing assistance.
“Come here, you dirty cowboy," Eleuthera whispered to him once she was close enough, and began to preen the back of his neck. It simply couldn’t be helped. Can’t take her anywhere, this one :/
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

102 Posts
Ooc — Florian
Dante took it upon himself to greet the other faeries in hushed tones as he followed their queen deeper into the cave, his eyes flicking about with curiosity. Though he wasn't familiar with what was to come next, he found solace in the fact that the packmates surrounding him were experiencing ritual for the first time as well. Should (gods forbid) he make a fool of himself, at least it'd be alongside souls he knew he could trust. 

He hung on each of the queen's words with utmost attention, eyes lighting up as he watched Lumiya plunge gracefully into the pool. The young man took his own steps quickly after her and had submerged himself as much possibly only moments later, ducking his head under the water for a prolonged period of time before coming up with a quiet gasp. Gods he'd missed swimming. Shaking the fur on his face out lightly, Dante blinked the water out of his eyes before he found himself wading near Lumiya. He offered the wisp a gentle smile before beginning to groom himself carefully, moving to do the same for his partner should she allow it.
194 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Although she knew what to expect, so far as it had been explained to her, Stryx was not some touchy-feely woman; she eyed each wolf as they paired off and began to clean their partner, and felt a distinct clenching in her gut. Her facial expression probably mirrored what she was feeling in that moment: a brief revulsion, some awkwardness, and then stoicism again. This was some kind of love fest, from what Stryx could tell. What had she entered in to by making her deal with Lumiya? All she could think about now was getting out, but she did not want to disturb their odd little ritual at the same time.

Whether someone approached her or not, she would react the same: drawing away from any proposed washing or contact, a dismissive air about her, maybe even an apologetic glimpse of the eye. Stryx placed her offering of black-eyed susans upon the dirt at her feet and while everyone was distracted with their various tasks, removed herself as quietly as she could.

It would likely come back to bite her in the ass, but Stryx had no intention of becoming part of yet another cult.

w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Like Stryx, Valiant was not quite sure what to do with himself. It certainly seemed as though the wolves around him were pairing off, even if he was not quite the odd-man out. His rose-gold gaze lingered on Lumiya and Dante for a moment, but then he looked quickly away and stepped into the water with the others.

He dipped his muzzle in the water and began grooming his own silver-white pelage, feeling distinctly lost and out of place.
75 Posts
Ooc — markab
caw has had the basics of this explained to him. and he is always glad to learn new ritual! especially when that ritual has been given to him by the faeries. and this ritual will make him a faerie too, so he intends to do it correctly!

they are all meant to groom each other. caw mostly has his part of this covered thanks to his swim. his feet are still uncomfortably sandy, and his feathers are maybe not in perfect alignment after his sprint, but that is okay! there will be others to help now.

the healer – it has not been so long, and caw has not been able to speak to her yet, he has been too busy nosing around – has vanished. the faerie queen is being groomed by the cream boy caw has not previously seen around, and the two that he has seen back with the cougars are already preening each others' necks. it is probably not polite to bother them! but he will if he must.

luckily, he does not have to! there is one left, already dipping his muzzle in the water. bidding vrána to leave him with a quick nudge of his nose, he steps gently into the water – as much as he wants to splash, it does not seem the thing to do – and makes a beeline for him.

he is a pretty boy who caw has also not spoken to before, as is the case with most of the residents of the court. his fur is not so different from caw's and the faerie queen's own, all white and grey and black. it would look much nicer with feathers, of course! perhaps he will have one to give soon.

offering him a birdlike trill, caw snaps at the water to rid any lingering blood from his teeth and turns his attention to him to groom along his shoulder, not once considering that it might not be welcomed.
[Image: U0sgGSq.png]

"english" | "irish"