[ooc] Kamuri is now apart of the Saints and is heading back. Please let @Kynareth Deagon post first. @Nyra [ooc]
Kamuri and Kynareth are now on the trail back to Hideaway Strath. Their introduction had gone well and he invited her to even join his pack. She honestly wasnt quiet expected that but no complain. It would give her a chance to recover and regather her strength, get some food, and start learning the area some.
Kamuri and Kynareth are now on the trail back to Hideaway Strath. Their introduction had gone well and he invited her to even join his pack. She honestly wasnt quiet expected that but no complain. It would give her a chance to recover and regather her strength, get some food, and start learning the area some.
November 10, 2020, 12:57 PM
As they trot into the area, this odd colored she wolf in tow, he knows the team will want to meet her. For a moment, he thinks about the rest of his packs numbers. The pack is made up of mostly women if he’s not wrong and it makes him positively laugh. It’s something he doesn’t truly have a problem with as long as they can all hold their own in a fight. That’s all he cares about.
So he instantly leads her to the river that barrels through their territory — one of his favorite places to be. “This is the Strath. We own everything bordering these walls.” He comments back to her informatively. “You will meet the rest of the pack in due time. Meanwhile, can you hunt? Fish?”
So he instantly leads her to the river that barrels through their territory — one of his favorite places to be. “This is the Strath. We own everything bordering these walls.” He comments back to her informatively. “You will meet the rest of the pack in due time. Meanwhile, can you hunt? Fish?”
November 10, 2020, 01:13 PM
As if on cue, Nyra emerged from what appeared to be nowhere (was probably a random thicket) and prowled up to her Grandmaster and the slight figure behind him. Kynareth would likely know right away her interest was pinpointed on the alien-patterned newcomer at his heels, especially as she gave him a brief ''hello'' glance and ultimately slid past him to sniff at Kamuri. Being as big as her Grandmaster, Nyra's sudden presence and disregard for the new recruit's personal space might've been alarming. If it was, whoops. If not, Nyra would back off soon enough once she was satisfied with the new scent being added to their fold.
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November 10, 2020, 03:10 PM
Kamuri looked at the water before glancing at her new leader, nodding slightly, "Not much experience but im a fast learner. I was contained most of my life so my knowledge on certain thigns is slimmer than most" She explained before turning her head to see the new character coming out. Watching her closely before suddenly her bubble was invaded, Kamuri's ears laying back and her eyes narrowed a bit but she didnt move away. She simply assumed that this was one of the pack members judged based off Dons lack of action besides a small acknowledgment, "Um hello?" She finally spoke up as she sat down, her tail wrapping around her lower half as she eyed the other she wolf
November 12, 2020, 06:04 AM
He’s satisfied enough by Kamuri’s answer — honest yet humble. So she can understand when she needs to work on something. A good quality. He even lets his mind wander to the being contained part. He thinks for a minute that she was caged by humans just as Sasha. Only Sasha wasn’t caged, she roamed free like the cute, little dog she is. Though this one is definitely cute with her doe like eyes, they seem far from innocent and her beautiful pelt is just the cherry on top. Hopefully she is different from his ex wife. After all, he’s always looking out for future ex-Mrs Deagons.
Then footsteps sound behind him and nyra is appearing before him. He nods back to her short greeting before she’s invading the poor girls space. To which Kamuri looks obviously uncomfortable, wrapping a fluffy tail around her once more. Maybe she does it as a defense mechanism, or to make her feel safe. Odd to say. Yet he smiles as Nyra continues anyway.
“This is Kamuri. She’s new Nyra. Dehydrated and practically starving because of humans.” He adds on for her.
Then footsteps sound behind him and nyra is appearing before him. He nods back to her short greeting before she’s invading the poor girls space. To which Kamuri looks obviously uncomfortable, wrapping a fluffy tail around her once more. Maybe she does it as a defense mechanism, or to make her feel safe. Odd to say. Yet he smiles as Nyra continues anyway.
“This is Kamuri. She’s new Nyra. Dehydrated and practically starving because of humans.” He adds on for her.
November 13, 2020, 10:38 PM
Lazily, Nyra briefly noted the underling's discomfort as she sniffed her, the uncertainty as she curled her tail close to herself.
At Kynareth's introduction, Nyra snorted something soft yet sharp before backing off of Kamuri with a curt nod, "A pleasure. I am Nyra, Paladin of the Saints. Welcome to the hunt." All said with a light smile despite her brutish and beastly appearance.
At Kynareth's introduction, Nyra snorted something soft yet sharp before backing off of Kamuri with a curt nod, "A pleasure. I am Nyra, Paladin of the Saints. Welcome to the hunt." All said with a light smile despite her brutish and beastly appearance.
Fury is in peak condition
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November 26, 2020, 12:45 AM
Kamuri gave a small nod as she introduced herself, "Nice to meet you too" she said simply as she looked back their leader, "what all areas around here are the packs?" She decided to questioning, seeing as they were both upper ranks either could answer before they would be off again
November 26, 2020, 10:03 PM
He looks out into the forest and hums thoughtfully. Really only Hideaway Strath was theirs, but he likes to show off and take more than he can chew so he smirks. “The entire area behind these mountains. It’s all ours, dear.” He turns towards the mouth of the Strath’s opening. “The forest just outside out doorstep too. Kill any and all who trespass.”
November 28, 2020, 01:39 PM
(This post was last modified: December 30, 2020, 09:46 AM by RIP Fury.
Edit Reason: added conclusion + archived thread
Edited in a conclusion and archived :>
Nodding visibly in agreement with the Grandmaster, Nyra explained a bit, at least enough that she herself had come to understand
"Even though our home base is the Strath, our patrols expand past it. The forest at the Strath's mouth, for example. We also patrol and claim the Morass to the southwest, the Ravine to the northeast, and all the accessible areas of the mountains that cradle the Strath."
Even though the Saints' official claim is the Hideaway Strath; Cedar Sweep, Black Morass, Bonesplinter Ravine, Hibernation Point, and Boartusk Heights were unofficially theirs.
Perhaps even Cassiopiea's View, to some degree.
After that, Nyra offered a departing nod and went back to her duties as her alpha showed the newbie the lay of the land
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