Henlo Saints woofs plz don't eat him! Maybe @Nyra?
Tag for reference; backdated a few days.
Tag for reference; backdated a few days.
Hideaway Strath. It was at the edge of this nook in the mountains that Sundance found himself the previous Summer, having been forced to flee his home after the quaking earth brought his family to ruin. He hadn't known it then, of course, having held so fiercely to the hope that his mothers and siblings remained. The young druid thought solemnly of his lost childhood as he trailed toward the place where @Towhee had so generously taken him under her wing, where he'd found Dorea and was given an unexpected opportunity to rekindle the flame of their friendship.
That tiny sliver of happiness had been short-lived with the crumbling of its surrounding mountains, which had left several of them trapped for a time. Sundance couldn't remember how he'd managed to escape, but luck had certainly been on his side.
He thought it was Towhee's trail that led him in that direction, but the whiff of an unmistakable scent marker brought the silverwhite to an abrupt halt. The urine he'd sniffed at this claim did not belong to a female, of that Sundance was certain. He frowned thoughtfully, testing again to be sure, before his pale gaze shifted to glance up at the displaced rocks and rubble that'd once made the hollow impenetrable.
Who had come to make the strath their own? He wondered quietly, but something about the scent of an unknown pack unnerved him. Sundance veered away carefully, eager to depart before his presence just beyond their land could cause offence.
November 10, 2020, 12:10 PM
I'd be happy to! : )
The Shieldmaiden had been on patrol, as was at least partially the usual these days. Re-enforcing the borders of the claim the Saints made wasn't exactly a hard task to do. Dealing with other wolves?
Completely different story altogether.
A stranger's scent stood out like a sore thumb against the familiar scents of her Grandmaster and Overseer. Amazingly enough she had managed to work her monolithic mass into the trees just outside the narrow entrance to the Strath, and just as the Faerie had fully turned around, there, directly in his path and likely too close for comfort, stood Nyra.
Aside from being A Fucking Giant, the Paladin was clearly powerful as far as strength goes and the well-toned muscle rippled under her snowy fur. Most wolves of her size were gifted with immense strength though...example A, Kynareth Deagon.
After what has probably been a tense and mildly terrifying session of silence for the silverwhite, Nyra finally spoke.
"What are you doing here?" Not an original question in the least. Valid, perhaps, but not original.
Really kind of a huge "duh" given she was patrolling.
Probably a shock to everyone who knows the Saints (and Nyra) - but, the Shieldmaiden found herself less inclined to violence-- for the moment, at least-- and instead allowed the Fae-man the room to explain his presence.
Time would only tell if Nyra was or was not tired enough to just let him go without harming him.
Maybe Sundance should pray, if he's religious, that luck is on his side...
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November 10, 2020, 12:44 PM
Right there, directly in his path and practically nose-to-nose with him, stood a beast of a wolf. Sundance sucked in a breath - gasp! - and, surprised at the sudden proximity of this silent ghost, scrambled aside with his tail tucked close to his rear in automatic submission. Platinum ears folded back and he slunk away outwith her reach, keen to place greater distance between his own lean frame and the stranger's solid stature should she decide to turn on him with fangs.
"Looking for someone," he answered promptly, aware only at the sound of the titan's voice that she was, in fact, female - and he hoped she couldn't read minds to unearth his inaccurate assumption of her sex. "I used to live here," he carried on in explanation, visibly uncomfortable beneath her scrutinizing stare, "a year ago - my pack moved on when the earth shook and the mountains crumbled."
"Looking for someone," he answered promptly, aware only at the sound of the titan's voice that she was, in fact, female - and he hoped she couldn't read minds to unearth his inaccurate assumption of her sex. "I used to live here," he carried on in explanation, visibly uncomfortable beneath her scrutinizing stare, "a year ago - my pack moved on when the earth shook and the mountains crumbled."
November 10, 2020, 12:47 PM
The grandmaster had been padding down the bank of the river he’s become so obsessed with when he sees his Paladin. The pale woman has her sniffer to the ground and it seems like she’s on something. Kyn cannot help himself, so he follows her quietly for a bit, planning on giving her a good, playful scare. But what is this? An invader on their lands? A pretty one at that.
And that quick, Donovan’s idea to pounce the woman has disappeared and replaced with his forever, undying curiosity. He comes closer and chuffs to let Nyra and the other know that he’s approaching.
“My dear, Nyra. What have you found?” He asks in a voice of faux surprise. Even though the wounds she dealt him yesterday hurt, it doesn’t stop him from doing his Grandmasterly duties and patrolling his borders. Though he can’t help but laugh as it seems Nyra spoils the boy a bit. Surely his presence wouldn’t make it any better.
“How cute.” He says then adds as his golden orbs slide predatorily over the smaller’s form. “Who are you?”
And that quick, Donovan’s idea to pounce the woman has disappeared and replaced with his forever, undying curiosity. He comes closer and chuffs to let Nyra and the other know that he’s approaching.
“My dear, Nyra. What have you found?” He asks in a voice of faux surprise. Even though the wounds she dealt him yesterday hurt, it doesn’t stop him from doing his Grandmasterly duties and patrolling his borders. Though he can’t help but laugh as it seems Nyra spoils the boy a bit. Surely his presence wouldn’t make it any better.
“How cute.” He says then adds as his golden orbs slide predatorily over the smaller’s form. “Who are you?”
November 10, 2020, 01:01 PM
This poor kid is going to get himself killed here Nyra thinks somewhat bitterly as the silverwhite boy explains himself, barely getting the chance to finish before her Grandmaster is by her side and practically cornering the Fae.
Sundance is already, obviously, intimidated and a bit skittish. Nyra quirks the ghost of a smile...she used to be just like him, in that way.
Sniffing at the Seelie Fae's fur briefly, Nyra shuffles through her memory to place the pack he belongs to--or, used to belong to?
"The scent on him is vaguely familiar...didn't we have neighbors in the Northeast of the mountains before we came here?" Nyra glances to Donovan. Though the Shieldmaiden definitely looks intimidating to some, at her core she doesn't truly want to hurt this kid. Even if her golden inferno gaze showed her inner layers of kindness, she couldn't hold it against Sundance if all he saw in her amber hues was some unholy god of destruction, chaos, and war.
Sundance is already, obviously, intimidated and a bit skittish. Nyra quirks the ghost of a smile...she used to be just like him, in that way.
Sniffing at the Seelie Fae's fur briefly, Nyra shuffles through her memory to place the pack he belongs to--or, used to belong to?
"The scent on him is vaguely familiar...didn't we have neighbors in the Northeast of the mountains before we came here?" Nyra glances to Donovan. Though the Shieldmaiden definitely looks intimidating to some, at her core she doesn't truly want to hurt this kid. Even if her golden inferno gaze showed her inner layers of kindness, she couldn't hold it against Sundance if all he saw in her amber hues was some unholy god of destruction, chaos, and war.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 10, 2020, 03:27 PM
There was little time for the brutish wolfess to respond to him with words, for a far stronger presence appeared at her rear. Sundance, hugely intimidated by the presence of one behemoth, felt it more so at the arrival of a second. Though by no means a petite wolf himself, the druid lacked the brawn of this pair. He was an athletic creature, long-legged and neatly muscled, a yearling yet to reach his prime. Regardless of his potential, he knew at the heart of him that he could be no match to these warmongerers.
Sundance dared not lift his gaze beyond the exposed breast of the newcomer, unwilling to insult him by seeking eye contact. He quietly studied him from that angle, noting the unusual shade he wore as well as the strange dark markings that accompanied. The comment of his "cuteness" was met with silence.
The palefur shifted toward him, and Sundance's muscles tensed in preparation to flee. His tongue snaked past his lips to sweep anxiously over a Winterwhite jowl and his heart leapt within the cage of his chest. Don't touch me! Fear willed him to bark this command, but logic kept him rooted, wordless. Instead, he let the shieldmaiden test his fur, and he swallowed at her observation.
@Teya, was his first, desperate thought. He gritted his teeth together to keep them from chattering.
He thought about lying to them, of providing a false moniker to prevent any mocking that was sure to arise should he share the calling his parents had gifted him at birth, but such a nature had not been bred into him. Sundance was as honest as they came; he felt the grip of terror within him that he might put Teya and the faeries in danger, and it heightened when Nyra mentioned their former neighbours at the edge of the Sunspire range.
He would need to tread carefully.
"Sundance," he told the tiger at his request for such information, but shared nothing of the court from which he hailed. "My name is Sundance."
Sundance dared not lift his gaze beyond the exposed breast of the newcomer, unwilling to insult him by seeking eye contact. He quietly studied him from that angle, noting the unusual shade he wore as well as the strange dark markings that accompanied. The comment of his "cuteness" was met with silence.
The palefur shifted toward him, and Sundance's muscles tensed in preparation to flee. His tongue snaked past his lips to sweep anxiously over a Winterwhite jowl and his heart leapt within the cage of his chest. Don't touch me! Fear willed him to bark this command, but logic kept him rooted, wordless. Instead, he let the shieldmaiden test his fur, and he swallowed at her observation.
@Teya, was his first, desperate thought. He gritted his teeth together to keep them from chattering.
He thought about lying to them, of providing a false moniker to prevent any mocking that was sure to arise should he share the calling his parents had gifted him at birth, but such a nature had not been bred into him. Sundance was as honest as they came; he felt the grip of terror within him that he might put Teya and the faeries in danger, and it heightened when Nyra mentioned their former neighbours at the edge of the Sunspire range.
He would need to tread carefully.
"Sundance," he told the tiger at his request for such information, but shared nothing of the court from which he hailed. "My name is Sundance."
November 12, 2020, 06:22 AM
Anyone who has eyes can tell that this agile creature is very, very fearful of the two mountainous wolves before him. The anxious licking of lips as Nyra neared him, the bristling of fur, the slanting of ears and the averse of his beautiful gaze. Kynareth’s smiles down to him, allowing coingold eyes to dance over his form shamelessly. A careless attraction to his good hearted and pure aesthetic is obvious in his eyes. Yet, of course he decides not to act too drastically on it.
Though then finally he offers his name and he listens to Nyra’s voice in his ears as well. First he flicks his gaze to Nyra then back to Sundance, not immediately answering her.
“Even cuter.” He hums teasingly as he too moves in to sniff him. Padding further to his side, his wet nose grazes the soft pale fur of his shoulder and scruff. “Yeah, the pack north in the Sunspire. Seelie Court, led by the most beautiful Lumiya.” He chuckles with a huff of breath after he’s done sniffing him. Backing up graciously and allowing the other to breathe he looks down to Sundance. “Why’re you here, peaches?” Comes a his own curious inquiry. “We’ll be nice as long as you are.” He adds in an almost comforting voice even though his smirk is still living happily on his face.
Though then finally he offers his name and he listens to Nyra’s voice in his ears as well. First he flicks his gaze to Nyra then back to Sundance, not immediately answering her.
“Even cuter.” He hums teasingly as he too moves in to sniff him. Padding further to his side, his wet nose grazes the soft pale fur of his shoulder and scruff. “Yeah, the pack north in the Sunspire. Seelie Court, led by the most beautiful Lumiya.” He chuckles with a huff of breath after he’s done sniffing him. Backing up graciously and allowing the other to breathe he looks down to Sundance. “Why’re you here, peaches?” Comes a his own curious inquiry. “We’ll be nice as long as you are.” He adds in an almost comforting voice even though his smirk is still living happily on his face.
November 15, 2020, 04:20 AM
Watching Sundance's body language as he gave his name, and listening to Kynareth confirm their old neighbors back in the mountains, Nyra gave a curt nod in agreement to her Lord's words.
Indeed, they would be civil at the least. As long as he mirrored their hospitality, he'd have astounding chances of leaving unhurt.
Swiveling one ear, Nyra sighed. Some brush of a hint to what could be boredom or exhaustion...
"This boy is obviously terrified of us. Even more obvious that he just wants to go home. I vote we just let him leave." Nyra looked to Kynareth after she spoke, a silent communication that if he wanted to squeeze potential information out of the Fae-wolf then she wouldn't object to it.
Indeed, they would be civil at the least. As long as he mirrored their hospitality, he'd have astounding chances of leaving unhurt.
Swiveling one ear, Nyra sighed. Some brush of a hint to what could be boredom or exhaustion...
"This boy is obviously terrified of us. Even more obvious that he just wants to go home. I vote we just let him leave." Nyra looked to Kynareth after she spoke, a silent communication that if he wanted to squeeze potential information out of the Fae-wolf then she wouldn't object to it.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 15, 2020, 05:20 AM
Both of the beasts crowded him, forced themselves into his bubble, and Sundance shuffled aside in attempt to place further distance between them and himself. He was clearly uncomfortable, fearful of accidentally provoking these wolves into hostility. While neither had curled a lip in his direction, the possibility of an attack seemed strong.
He felt his heartbeat quicken, and his muscles remained tight with anxiety. Powder blue eyes flitted between each of the strangers before lingering nervously on the pale chest of the hybrid. A platinum ear twitched in acknowledgement of Lumiya's name, though he offered no confirmation; if asked, he mused that he would deny all affiliation with the faeries.
"I was looking for someone," was his response to the striped brute, the same answer he'd given when the palefur had demanded a reason for his closeness. To hear her suggest letting him go on his way sounded like music, and he held his breath as he waited hopefully for agreement from her companion.
He felt his heartbeat quicken, and his muscles remained tight with anxiety. Powder blue eyes flitted between each of the strangers before lingering nervously on the pale chest of the hybrid. A platinum ear twitched in acknowledgement of Lumiya's name, though he offered no confirmation; if asked, he mused that he would deny all affiliation with the faeries.
"I was looking for someone," was his response to the striped brute, the same answer he'd given when the palefur had demanded a reason for his closeness. To hear her suggest letting him go on his way sounded like music, and he held his breath as he waited hopefully for agreement from her companion.
November 15, 2020, 06:38 AM
Donovan works hard, but he likes to play harder. He’s bad at best and oh boy does he love to scare innocents. Yet, he might limit himself just a bit today. After Aya’s murder and the chasing of Sunhawk his bloodthirsty tendencies are temporarily quenched. The key word being temporarily.
So he gazes down to him and cocks a brow, becoming impatient. His smile is slightly less than it was before. “Well, who’re you looking for?” He asks. Or rather, demands. Though his tone still holds a playful air, he is still unpredictable at this point in time and most definitely dangerous. “We’ve been here for a bit now and have sniffed out every inch of this place. I doubt they’re here.” Then his smirk becomes horrid again. “Unless we killed ‘em.” He sings with a careless shrug of his broad shoulders.
So he gazes down to him and cocks a brow, becoming impatient. His smile is slightly less than it was before. “Well, who’re you looking for?” He asks. Or rather, demands. Though his tone still holds a playful air, he is still unpredictable at this point in time and most definitely dangerous. “We’ve been here for a bit now and have sniffed out every inch of this place. I doubt they’re here.” Then his smirk becomes horrid again. “Unless we killed ‘em.” He sings with a careless shrug of his broad shoulders.
November 15, 2020, 06:19 PM
The faerie gives Kynareth the same response he gave to herself.
The youth seems hopeful that the Paladin's companion will agree to let him leave. Though as Nyra expected and wasn't surprised to see, the Grandmaster pressed for details.
"The possibility of their death aside, there is a chance we might have at least seen whoever it is you're seeking." The Shieldmaiden prompted, after Donovan went silent. She cupped her ears, occasionally moving them to pick up other sounds while listening to the boy.
The youth seems hopeful that the Paladin's companion will agree to let him leave. Though as Nyra expected and wasn't surprised to see, the Grandmaster pressed for details.
"The possibility of their death aside, there is a chance we might have at least seen whoever it is you're seeking." The Shieldmaiden prompted, after Donovan went silent. She cupped her ears, occasionally moving them to pick up other sounds while listening to the boy.
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Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
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