Raven's Watch treasure planet
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Ooc — ebony
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as of this thread, teya has a hairline fracture in her left back ankle & will be hanging around @Stjornuati until it heals. open to ravens watch inhabitants!

how long it had it been, teya knew only by the passing of stars. her first days had been devoted to sleep, the next to the fear that seemed to crush the girl as if she were velvet.
teya had become acquainted with the constellations. now when her eyes lifted to the sky, the girl saw them at once, did not have to search through the cover of darkness and cloud for their shape. 
tonight, cold rain, driving her back to the familiar shape of where she had been recovering. eartips flicking away the last of the wet as she continued to search for the stars from a more protected place.
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Ooc — Zina
It was just like Stjornuati to drag back some pretty face so he could experiment with his beloved plants. Valmúa skulked after the girl's scent, head low and ears forward as though on the hunt for a meal. The rain chilled her. The south was a damp place — ice and snow hardly felt so raw against her skin.
The fire woman found her peering at the skies in a way that reminded her of her dark brother. Valmúa pushed her way closer, giving no heed to politeness or distance. Is your foot still busted? The question was louder than the quiet air, like a fierce crow of a raven that rang in the ears.
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Ooc — ebony
fire upon her; a flash of moonsong eyes and the thick stone-wrapped scent of the watch-wolves filling teya's senses. this one, like the healer; she stammered for the name but could not recall if she had heard it yet, or heard it properly. poor tangled tongue already tripping over common and now with accents and kona with which to contend.
"it h-heals," teya surrendered, body wilting low and low until she seemed to curl in upon her pumpkin-grey self, staring upon at the proud cinnamon light of the woman who had pressed so close.
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Ooc — Zina
She was a pleasant young thing to look at, but Valmúa knew better than to think Stjornuati might have brought her here as a plaything. Where before she might have looked at her and seen only konuefni, now it was only a picture of subordinate weakness. Like a flower before a flame the girl wilted in the sister's presence.
I do not come for this display, she said bluntly. It was hardly fun to force the injured into submission. Relax, her voice was harsh, but held no malcontent. I am Valmúa af Stormskýli. She sniffed at the woman, but could glean little from the scent information beyond her injury and her stay at the Watch.
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Ooc — ebony
at the sound of the she-wolf's voice, teya felt as if she might dissolve into nothing from shame alone. valmua, the other said; she fought the way her mouth wanted to noiselessly form the word. pushing herself upright, gathering her limbs closer beneath her with only a brief wince toward her delicate ankle, the girl tried for the stars again.
"teya ishtar," she breathed, "of —" seelie court was no more. she was not certain where her companions had gone.
"— nowhere." as good an answer as any. shyness tightened the edges of her gaze. "i not stay for long." soon she would be off, teya meant to assure valmua, persuaded somehow by her own trepidation.
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Ooc — Zina
How could a person be of nowhere? The thought brought a bitter sneer to Valmúa, who was hardly charmed by the soft shyness of the girl. She hoped silently that her zealous brother had not brought this creature here for live among them. She was too weak for the Watch. It greatly annoyed her that she and Kigipigak had been chastised for recruiting women when Stjornuati himself seemed to have lost his pickiness. Had she known of Trabrielle's rejection, she might have been more enlightened as to his methods.
Where will you go? She asked, looking skyward as she followed Teya's lost gaze. Valmúa could not think of a time in her life when she was ever lost. She always knew where she was going, even if the destination did not turn out as expected.
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Ooc — ebony
teya felt the air between them grow colder. or perhaps she was only a victim of her own projections. stjornuati had been nothing less than kind to her. valmúa was not so warm nor acceptant, but teya did not expect it of each wolf she meant. 
and had she known the inner pronouncement that the watch-wolf had given, teya might have agreed. 
as it was, she only now sought desperately to mollify valmúa's first perception of her. "i find the ones i came with. or i find someone else." sideways glance out one corner of a widewater eye, rain dripping onto her nape again.
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Ooc — Zina
She glanced toward the soft woman with a stare wrought with steel. It seemed to the fire sister that the girl owed the Watch something for allowing her to stay. This was Stjornuati and Solpallur's domain, however, and thus it was up to the brothers what task they might need from Teya should she choose to leave them.
Who are these ones? The girl spoke in riddles. And why do you want to leave? Did she not like being with the raven coven? Did she wish to distance herself from the northerners? Had Stjornuati given her a time limit to stay? None of these things made much sense to the af Stormskýli, who believed there could be no safer or prouder place than the Watch her brothers had chosen to settle.
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Ooc — ebony
steel-spark hardening in her direction. teya was lowly sickened with fear and confusion. valmúa spoke and slowly the courtier found answers for the questions.
she did not think that they would be acceptable to the warrior, however. "two. after seelie court ended. we travel together."
the rainstorm hid her steadying stars. teya looked down toward the muddied earth. did she wish to leave the watch? she missed sundance, missed bridget. but if the pair had looked for her she did not know, and at once felt very small. worthless. perhaps she had only slowed them. "when i am better, you will ask me to leave. i think."
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Ooc — Zina
So she was a Court wolf. This made more sense. From the red woman's limited experiences with the faeries, they did not value the strengths that the Watch did. Teya was a wayward soul, left behind when the pack dissipated after the mere sight of the Watch beside them. Valmúa wondered if the sandy young woman had been rejected, but this seemed unlikely.
Her nose flared, but she shook her head. I do not choose who stays or goes — my brothers do, she answered bitterly, looking at the sky and seating herself. If Stjornuati sees that you have talent, he will let you stay, she said, though she doubted that the girl had any use at all.
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Ooc — ebony
did valmúa mean to say that her opinion was not worth as much as those of her brothers? teya caught the aggrieved undertone. shy as she might be, the splayed ears heard all and lips revealed nothing.
the girl wondered if her own presence here had been consulted. she could not imagine a moment in which this woman with her hard eyes and sculpted muzzle could ever command less than fear. 
humility. perhaps that was a better name for it. "i have no talent." something unsnarled for once, chiming with a naked note of misery. "if you, valmúa, say go, i go." she would rather defer to the redfox than be the source of wormwood between the siblings, and suddenly teya filled with the deepest urge to disappear from the watch that very night.
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avatar by striga <3
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Ooc — Zina
You get 100 :o
Quite openly, the red sister rolled her eyes, looking back at the girl with a small sneer. Was she trying to garner sympathy? Perhaps she did not know that af Stormskýli women were incapable of such a thing. If you have no talent, then make talent, she said harshly. As you are I would not keep you, but none stay as they are. You have time while you heal, she said, looking ahead.
No one starts talented, she said vaguely. It was true that some had natural gifts that if fostered, could become great skills. Valmúa and her siblings had to fight hard to get to where they were. She was no poppy anymore, and that was because she had chosen to push hard into the world and make herself a place. Did this Court girl have no spine?
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Ooc — ebony
honored & congrats! <3

tears stung her throat, her eyes. it was not that valmúa was harsh, for teya felt as though her poor measure warranted it. she simply did not understand how she might create, her world a tumbleweed nesting at best.
and she had long known she was unteachable. head filled with holes, had not uncle said? and aunt, standing back with a cruel thinning at her mouth. she heard his voice now, snapping at her weakened sense of self.
"i know stars," teya breathed, more to the remembered sound of his chastisement than valmúa. and she gazed silently through the veil now, jaw tightened against her own grief.
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Ooc — Zina
When she glanced back at the sand girl, she caught the watering of her eyes. A lick of the teeth signified her boredom with this display. Unwilling to acknowledge whatever pain young Teya was feeling, Valmúa rolled one of her shoulders and looked away. For a moment, she groomed and itched at one of her front elbows, clearing it of icy rain that tickled as it sank through the hair.
Stars? The statement piqued her interest. Solpallur knows the stars. My brothers take this talent seriously, she explained, looking out at the heavens. She had never had much interest in any of that, but Solpallur was always out here, watching for hours to track the will of nature and see what others could not. Solpallur saw the sky. Stjornuati saw the earth. Valmúa, well, she had learned what lie beyond these physical planes.
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Ooc — ebony
it was welcoming, to have the redstar's attention removed from her. the intensity of it made teya feel as if she were swimming through hot water. she would have liked valmúa to leave her be, but would not dare allude to such. a healthy fear remained in her of the watch-wolves.
solpallur. teya knew the name but did not think she had heard the voice of that one. she put the title aside, fastening herself to the skinny hope wrapped there. "i watch them for a long time," the girl swallowed, voice steadying as her emotions were tied back into a proper place. "i see them change when rain, when moon is high. when snow, now," she went on, referring to how frost-keeled the stars seemed now that winter had come.
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Ooc — Zina
Just like Solpallur, the sand girl seemed to find solace in the great expanse of lights. Hours lost for nothing. Yet, the fire sister knew that there was knowledge to be found amidst the nothing. Though Valmúa did not have this sight, she knew that all saw the world differently, and it was these lenses that were highly valued within the Watch.
I do not have this sight, she said. They always look same. Her own talents lie in the fight. The rest were not things considered of value, and had near gotten her thrown out. It had been only her bloodline that had rescued her from Stjornuati's deeper anger. Too early had she tried to grow her own power. What do they tell you? What sense could young Teya glean from such meaningless flecks?
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Ooc — ebony
once again the focus of the crimson warrior's attention, teya straightened somewhat, determined not to delve into her discomfort once more. "now they say it is cold," she quipped with a quick smile, one that did not quite reach her eyes. "i learn stars to travel. land changes. stars do not."
somehow the heavens cleared momentarily, so that the muted glow of the north star could be seen. "that one not change," the girl pointed out, falling silent as winds began to break the clouds once more.
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Ooc — Zina
The girl smiled with a joke, but Valmúa did not smile back, taking the words at face value. Her apathy held as she felt the cool air about her, and wondered what use the stars could be at telling of current temperature that could be felt and seen with presence alone. Teya went on to speak of travel, and at this, the fire woman did not need a prompt to smile. She had much enjoyed the experience of travelling the land mostly on her own, the hringja alone to guide her footsteps.
Her soft features pointed to the leiðarstjarna that had kept the daughter of eldur safe along her travels. That one has many names, she said quietly, hard lines finally slipping away into something florally soft upon her face. I called her leiðarstjarna when I come from north, she said, words slipping from poison into dreamy silk.
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Ooc — ebony
valmúa's smile warmed the cold fire of her cheekbones and wrapped the flames in a sweet saffron. teya was reminded of beautiful izumi, and felt her stomach knot with something not altogether uncomfortable. it had been present beneath the directness of bridget, and now as the huntress spoke in words of home, teya let her breath go in a hushed shiver.
satin and flowers; a chameleon which seemed to mellow beneath her very eyes and shape into something new. white ravens. this woman who could become something else. 
what was this watch?
teya whispered the word valmúa had spoken, softly, slowly, committing it to her entrapped tongue as gently as she would an oath.
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Ooc — Zina
A soft imitation of her star guide's name came. Valmúa breathed it in. There was something in the moment that held her there. Perhaps the moon had struck her, or the starlight had decided that it was now the fire woman might stay herself. She was not a woman who enjoyed such force, yet the light came to her eyes like natural fire. Valmúa shrugged her shoulders from one side to the other, rolling them and making notable cracks in her spine in the process.
Perhaps my brother did not make mention of our homeland, she said at a level of whispers and secrets. The sister looked upon the girl and saw potential. She felt not threatened, but rather encouraged by such a woman. She might be trained to fury, to knowledge, to rule. We are of Stormhaven, from far in the north. This is why our language in the Common is not very good, she explained.
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Ooc — ebony
teya listened raptly, scarce daring to draw a breath as valmúa spoke of a homeland. storms. a tongue known only to them. it was telling, then; a place of wind and rain had carved the red warrior into who she was alongside the shrinking flower that was the former courtier.
to be like this one;
to be like bridget, even — it was not something that the little traveller could envision for herself. but curiosity reared itself all the same in her. "my common is not good," she remarked with a bead of amusement beneath her tongue. "but i not speak two ways." valmúa did, and teya hoped she was not ashamed of her accented voice.
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Ooc — Zina
The words confused the red sister. The poorness of Teya's speech was something the warrior had assumed to be because it was a second, or third, language. Most of the Stormhaven had learned at least some Common, but many did not speak it well. Others, like Solpallur, hardly spoke at all period. It was not in Valmúa's nature to be understanding of such ailments as muteness, and so the flicker of promise she had captured for Teya left her, and she faded into a staunch, nasty, frown.
Why? The question rang hard on the chill air as a hammer to its anvil. To the fire woman, language was everything. It was her ability to speak three ways that had granted her many an opportunity. She was the link between the worlds of the north and this new southern place.
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whatever brief invitation had decorated the features of the red warrior now faded beneatht eh stonework of her voice. teya steeled herself, wishing badly to cringe aside and creep into a different shadow. but that would not be tolerated, and therefore it was not something she must even contemplate.
"always like this," the girl rejoined in a voice she forced above a mumble. "speaking, hard. choosing a word, hard. they believe i stupid," hadn't they? faded. dim. something is wrong with teya.
"not stupid." defiance flaring in her voice, as much for valmúa as for the specters of her aunt and uncle.
"better not to speak." there were other ways to communicate, after all.
but anger burned in the little flower's belly.
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Ooc — Zina
lol I suck

Valmúa regarded the girl for a moment with a straight expression, her heavy poker face showing more as a standing bitch face than one of completely ambivalence. To the fire woman, who had little understanding of such inabilities as Teya's, there seemed indeed something wrong with her. Picking up language was a natural, expected process in children. Though the Stormhaven had better command of it than most, this lack of ability was disconcerting to the sister.
If you are not stupid, then why do you not learn? She asked it without intention (or no intention, for that matter) of putting the girl down. It was a question she wanted to know the answer to. If Teya was right that indeed, she wasn't stupid, then what had prevented her from just forcing herself to learn better command of the language? Others will not think you are stupid if you learn. She continued pointedly.
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"something is not right," teya said of herself, tilting her head as if to mean her mind held some spots of rust. "not know what it is." and what did it matter, she supposed; even her own thoughts tended to take a garbled miasma of singular words interspersed with confusing bursts of feeling.
in the end, valmúa did not have to live with such, and so teya did not understand how she might explain.
in a bitter flash the shrinking petal knew she had no hope of warriorship such as the red woman held, and her figure sank visibly with a sudden and dour fatigue. 
her gaze climbed to the stars, and she fancied for a moment that the three brightest were she and her companions upon their mismanaged adventure.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]