Deepwood Weald there's a snake in your bed
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Pack Formation 
Welcome to any of OK, or if anybody wants to approach the borders! Trying to kickstart everything again because I’ve regained some steam

To learn a place was to scour it vigilantly. So, that is what she did.

Themis moved sharply, curving through trees and mist, a monochrome dot in the early morning light. She stifled a yawn, closing her mouth with a sharp whistle of air from her jaws as she shook her head briefly.

Why did I sign up for this? She grumbled aloud as she met the edges of her own scent markers, idly leaning on a tree for a moment to try and wake up, before she was moving again, marking the borders as best she could.
english · greek · thieves cant
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was at it again. He had yet to pick a home, and for now, he was still on the outskirts looking in. He didn't mind after all. He would settle for nothing less than perfect for his own little family, for his pack, for his life. Granted he knew very well, that perfection was at most impossible, unattainable, but that didn't lessen the want to attempt it. It was with these thoughts, that as the early morning sun crested, he came along another border. 

He made certain to stay far enough away. He didn't wish to fight today, granted if he crossed a border it was his own asinine fault for doing so, which is why he did his best to stay away. Far away that no one would question.

Along the border another wolf caught his eye. Her coat was a tapestry of blacks, and grays and whites, unusual, but nice. He chuffed with a wag of his tail. Then stopped far enough away that it wasn't considered disrespectful or intrusive.
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Ooc — Box
The presence of another startled her out of her early morning grouching, and made her raise her head to face the sound, blinking owl eyed in shock.

Good morning. She said after a moment.

What brings you to Oi Kryfoí? Themis tried to put a smile on her face as she said it, tail tip waving back and forth.
english · greek · thieves cant
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small deep husky chuckle curled from Rodyn's lips. He hadn't meant to surprise the she wolf in front of him. However, it was clear he had, if her rapid blinking was anything to go by. He tilted his head and wagged his tail again.

"Good Morning. It's a beautiful one that's for sure." He settled to his hindquarters, tail brushing along his paws, ears erect. The perfect image of I'm ready to listen to whatever you have to say.

The name that curled off her lips was confusing and he mouthed the words, trying them out silently before he spoke it. It was not easy, and he probably would still butcher it, but he would try. 

Oy Kryfoi? What does that mean? And nothing much. I am new to the area and wandering, searching for a place to settle down. You are the third pack i've talked too. Then i'll settle my mind and think on one. 

She was amiable, that spoke well for her. And her smile was certainly beautiful.
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The woman gave a short chuff of laughter, shifting her stance after a moment to stand with one thin leg in front of the other.

Oi Kryfoí is “The Hidden Ones”. Simply put, we’re a place for anyone to simply start over, be it under a new name, or just somewhere to stay for a time. I’m Themis, reigning Vasiliás as well as the founder of the pack. She paused for a moment.

Vasiliás means king, by the way. The language is that of my homeland.
english · greek · thieves cant
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Her laughter was infectious and Rodyn had to stop from laughing along with her. He didn't wish to offend. Though he always had trouble keeping serious when other's laughed, he enjoyed laughter. She shifted her weight, a more carefree movement, and Rodyn settled even further into his seat.

The hidden ones. So I am among royalty? He bowed his head kindly. Well Met Vasillas Themis. I'm Rodyn or Ro whichever you prefer. At your service at the moment at least.

He listened to the words, it was a pretty yet harsh language. Making him wonder if she had faced trials and tribulations from her homeland. If the scars of hers were anything to go by, she indeed had gone through some things.

Your language is both beautiful and different than I am used too. There' s a lot of life and body in it.
254 Posts
Ooc — Box
Themis gave a little shrug.

I wouldn’t call myself royal, just a figurehead. Someone to steer the ship, so to speak. Anyone can be a king if they wish to be. She said, before she was tipping her head in acknowledgment of Rodyn’s introduction.

Ευχαριστώ. Thank you. She said.

Its not an easy language to learn, but it’s mine. Well, hers and Ouraniós’s. And the children.
english · greek · thieves cant
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sometimes steering the ship can get troubling. I've seen it first hand. My father was in essence the King of our former pack. Heavy he who wears the crown as it were. Rodyn thought on his father. He loved him, missed him, but understood why he had sent him away. He was 2, old enough to sire puppies, old enough to take the crown. Her very much missed Bula and Virion though. Virion had also been sent on his way. A fortnight before Ro himself, because his father felt they shouldn't depart together, making it all the harder.

His ears perked forward at the foreign words that fell off her tongue. Do you teach it often? It's nice to have something that is just yours. I ask, because I would love to learn if you ever had the time to teach. On neutral territory of course. I always like to learn, and I won't jest, it's nice to be able to curse someone out in a language they can't understand.
254 Posts
Ooc — Box
Her smile was a quick flash of teeth. There and gone in the shadow.

Oh, believe me. I understand. Themis had spent her entire life looking up, watching those crowned do shit all for their people. She wanted to be better.

She would be better.

She shook off the thoughts.

Ive taught it to my children. Other than them, I’m not too great a teacher, so I’ve never taught another.
english · greek · thieves cant
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ro returned the smile, however fleeting, ears tilted forward.

He nodded at her answer. There was no explanation needed. He had seen the troubles his father had to go through. The constant squabbling of the pack, those to immature or needy to help run it correctly. He had a few he had trusted, Ro had not been one. Not that his father hadn't loved him no. But something different was always for Ro.

That's too bad. Well if you ever feel like trying your hand at teaching again. Let me know. Wait puppies? I love those little guys. My mother was due again, when I left. I will never see them, regrettably. Though my younger siblings were almost a  year when I left. I remembered when they were babies. There were older ones to, but they were long gone or about to be when I was born. All males.
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Ooc — Box
Themis’s face softened at the thought of her children. Quiet Lycabas and Melaneus, fiery Pyraethus, brash Metis. All of them unique, all of them hers.

My children are..two months now. So yes, still puppies. And growing like weeds. Some of them showed the stature of their fathers. Some of them had her build. She could only guess at the wolves they would become.

She couldn’t wait to see.

Its a shame you’ll never get to meet your younger siblings. Themis mused a second later.
english · greek · thieves cant
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn briefly thought of his siblings, his litter mates.  Bula was probably still back home, though she had sworn she'd leave too, after her father sent he and Virion. Even though all of them knew he would. It was what was done. Once his male children he chased them away forcefully. The girls were welcome to stay, though most left too.

Rodyn's tail wagged. "That's a fun age. They are opening their eyes right? And able to toddle around. So fun." Most of Rodyn's siblings were a differing color variation of Autumn. He and his sister, twins. Their parents fur melded perfectly together to make Autumn children, and it fit so well in the forest, they could hide easier.

A frown pulled at his maw. Yea it sucks. I'll miss them. They were starting to move around in moms tum, when i left. But they'll be okay my twin sister Bula was there. She'll take good care of them when mom can't.
254 Posts
Ooc — Box
Themis grinned.

Oh their eyes are open alright. And their ears. And everything. She shook her head with a little maternal chuckle.

My daughter heard me say something under my breath the other day, and she repeated it again and again for hours, like a little magpie! Trying to stop a kid from saying the word fuck was harder than it sounded without just outright pushing their mouth closed.
english · greek · thieves cant
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn returned the smile. He remembered that age, and he loved it. Rodyn had figured out  how much he liked and missed pups until just this moment. A sort of sad melancholy stole over him, but he tried to shake it off, happy to hear about these little ones.

He snorted and then laughed, full bodied and kind. I can imagine. I was that one. I repeated everything my dad said. One time my mom was so mad at him she made him eat a hot pepper bush, told him she'd make sure he learned not to say such things around us.

He wagged his tail, happy for her. HE bowed his head. I best leave you to your own devices. Have a wonderful evening. Then with another bow of his head. He left the area and teh kind wolf behind.