Honeyed Pasture I don't know who to trust
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Rodyn walked through the newest area he had found. Pasture as far as the eye could see. He could scent game, so bountiful. He could even see some of it moving about. However, with the tang of fresh prey also came the tang of enemies.

The dusty dirty smell that came from Coyotes that scavenged. That scent musk that only they carried. He lowered himself a little further to the ground. Prey was abundant here as were grasses, and some of him would blend in, but not all.

He could also smell the sticky scent of bear. The thick smell of fat and food, of stagnant body. Though he wanted to add to the caches he had filled around the area, he also was wary, and didn't wish to come to bodily harm.
53 Posts
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Melaneus had wished the stranger Rodyn might return to the Weald, but as the days passed him by, the hope of that seemed to dim.

The child had snuck out again, but not beyond the shelter of the Weald. He knew what he did was dangerous, but he knew, instinctually, that stepping into the pasture and out of his glade of shadows would be more dangerous than what he wished to test.

As it was, he wished to see sunlight again. So he watched from his shelter and stared out into the brightened day, watching the birds in the sky, the grass in the breeze, and every creature who might pass by.

Can be interacted with or a cameo, depending on where Rodyn is! Mel’s on the very edge of Deepwood Weald, and I don’t mind if his starting presence is noticed haha!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn continued his forward roll, but suddenly the prickling of not being alone, picked up along his shoulders and his nape. He froze mid step and looked around eyes, roving along the edges of the forest. He had not stirred past the trees of the Weald. Since the small family he had grown to like were claiming there. He wished to stay in their good graces, if nothing else than for their son.

Rodyn's eyes caught sight of a brown blob in the grass and at first, his body went on the alert, but then as his gaze honed in on the blur, he saw it for what it was. The Child from before. He couldn't remember if he had been given his name. Which made him feel terrible. 

He stepped where the young one could see. Out stalking and hunting again are we? His smile was gentle and it lit up his eyes as he looked over the youth, his tail sweeping around behind him.
53 Posts
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He was content enough with the world in these moments. The sun felt good to his eyes. Melaneus wondered if his brother would ever like the sunlight. He had noticed that out of all of them, @Lycabas stuck to the shadows the most. One day, he decided, he would ask him about this.

But today he watched a butterfly flutter past his range of sight, and beyond that, a larger shape blur into view.

Melaneus felt his heart jump and the little shadow thumped his tail on the ground.

Rodyn had come back!

He blinked back an answer with the slightest nod, and the briefest of smiles that dashed across his lips. And the silent boy asked a question of his own, pressing his paw forward, and gazing up at the man with his murk coloured eyes and a curious tip of his head.

Waiting, again, to see what kind of man this Rodyn was, waiting, again, to see what he might do.

He had already impressed him once.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Butterflies were in constant supply in this tiny meadow. They ranged in all sorts of colors and flew on wings of gossamer all around. The youth looked happy with them, and Rodyn could remember how much he loved to chase them once upon a time.

Rodyn wagged his tail back and gave a gentle bow, with a smile.

You want to learn to hunt today little shadow? Rodyn smiled gently at the shadow kissed boy, and he bent a little lower to the ground. He motioned with his head at his paws. 

You want to keep your paws silent, step carefully, watch for any thing you could possibly step underfoot

Rodyn shifted his body showing the youth how to hold his body. You want to scent the air for any type of prey. Rodyn lifted his nose into the air and then down to the ground, his ears lifted and alert, ready to go forward if needed.

He showed the youth his paws again and took a step forward silent, hoping the young shadow would mimic him.
53 Posts
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Another nod, another smile, and this time, a gentle wag of his tail. Rodyn seemed a great hunter, and father had seemed to approve of him, too, even if he hadn’t let him stay in the Weald.

Melaneus had seen Rodyn’s stealth the day they had first met, and he had been practicing since then, knowing what he learned would come in useful someday, though not quite knowing how to apply it. But Rodyn showed him and told him similar instructions today, and the boy did his best to mimic his mentor - and most importantly, to keep his excitement at bay!

After shadowing the way he scented the air (and trying to smell anything besides wildflowers and mother’s scent line), Melaneus glanced up to Rodyn and followed him with a step forward, then another, eyes shifting to watch the ground, and tongue crooked out of his mouth in concentration.

I reckon he’s making some mistakes, feel free to decide what they are and to correct them!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn watched as the pup began to mimic his movements from the day he had met him. IT was endearing and the pup wormed his way into Rodyn's heart. He would help however, he could.

Rodyn leaned gently forward and ran a muzzle along the child's shoulders, and moved his legs into a more comfortable easy position, and also one that would allow him to grip the soil. And feel the ground.

Can you feel the vibrations from me walking, little hunter? That will serve you well. Be sure and listen too. You must use all your senses to hunt? Smell the air, the prey, listen for the creatures?

Rodyn moved into position, body low to the ground, paws feeling the dirt. He slowly stalked forward, eyes darting from one space to the next. He could smell a rabbit warren nearby, but he wanted to see if the shadow kissed pup would scent it too.

I love him.
53 Posts
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At first, he stiffened at Rodyn’s touch, but quickly willed himself to relax. Allowing his mentor to correct his posture where he went wrong, and commuting the new balance and distribution of weight to memory.

He flexed his toes against the dirt. Felt the ground, as Rodyn’s instructed. He felt many things - Rodyn’s footfalls, only in the deepest moment of concentration - but now he knew the feeling, and he would only continue to learn.

Melaneus watched Rodyn take position just as he had instructed, his towering frame melding like shadow. The little hunter had never been so excited to follow.

He rebalanced himself and copied his mentor again, this time feeling more easy as he slunk forward to take up a place by Rodyn’s side.

Nostrils flared. Ears twitched at the prairie sounds around them. He smelled many things, but could not pinpoint just one. Careful eyes scanned the fields, careful voice offered to Rodyn for the very first time.

Do you smell more than flowers? he wanted to know, but only in part, and so he added in his still small voice, only yes, or no, please.

<3 <3 and I love Rodyn!! Thank you for your patience in waiting, I hope to be quicker next time!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The youth stiffened at first, but quickly relaxed. Rodyn would remember not to touch without asking. He was as brief as he could be. Not lingering to make the child feel uncomfortable. And quickly moved back into his own position.

Rodyn didn't know if other's were like him or not. He was born to hunt. Found a sense of religion in it. It eased him when his heart felt heavy. It was a way to give back to those he loved, and he listened. He had always listened as a child. The sound of hoofbeats on the ground. The pitter patter of rabbit's feet, but not everyone was like him. Though it seemed this little hunter would be.

Rodyn was genuinely surprised when the voice, reached him. Quiet, demure like the youth, but a sense of wisdom in his words. He was an old soul this one. And Rodyn both was happy and sad for him. You did not make it easy when you had an old soul.

A smile lifted up his maw. Yes.

He realized the youth wanted to figure out the smells on his own. So he gave what he asked for, one word.

Rodyn stalked through the tall grass, towards the rabbit warren. Silent footfalls. The youth hopefully following. He would smell the rabbits closer to them, and then once he was able to smell them, should be able to put their scent to memory.