Qeya River The gentle ones can't handle me, the rough ones despise me
608 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan laughed back. "i don't think i'm intent on them." amalia wandered into his mind at that moment, making him redden quite unbiddenly! "i think i am suited to a bachelorly life. after all, who could settle for a man who spends all his time tracking herds and muttering to himself? certainly not enough time at own to — begin a family."
his blush deepened.
"i've got to get on, miss sadey. would you care for a help back?" lestan asked, straightening his limbs one by one.
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey eyed him with her pretty grey eyes and chuckled. You say one thing and do another. Your cheeks redder than an apple in autumn.

She chuckled again and shook her head. I'll believe you for now, Lestan. Only fer now.

She shook her head. I'm wounded not dead. I can get back thank you very much. Sides. I'm enjoying the night air. You be safe yew hear

She settled more firmly to her stomach and lay her head along her paws. She would revel in the quiet that settled around her. And let her mind wander, just a bit. Maybe visit that which she hadn't visited in some time.
608 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"absolutely. completely." he chuckled, flushing further!
lestan watched sadey settle, and then he began to trot off along the waterway, in search of a particular dark-furred female despite the fact he had things to attend.
and he was rather fond of the cowboy besides.
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