Ouroboros Spine Distance dancing
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Russet paws traipsed and tapped across the pack lands. There were many new faces and with the betrothal and everything else. Rodyn had actually not had a moment to fully sit with his thoughts. He tilted his head and settled to the ground. The moon was rising high above the sky.

The lacy colors of yellow and cream traced along his russet pelt, and dug into the shadows that colored the dips and valleys of his paws and shoulders. He took a deep breath and another, and let his mind wander. To conversations he had.

Samani worried that he would treat their children like his father had. She wanted to leave and travel. That was grand. But what would change in their dynamic. He hoped that they would grow closer, but he had to admit to himself, that this may not be the case and it made his stomach churn.

So with creeping doubt he laid those questions at the feet of Sedna and he took one breath in and then out, and centered himself. No, it wouldn't be taht way. They would grow deeper with their thoughts, it was what he hoped with. He would show her all the things he could, so that Samani could seek the answers to questions she wondered about. They would grow their love and perhaps their family in teh future and it would all be well. And he would be nothing like the bad traits of his father. Nothing.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Is there any better time to pounce on a bespoken man at his moment of doubt and vulnerability?

When Kausiut found Rodyn, she observed the man for a good moment, before deciding to call out to him and invite to stop by and make her company. She had been unable to fall asleep on this moonlit evening, therefore she had entertained herself with attempting to draw maps with the same eloquence Sandulf had. It turned out that, while her crooked paw was of little value for its main and primary task, it was quite handy, when she draw lines in snow. They were far for perfect and quite abstract in their nature, but Kau watched her creations with just the same awe she did as a kid, when she played with the assortment of treasures.

She let out a half-bark/growl to catch Samani's fiancees's attention and waited for the man to come, if he decided to do so.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Russet Hunter felt the prickling of eyes against his pelt and back. But he didn't move. It didn't feel threatening, so it must be a pack mate, and if they wished to speak with him. They'd join him. Rodyn had seen his brother, after his visit with Kausiut and Kukutux. He had made sure to stop and speak with him as well.

Rodyn loved his brother and he was a good man. But he was growing quieter in his aging and it made Rodyn worry that he would become melancholy.

A bark and growl caught his attention and he turned to see who it was. It was his Fiancee's sister so he stood and moved closer to her.

Good evening, Kausiut. I heard you met Sandulf.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Rodyn responded right away and Kau took it as an encouragement to approach him. She half-hobbled, half-hopped through the snow, until they were within such a distance that it was comfortable to both of them to talk to each other.

Her first instinct was to scan him quickly, just in case he had any food at hand - he did not, which was a little disappointing, but Kau decided to forgive him. After all this day had not been to bad for her food-wise. She had been able to track and hunt some smaller rodents. Far from satisfying her hunger, but enough for her to not hold grudge against other able-bodied people, who walked around with nothing.

The man mentioned Sandulf and Kau nodded in agreement. "Map," she told him the one most important thing that she had gained and learned from the encounter. "Samani?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, wondering, where her sister was and why the groom-to-be was on is own at this time of night.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Kausiut was different than other wolves, but she was still much like the spirit of moonglow. Welcoming and kind. At least thus far from what he had seen. He didn't know her well. But his brother had spoken of her fondly.

Rodyn noticed the can, and wasn't sure about it. He looked around too. Did he have something on his pelt or something? But it seemed to be nothing so he went back to paying attention.

He was confused for a moment, a map? Then he remembered his brother's penchant for drawing things. IT was so strange. But he had always been more of the quiet keep to myself type. And he had drew pictures often when they were growing up. Even used it to tell him stories when he was younger before Sandy was forced to leave.

Rodyn motioned back towards where they stayed. She's sleeping. I was on a patrol and stopped for a break.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
It is interesting, how we sometimes (or often) base our ideas of, who people are, on our perceptions that might be entirely incorrect. Kausiut was not kind or welcoming. She did not possess empathy in that capacity to feel it. Rather her actions were driven by pragmatic calculations and necessity. She was neither evil, nor a psychopath, but the absence of these extremes did not make her a good person either. Maybe it was a good thing that Kau tuned down her own personality and did not talk much, letting others create an imagery of her. What they wanted to see in her.

Samani was sleeping and he was patrolling. "Join?" she asked on an impulse, because the latter activity did not seem to require much effort - save for being observant and call, when needed. This might earn her a different standing in the Moonglow than it was now.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn perhaps was too trustful, even after the wolves attacked him on the one border. He was wary now, but still not as wary as some. He always felt since he had good intentions, everyone else did to. Which was not always the case. And he really needed to round out that thinking process of his.

Rodyn nodded. Sure I just have a small spot to go yet. What was where you lived before like?

He asked as he stepped into movement and to patrol near the borders. Scratching at the edges, leaving fur, and claw marks and in some places water.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Rodyn did not decline her offer. She let him lead, where the path did not allow for two to go side by side, and occasionally she stopped to check the marks left by him and read messages left by others. The world of scents was much more easier to navigate than the complex social construct that living in a pack was. Molecules never lied or deceived, they were simple and straightforward.

He asked, what she had liked about Walrus hunters. Kau needed to stop and think. "Trees," she beckoned to the forest surrounding them. "No," she shook her head. No trees. Just the shores, cliffs and the ocean. "Sight. Far," she looked all around her. No obstacles. Unlike here.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Their movements were in sync and separate when needed. There was no need for talking, and Rodyn was able to center his thoughts and himself better. His doubts pressed and given to Sedna, he was of a calmer mind. Sometimes you just needed that brief moment of silence.

He looked around. Ah so you like to be able to see all around?

He couldn't say that wasn't a good thing, but he preferred trees. Samani is sort of like that. She likes the shore.

He spoke of his future wife so easily, not even thinking that her sister probably already knew this about her.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Kausiut nodded eagerly. In the beginning she had hated the feeling of being so exposed. For the first few weeks on the shores she had moved in a half-crawl, jumping at any sound and bolting to the nearest safe place, when the stress of the surroundings had been too much to bear. Over time she had grown used to it - with the help of fellow hunters. And after a while she had grown to enjoy it. There was a sense of freedom that Kausiut could not find here. Trees towering over her felt more as obstacles than friends.

Kausiut remembered vividly their first outing to the shores. Samani had loved it, she had absolutely hated it and had refused to budge. She had forgotten many of the details, but the cold, exhaustion and frustration had remained. Now, probably, she would share the same view. It had taken Kausiut longer to connect to the side of her, which her father had contributed to. "You?" she asked and this could mean many different things. Did he also like the shores? Did he like to be able to see around?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
That got an enthusiastic reaction from her and he smiled. He could understand. When you talked about things that you really liked. It gave you a small sense of companionship and happiness. Especially, when you were in a new place, or in this case new and old again? He wasn't sure how to describe that. She had been born here obviously, bu he didn't know when she left.

Well the sea is interesting. I have a hard time walking in the sand. I grew up in forests, so they feel safer to me, but when i traveled for trading. I liked the open places too. You could see for miles and it was very pretty.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Not for the first time Kausiut observed that in most cases she needed to contribute very little to the conversation. In the presence of an attentive audience people themselves were willing to spill the beans and fill the silences between questions and answers. She memorized this for future use. If a well-chosen single word or a couple of them spoken in the right way could induce a flow of words in return - that was a gain. She could spare her energy and take from the other's speech only that, which was needed to keep the conversation going.

"Sand," she could sympathize - she lifted her crooked foot. Soft sand was bane of Kausiut's existence, but at the Walrus hunters their shores usually consisted of packed sand that gave solid ground to stand on. "Home. Here?" Kau asked, wondering, if Rodyn felt here as home or whether he and Samani intended to go somewhere else. If he had told this to her beforehand, she had already forgotten.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn hoped he wasn't talking too much. But Kausiut seemed to either not like to or have difficulty talking, so he moved to fill in the gaps, before she had to speak more. Perhaps that was an injustice within itself, but he wasn't sure. She didn't seem to mind, so he continued.

Yea home is here, for now. Samani and I may change our minds, but we have our whole lives to figure that out. He smiled gently. Him and Samani they could settle whereever they pleased and he didn't want to give away too much. Samani would probably want to talk with her family herself about waht she wanted and needed.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
So, they too did not feel exactly like home there. Except there was more assuredness to Rodyn, when he claimed this indirectly. Kausiut did not have to look for an answer of "why" very far - he and Samani were not dependant on anyone, while she - the wayward sister - had to make her choices wisely with her own well-being in mind. Long-term. Moonglow may not feel right, but it provided safety and food for a cripple she was. It was a fair bargain for the likes of her, but then it also did not feel fair for her choices to be limited in such a way.

"Where?" she asked, wondering, what kind of place the pair would claim as their home.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know what the future would hold for He and Samani pack wise. But he did know if she and he went out on their own. They would probably be fine and they didn't plan to go far. Samani wanted to be near Moonglow regardless.

Rodyn smiled. Ideally somewhere with both forest and sea. And I am sure Samani and I would too offer you a place should you like to stay there.

He knew that Samani would. There was no doubt in his mind. She was one who loved her family so strongly.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Rodyn suggested Kausiut coming with the two, when the time came. She appreciated the idea, but she did not like the uncertainty of that kind of future. She preferred guarantees of safety and food to stay alive. But this did not exclude a possibility of maybe visiting their village later and then making a decision to move there permanently.

"Anaa?" she wondered, if Kukutux knew about the plan of the two and, whether she approved of it. Mom had never restricted anyone - at least not that Kausiut had felt it in any significant way - but then this was a little different. Samani - after all - could be an heir to the Moonglow and therefore mom might have vested interest in having her to stay.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know if Kausiut would come with them, and he didn't even know when or if they would leave. There was much in the air. But he felt odd if he didn't offer the suggestion.

A shake of his head. Samani wants to talk to her. I am following her lead on this one. She knows everyone better than I.

Rodyn smiled then and gave a small shift in his movement, not sure what else to say.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Kausiut nodded in response and for a while after that she walked in silence, stopping here and there at places, which caught her interest. And for the most part observing, what Rodyn was doing as a guardian and she repeated, though not all the reasons for the actions were clear. But she figured that not everything had an explanation and people misunderstood or did not understand her far more often than the other way round.

A sound of movement made her stop in her tracks and scan the area carefully and suddenly she found herself face to face with three roe deer in the distance. They had stopped as well and was watching the two wolves back. There was longing in her heart for that ease of movement that other able-bodied wolves had. In her mind she could see going after the trio, maybe with not an intention to actually catch them, but rather to enjoy the chase. As beautiful as those images were, they always served as a painful reminder, that she would never be able to do that.

Kausiut cast a glance at Rodyn and sighed. He had been very good at understanding her so far and - perhaps - he would read this moment of disappointment and sadness just as well.

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know he had to explain what he was doing. Guardianship seemed pretty cut and dry for him, but had he had an inkling he would've tried to explain his movements. But he was happy and content in their movements with his new sister by family.

Always the hunter, Rodyn's ears swiveled as he heard the noises. Narrowed yellow eyes, he was immediately into a hunter's crouch, but he didn't move. Just observed. he briefly thought about giving chase, but then he realized Kausiut wouldn't be able to keep up and a pang of sadness dipped into his chest for her. He eased back into a relaxed position and instead simply observed.

Rodyn heard the sigh beside him and he turned his warm gaze to her and frowned. Please don't take offense, but I'm sorry that you can't chase them as easy as others. I wish I could change that for you.

He frowned again and looked at the deer in the distance. HE couldn't imagine how she must feel and his words felt hollow to him, but he had meant them from the bottom of his heart. He really didn't like that she had a handicap.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Rodyn felt sorry for her and, while Kausiut had somewhat purposely evoked that emotion, now that it was expressed, she did not like it very much. One thing was feeling pity for yourself - you were allowed to wallow in that time from time, but witnessing others acknowledging her weakness openly... that did not sit well with her.

She furrowed her brow, thinking and then replied with the same line she had given her mother. "Crawler," she pointed to herself with her crippled paw. "Fly.Not." Those, who are meant to crawl, do not fly. And what's more - she smiled, thus showing that she was fine with it.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn did feel sorry for her, and he knew it wasn't entirely a kind emotions. And many wouldn't like it. So he did try and tamper it down, but Kausiut seemed the type that you needed to be honest at all times with. he wasn't sure why.

Rodyn returned her smile, yellow eyes lighting up. I'm glad you can find the good things. And think of all the things you notice no one else does. I hunt, i'm just good to kill and stalk. But I bet you know more about the roe deer than I do. YOu observe and learn more than I.

Rodyn's tail weaved to and fro, his voice kind and friendly.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Nah... claiming that Kausiut was a wolf embodiment of Pollianna was far from truth. She was fine with her state, because she had been forced to admit her defeat in fighting it. Fine did not mean that there weren't days, when she did not hate her own vulnerability. Did not feel anger, envy or hate at people, who did not have the same constraints.

But it seemed that Rodyn liked the very much improved image of Kausiut he had formed in his mind. Funnily enough, Kausiut had not had to put much effort in doing so - he had done all the work. Oddly enough for a creature, who had not strived for approval from others, it felt nice to be liked. Both for selfish and personal reasons.

She shook her head, when he suggested she knew about the deer more. Not at all. They were creatures out of her reach and therefore deserved a fleeting glance not lengthy contemplation. "Look,"she paused searching for the rights words. "See.Not." Looking is not seeing.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not privy to the thoughts of the other. So he continued on happy with their conversation, believing that it had been as pleasant for him as she. That he knew her a little better now, even if perhaps he was wrong.

Rodyn nodded. that makes sense. I often just watch.

He tilted his head. What do you like to do for fun? He wasn't sure if the woman would know exactly what he meant, there seemed to be a bit of a language barrier between the two, but they were making it work.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Fun? Kausiut had been asked this question before and still it mystified her. What did this word mean? It was something you did - certainly, but among all the names she had for the simple everyday activities, "fun" was not among them.

She shook her head - no, Kausiut did not do fun. Then - instead of asking for a lengthy definition she decided to find out the meaning in a more clever way. "You?"she asked, waiting for, what Rodyn would tell her. Maybe then she could deduce, what he had wanted to find out.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It hadn't occurred to the russet hunter, that fun would be a foreign concept. Even as strange as his childhood had been, he had been able to play and have fun until he was forced to grow up. There was something to be said for such a thing.

I like to fish, and hunt. Wrestle. Play tag. Those kinds of things. There wasn't much else to be said about it. He didn't know if he could explain teh concept of fun. Because despite that it was fun to him to fish and hunt. It was also life skills that they must do. So to her it may just seem like work.