Stone Circle I've got a whole lot of problems, just trying to get by
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Bonnie is trespassing! Any potential consequences are acknowledged! @Tauris ? :D

So maybe he really had messed up. And maybe nothing was going his way. He figured he'd gone on so long slamming his teeth on deer and racing through valleys that he'd have gotten somewhere by now. That he'd get something of what he wanted. So, he kept going on for days. It made him angrier, the less he had. Like he couldn't quite grab what he was wanting, so he spent days spiraling out of control, slipping through mud, trying to get ahold of a hare to eat, nipping at legs of prey that he could hardly fight alone. 

Why couldn't he do anything?

Why did HE have to deal with being kicked in the face as less? And he found himself failing again, and again, and again, until it was all he was doing. Why did they get everything? He'd lost weight. Lost muscle. He wasn't thriving. He wasn't the father of some family like he wanted. He wasn't the king of some land. He didn't understand why. But that feeling had set in. That feeling that he wasn't getting anywhere, watching every other wolf around him zip by with wolves bigger and stronger than him, doing things he could only dream of doing, and all he got to do was sit back and watch them live. Why wasn't he doing that? A part of him felt empty over it all. All of it. Yet, somewhere within that hatred and bitterness, he felt longing. So, here he was, with swallowed pride and a heart trying to understand how to function.

He'd dragged himself south. He'd stuck his nose close to pack wolves, and turned his back numerous times from interacting or involving. His ears were back, pinned to his scalp with an unsure quirk of his lip at everything that spooked him. His tail kept pushing between his legs. He scowled, and yet at some points he looked up with so much interest. That maybe he'd find others here. He knew he'd crossed a border at some point.

474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
[Image: disappointed-cricket-fan-mohammad-akhtar...ihtcio.gif]

This is a nightmare she’s had frequently. That a man will come into the pack at evening and with a deadened soul and wants to be let in. This one is far from dead and he knows how to breathe into her a fresh anger that lifts every hair and blows cold air over the threshold of her body. With an erect tail and a guttural growl she poises herself before him, planting each paw down forcefully like one of the immovable ancient seer stones.

“This is Kvarsheim. It is governed with amity and decorum by our Móðir and Faðir. Unfortunately for you, I have neither.”

Remember me?” Her eyes hold fast over his. Perhaps he will not, she is not so desperate and weak as the previous winter had rendered her. He's still just as scrawny and pathetic but she takes no satisfaction in the fact that he remains very much unchanged.

Oh, but she will keep her promise.

“I hope you can run as quickly as your tongue.”

With a snarl she breaks into sprint and barrels for him.
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
At the mere sound of another wolf, he'd not smiled. Not even scowled. He'd nearly frowned, looking up with his lips tightened together in bit of stress physically manifesting. Maybe bits of regret, like he should not have even been trying. With tight shoulders, he stood still and was greeted with a sight he didn't want to see. That girl he had taken the hare from. Wow. She looked stronger than he could have ever imagined her getting. She looked at him with nothing short of hatred, and him with unsure eyes that held little to no emotion other than uncertainty. His tail that had been tucked between his legs had forced itself out, still and relaxed as opposed to his hiked shoulders.

"Yes." Had been his response, squinting his eyes in a slight wince and recollection of the memory. It'd been vague to him, but he did. He knew that look- that look of absolute despise and loathe at him. 

He had little time for more conversation, to know if perhaps he would get even steps farther in. Of course she wouldn't. What would he have expected? Instead of running, he pushed his lips tighter together and slowly averted his eyes away. It had been so hard, yet he had, and with tense muscles that would usually be lunging back in fury, he allowed her to chase him- he who wouldn't run and awaited inevitable collision.  
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He braces, she charges.

There is nothing beyond this red compulsion. She strikes him as a wild boar would her predator; bulldozing and constant, bites reaching for tender places, a deep bay never ceasing upon a throat as she circles in bait for him to rise to opposition.

“Get up!” She commands with a sounding growl that solicits his fight. She wants his challenge- to dominate and take from him the ego that he’d stolen from her! He’d shown her no mercy on the cusp of starvation, why should she act any different?
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
When the collision happened, he was hurled over with a ferocious bark and snarl leaving his mouth, yet he did not bite. His head whipped around in the direction her mouth went to try and negate her snaps, and perhaps he got a few, but her strength exceeded his own. He could not catch them all. When flipped over on his feet, and he had done so quickly, he hovered half low to the ground with his teeth baring. When she was too close, he bit the air in her direction with the sound of his teeth quickly snapping together whipping through the air. 

"I'm not here to fight you!" he growled, and it had been out of his own frustration that he did so. He sounded annoyed, and it was because he was- ears back in discomfort. 
The Protector
48 Posts
Ooc — Liv
phone posting, apologies for any errors <3

Ulfhild had heard the beginnings of a fight from some way off, and her lumbering prowl turned swiftly into a gallop as she saw the Nornir taking on a much scrawnier-looking male. 
He did not look more than a boy, but Ulfhild did not break her stride as she barreled closer, honing on the male until she heard Tauris command him to- 
get up!

Ulfhild slowed abruptly, skidding a small distance against the grasses before The Protector looked to the Nornir inquisitively.
Was this something personal? 

Ulfhild did not waste time to begin circling with bared teeth and a guttural rumble, even as the trespasser protested that he wasn't here to fight Tauris.
The behemoth would glance toward Tauris as she kept circling. 
What would she do? 
How would she react?
What would be said?

Time ticked by in rapidfire seconds, while the man's life might hang in the balance between mercy and ego.
Protect the Weak, Purge the Evil
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
It is with relief that Ulfhild’s massive form intervenes, turning to circle the thief in kind. Her snarl is allayed, though only long enough to mock him.

“No?” She shudders in disbelief, tail dragging coldly  as the advent of systir makes her rounds, pacing like an archer loading her bow with an obsidian arrowhead. “What then, looking for another handout? Fresh out of those.”

She centers herself in front of him.  “Speak now, before she loses her patience.” She raises a brow indicating towards Ulfhild.

Tauris had already lost her’s.
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
One woman turned to two, and two turned to an inevitable rise in tension. Bonnie couldn't control himself. Oh, how he tried and tried, trying to bury his grumbles and growls in his mouth, but they continued to spill out periodically. That mock from the brown, hare lover's mouth elicited a response. The charge from the one with winter fur and eyes of the sun made him recoil. 

"Stop!" Glaring his gaze, his paws took him steps backwards with a tail threatening to tuck. Things were spiraling again. He was trying. Her close proximity made him squint. "No! I just," then he averted gaze, quickly looking about while he properly thought before he looked back to her and hesitantly to the one he decided most certainly was ready to take his throat out, "wanted to know if you needed an extra set of feet, or- something!"
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar wasn't oblivious to the noise at his borders and he was quick to arrive once he realized. And a snarl was on his face. And he spoke his voice like a bull whip.

What is the meaning of all of this!

He stood fur on end, tail above his back a cold glint in his eyes. Terrible and angry and irritated that there was violence at the peaceful borders of Kvarsheim.

Someone explain immediately. You stay put.

He stared at the boy and moved to guard him from leaving. There was a look in his eye that told of years of fights and challenges. The scars testament enough. He was old not dead, and he would and could still hold his own.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“What use could you possibly have to us?” She scoffs, readying her paws against the resistance of the dirt undertow…

Until like a clap of lightning Gunnar manifests between them. Her tail bellies, ears hooking, posture lowering beneath his authority. But her lips remain pulled in snarl, ire fixed on that festering pile of barebones. Her nerves roil at once in memory of the insolence.

Faðir,” she manages on a seething tongue, “I was informing this trespasser that Kvarsheim is no shelter for wayward thieves.”
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Why did she keep looking at him like that?! She was frustrating, and brought out this unpleasant feeling in him. It was her fault he felt so bothered!

One turned to two, and two turned to three that the witch lady bowed to. Leaning farther back on his toes, his front paw suspended in the air. Then, another step back before he planted himself still for if they truly lunged at him. Then he would have no choice but to fight back, and he did not want to. 

"Seriously?" he sneered at her. His eyes tossed between every being surrounding him, and the big man who stood watch. "I said I was looking to join, or.. something."
The Protector
48 Posts
Ooc — Liv
The Father was quick to come. 
Ulfhild paused her prowling stride to hear Gunnar and Tauris speak.
The boy, insisting he meant to join Kvarsheim.
Ulfhild let out a low rumble as she moved, keeping herself between the thin youth and any potential escape, attempting also to defer to her Elder whilst still keeping the air of a sentry.

The Protector looked between Tauris, Gunnar and the trespasser to see what would unfold.
Protect the Weak, Purge the Evil
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Those were heavy implications, but he saw no wounds. The boy hadn't seem to be fighting back. Had Tauris been cruel for no reason? Surely not. It bothered him, he felt as if he were missing too many pieces.

It's clear you've trespassed. However, Tauris, Ulfhild did you see him steal anything from our caches?

There was no scent of old meat or blood? Just the lingering tension in the air. Gunnar narrowed his eyes. He wouldn't have personal vendetta's hurt the peace of Kvarsheim. It wouldn't happen, and he found the longer he stood thinking about it, the greater his ire. But he stayed calm.

Or something? Pray tell what or something is? Young man?
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

No,” she admits, but holds firm her stance. Surely he was soon to!

She silences her tongue to hear what he might have to say for himself. The only thing he should be looking for here is forgiveness! And she hasn’t heard an apology yet. Just his complaints.

As if she’d allow this barbarian within any vicinity of Skáld or Taktuq the expecting mother, or any wolf of their pack! But this is Gunnar’s decision, she had to reserve hope that he would see what she did in this trespasser: a waste of time.
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Would she lie?

He circled. Through wolves he could not compete with and feet larger than his own, the looming threat of their presence remained. He haltingly changed between stillness and defending his back, raising lips when pressed too closely. 

Who knew. Maybe to her, wherever that rabid bunny brain sat, that rabbit had been part of their 'cache'. 

Lie she did not.

Squinting his gaze, he quirked his lip in thought. "I don't know. Just," a frustrated, stupid noise of, 'grah,' left his lips, "that's what I mean. I was offering help." He wondered now if his previous method of slamming into a pack unannounced and fitting in was more successful than actually asking. That 'kindness', as he was trying, meant nothing.
The Protector
48 Posts
Ooc — Liv
sorry for the wait
Ulfhild shook her head with a soft grunt.
She had not seen this boy steal anything from the claim. 
The Shieldmaiden wondered what Tauris's problem was with the young man before them, but put faith in the hope answers would be given promptly and soon.
Protect the Weak, Purge the Evil
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Looked him over. There was something about the boy that was unsettling, but despite that Ginnar too could see potential if he could get the chip off his shoulder.

He lashed his tail for a moment thinking hard. Steel eyes grazed over Tauris.

Tauris. Why did you call him a thief if he hasn't stolen? Words have implications and shouldn't be used falsely.

He turned then to the boy a small lift of a lip, sharp tooth showing.

And you, why would you cross a borderline without howling first?
Actions speak louder than words.

He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at both. The voice of father and leader in his tones.

Kvarsheim is a family, we take care of our own and we must trust each other. You keep your family safe and you work for the one behind you. And if one stumbles we pick them up. Are you able to do that young man? Are you able to be selfless?

With his questions he was able to instill both a lesson and get answers. Tauris could explain why she had ill will towards the boy and the boy would have a chance to explain himself too. As always being a Patriarch of fairness overall.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He’s a blight in her vision, even as Gunnar tries to reason she will hear none of it. He means to induct him into their clan! She spins to face him.

“Faðir, I respect you as my leader, and so respect your decision. But I will not endorse it if you mean to grant this wolf access to our home, I fear he will bring unrest. I hope I am proven wrong.” But she doubts it. It’s not long before he will slip up and the rest of the pack will see his true character. And she will be watching, waiting for that moment.

“And you,” she turns back to take up the thief with her hatred, “Stay the fuck away from me and my kid.”

Gunnar and Ulfhild are holding down the border, whatever happens from here on out she does not wish to be privy to. She is done here. She turns abruptly and leaves.
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
And now he knew.
Rabbit wench's were devil spawn.

When she turns to him, he puffs his chest and fur out like a wildcat ready to defend its kill. She spoke something about a kid, that of which he didn't care what popped out of her or not.

Yet, within his puffing, she left.

Were wolves supposed to alert their presence? That sounded stupid. He never did that. He didn't know that was a thing. So, that meant it was obnoxious! So, his eyes squinted at the question initially, ear twitching down in what had almost blatantly been confusion. It was only skewed by his apparently frustration that spiraled out at the bunny thief. 

Though, now he wondered if he looked more stupid than he meant by not doing this yodeling thing at the pee borders.

He swore he would be casted away. So, he had been waiting to leave. Yet, a man greater than him, with age he'd known and once left, looked to him.

With lowered posture, stressed back ears and a relaxing lip, he averted his gaze when he spoke. "Yeah. I can do that, I guess." He mumbled, but his tone less harsh. Less bitter and brash. There is relief somewhere, and imbedded insecurity.

The Protector
48 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Apologies for the wait and short post
Ulfhild remained a sentinel. 
No answers were yet given as to why Tauris disliked the young boy so.
But she assumed things would unfold in due time.

The behemoth watched as Tauris left, turning her amber gaze back to Gunnar and the boy. 
She would come then, to the Father's side, deferring to him if her presence was still needed or if he would have her leave.
Protect the Weak, Purge the Evil
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar felt a tightening in his chest, a small pressure on his lungs. He ignored it largely and it went away. He'd deal with Tauris when he was calmer, because she had raised his ire. He didn't like being spoken too so rashly and he also didn't like her vendetta against this wolf. There would be no room for such hatefulness in this pack, he refused to allow it.

Instead he looked to the boy, measured him. He was scrawny and clearly hadn't eaten in some time. He had an attitude himself and that was not something that Gunnar really wanted to deal with, but he also felt his fatherly heart stirring and he wanted to help him. And he felt strength in the presence of the warrior at his side.

He nodded. First and foremost, what did you do to Tauris to make her dislike you so? I expect you to apologize and mean it. I can be there if you need me too. Secondly, there is no room for guessing. This is what you will do in this pack. If you don't like it, you can find another. We will allow you entry on a probationary period. I see great things you can do. You just need to own your mistakes and learn from them. Bad choices make life hard, remember that.

Then Gunnar shifted and dipped his head. Welcome to Kvarsheim. I'm Gunnar one of the leaders, Taktuq is Modir and Tauris is Nornir. What most packs would consider two alphas and beta. This is Ulfhild one of our great warriors and packmates. What's your name?
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Ownership. This is what is requested of him. He wondered then and there, what did he have to own up to? What should he have done to bother the wench so much that he owed her an apology? That bitterness endlessly stirred, his pondering leading him nowhere good. This pondering, he knew, was what would end him back where he was again. Brash as he was, and foul mouthed as he could be, the thought of being alone again..

Perhaps would break him.

And so what if he broke, he wondered?

So what?

To Gunnar, he slightly nodded by the end of his rules.

" 'Ss Bonnie." Another shift of the dirt back with his paw. Tightening his lips, he glanced at the ground. Bonnie. Gunnar. " 'S Tauris the bubbly welcoming one?" he squinted in the direction of her leave.


"'Cause if so, then, ah," he scrunched his nose to give a small sniffle...... Elevator music


Then, in a straight flat voice, he looked back at Gunnar. "I stole her bunny few months ago." Blink
[Image: Justin-Timberlake-Is-Unsure-Reaction-GIf.gif]
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar tilted his ears forward. Well then, well met Bonnie. He imagined it was short for something, but what he wasn't sure, but it was a unique name and he sort of liked it.

Tauris is normally very kind and bubbly yes. I am unsure what exactly caused her ire and I will be talking to her, but you needn't worry yourself with that.

Gunnar listened and then he sighed. So that was why she called him a thief. He wrinkled his nose and tilted an ear forward.

Hmm. Okay then once you get a meal or two in your belly and some rest. I expect you to hunt down a rabbit to go with your apology. You will give it to her. I will not have unrest in this pack. If you both have a problem you come to myself or Taktuq and we will mediate for the two. Do you understand? Come along let's get you a place to rest and some food. You're probably road weary and hungry.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Kind and bubbly. Of course. Wasn't she so peachy.

Bonnie didn't like the sound of giving rabbit gifts. To him, it surely was a kids act. Surely she stole it from him, did she not? If his morality compass was right, and it certainly was, he had eyes upon it first before it got away. Her killing it afterwards meant theft from his pupils and ill coordinated jaws. He held spite for that, yet spite that was soothed by his retrieval of his deemed stolen object.


He would dread every second of this demand, yet he offered compliance and easily held his tongue with a wish to not be foul. He was too exhausted and beaten by the earth to fight it again.

So, come he did, following Gunnar with a low carried head. "So, you're, uh," he paused, sniffing in thought again, "An alpha or something you said, right?"

I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was clear the boy didn't like his terms, but he didn't argue them. Gunnar would make sure to have Taktuq keep an eye on him as well. He daren't ask Tauris, for in her current mood she'd look for something to shame him for or oust him for. And that was what bothered Gunnar the most that the girl had eaten of root that made her bitter. That was not how a leader could act. He was extremely disappointed.

Gunnar didn't know the whole story, but he still would have probably been a voice of neutrality if he had. Neither one were in the right, not really. Had one of them seen it first and hadn't caught it, it wasn't the second's problem that they took it, but whoever had caught it should have also checked to make sure no one was around. he'd chalk it all up to hunger, desperation and being alone.

Gunnar nodded his head. I am alpha yes. But we use more familial titles. Like father, mother etc, but in a different language. The language of the original founder of Kvarseim, Sanja and my father's language.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>