Dahozhoni Meadow He who sows the wind harvests the storm
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Ooc — Pinto
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Just as he'd told @Senmut, the sphinx had parted from the mesa. A message had been given to the fellahin to pass to @Toula shortly before her own departure. As instructed, it was told: 

To my dear Queen, Toula,

Your sphinx thinks of you, and will continue to in these days of travel. I have decided to depart without a retinue, knowing that I will learn more on my own. But upon my return, all that I have seen and heard shall be shared. For you, I will spare no details of the many beautiful things I find. Though none with compare with you, of course.

When the wind has calmed and the stars again shine bright, my feet will carry me back to the mesa... to you, so that we may gaze upon them together in awe. I look forward to this day, as I hope you might as well.

Until then, with sweet regards, Prince Thutmose

When only he knew the message was remembered and would be relayed, did he begin his journey beyond.
immortal longings
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Ooc — anon
upon the hearing of his letter for the second time, Toula gasped. looking to the fellahin for confirmation, she asked, no retinue!—but, is it true? and as they nodded, she drew her foreleg to her chest. their differences, at first, had been charming—but now she wondered if he meant this sort of life for them! 
no, of course not. this way was only most familiar to him. he was a soldier-prince, he knew how to cover ground, how to accomplish tasks. he would know, and understand, that she was far more delicate…
Makono would appreciate him, she thought! and that thought did charm her. quietly, she prayed to Khonsu to look after the man, as He aided travelers. alright, please, send back to him this: 

My Sphinx, Thutmose!,

I pray that you remain safe! know that I have prayed for you, and once I see you safe I shall teach you all of the God that looks after you during your travels. I cannot wait to see what you have discovered, and found, for me—I wait anxiously for your return. 

 have you found any of your favored berries out in the savage wilderness beyond? 

beneath the stars, we two shall pray to Nwt, who is the Goddess of the sky in the morning as well as night, and of it’s stars—the cosmos, the universe. I will ask Her, Goddess to Goddess, to keep you well also! 

until you return to me,

and then to him would be listed her many epithets and titles, her names. she would worry after him until he returned home to her!
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
The Queen did not make him wait long, for soon a reply came to him.

She worried for him, and prayed for him because of this! Indeed was the sphinx flattered, and made this known in his reply:

My dear Queen,

You needn't worry for my safe keeping. There is a story I have yet to share... one of where my father sent me on my own for three sunrises, with no resources for my travels, nor companions. When I have returned, perhaps I could tell it again with more detail. It is certainly an interesting tale. But with what I have told, know that I am well prepared, and will remain in one piece.

Even in traveling word he could still jest! For it was Toula that lightened his heart, brought warm to his chest, and the remembered humor of his youth. 

On he continued, for there was much more he wished to share with her.

I have not yet found any berries, but the meadows here have many divine treasures. Flowers upon flowers! They never seem to end; all of various, beautiful shades, and of many sweet aromas. I could not help but think of your sesh and garden–keeper, Haizel. That they might enjoy it here, as might you.

For they both shared a fondness of beauty in landscapes. It would certainly appease a crowd of many; the scents to engulf them all, never displeasing.

I have decided that I shall write to you much during my ventures. With each new territory, I shall send a letter sharing my findings, so that you do not have to wait. For it would be a crime to keep hidden you from these divine places for too long! Expect to hear from me again soon, as I have reached the border of these meadows. I do not know what awaits me next, but I have high hopes.

Think of these flowers I have described when you sleep, so that your dreams may bring you peace and delight — as only I wish I could in these coming days. But for now, only my letters can provide this to you. I hope it may suffice in my absence.

If I do not hear from you again, know that I think of you with each new letter and every step my travels take me. And I shall until next I see of you, and even long thereafter.

Oh, how there was so much more he could share! But what details remained were better told in person. So he would save them, just for her!