Dragoncrest Cliffs He's a little wiser, a little older
Gentle doesn't mean weak
904 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Etienne had slept fitfully at first, but a few nights into his return. He had slept soundly, but had been plagued with horrifying and heart breaking dreams. And he saw the betrayal that would surely show up on Anselm's face over and over again. For he knew the dearest face to him, well. And his heart broke anew each morning as he woke up and realized he was a horrible wolf. He had done the one thing he had promised not to do. More broken promises by Etienne Dahomey-Rivaini.

Etienne traveled the length of the beach. He pulled the seaweed from the driftwood and piled it nearby. He'd sort it.

He took moments to simply breathe and exist. Was he happy? No. But for the moment he was sad, but content in his working paws.
26 Posts
Ooc — Twin
the number one thing that will put a smile upon a sad face? your annoying baby cousin. obviously.
jadou had grown rather fond of taking walks by himself, now that he had some semblance of agency. it wasn't so much that he sought independence and rather that he sought quiet places to think.
and, as was his birthright, he took a shining to the beach.
sapphique's coastline was rather gravelly and harsh-looking, especially with the rather intimidating cliffs serving as the backdrop on one side and the frighteningly endless sea on the other. to him, however, it was paradise. he plods a ways away from the shore, choosing to climb over the salt-rotten logs and snuffle at the little crabs that crawled across the glinting sand.
it was a nice place to be. no one else seemed to be here, except — the weird guy maman had dragged in. hesitant at first, the boy slowly slinks over to him, kicking up clouds of sand rather obnoxiously.
what you be doin'? he asks, circling 'round so he could get in eti's face and stare at him with big, curious eyes. you look sad.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
904 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had grown fond of the beach as a child. And he still found solace in it now. He was surprised from his sorting by a youngling. This one he didn't think was one of his manman's but he hadn't spent much time with her yet. Ashamed maybe? Or too sad? He didn't know.

Etienne shifted. I be sortin' de seaweed for 'ealing.

Etienne smiled softly. I spose you can say I am. But dat is not'ing for you to be worryin' 'bout. Wut you doin? Explorin?
26 Posts
Ooc — Twin
fah healing? the boy exclaims, settling into a sit and staring down at the piles of kelp. the lightbulb goes off above his head. oh, yeah! maman told me dat de seewee colors mean t'ings. but i t'ink dey be good wigs.
he slowly slinks down into a lay, resting his head upon his forepaws as he watches etienne work. he is frustrated by the response. why couldn't he worry about it? he couldn't just pretend the man didn't look like someone kicked a puppy in front of him!
non, why you be sad? he retorts, flipping the subject back onto him with big, pleading eyes. you can talk to me. i can keep see-crets. i be good at dat.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
904 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A soft nod. Yes for 'ealin'. Dey do mean different tings. You 'ave to be careful wit' dem. Some are stronger dan otters.

Etienne chuckled, thinking fondly then of Suzu who would have warn one as a wig. Possibly even Theo. Dey do make good wigs, and good monsters to scare your siblin's wit' in de dark.

Etienne looked over the youth. I 'ave no doubt you can. our 'ole family is good at keepin' secrets, but dis is someting. mmm.

My 'eart 'urts. It is all i know 'ow to describe. I came 'ome to 'elp it 'eal.
26 Posts
Ooc — Twin
wigs make me look pretty, jadou nods, idly dragging a paw through the sand. i like to look pretty. i t'ink maybe you try it. it makes you 'appy.
he reaches forward to grab a strip of the damp kelp, a beautiful obsidian shaded one, and proceeds to try and place it atop etienne's head. but, seeing as how he is still much too short to do so, he settles for dropping it on his shoulder. dere! now you be pretty.
oooh, did a girl make you sad? he clicks his tongue and shakes his head as if he were a hairstylist and etienne was the client in his chair, sharing his woes. aye-aye-aye.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
904 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne smiled at the way Jadou spoke. He was much like Etienne and some of the other members. It was no doubt he was family. And that he felt himself pretty truly talked to the testament of how they were all raised.

Etienne shrugged the Kelp up higher, and used a paw to push it up and around his neck and he struck a pose.

"ow pretty, super pretty? I like to be pretty.

Etienne smiled sadly. No not a girl. Dis wolf likes men. IT was a man dat made me sad.
26 Posts
Ooc — Twin
veree pretty! i be trè bèl. the little red tail thumps in the sand with contentment, beady baby blues widening; somewhere inside of him, he felt an unspoken understanding that reached out for etienne.
it is only confirmed by his next statement, which jadou pauses momentarily to think about. why dun he jus say sorree? dat sound like he not veree kind.
the intricacies of such a predicament are wholly lost on him, but now his brain circles back around to the earlier comment about how etienne liked men — did that mean he was like his grandmothers? did you marry 'im? like me granmè?
Gentle doesn't mean weak
904 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne chuckled. Very. A small little smile to share with his cousin. He tilted an ear downward. This one was like him he would wager.

'e can be not nice. I tink it was 'e was raised different dan you and me. Dat one ting you be findin' out dere. People be different. Raised different. Act different and it's not always good ting.

Etienne shook his head. No. I don't tink 'e be knowin' i like 'im. "e likes girls. We just be friends.