Wheeling Gull Isle fall back into place
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin
whenever you have time <33

future note: this is dated very ambiguously, will def need to be moved around

she had never wanted to come back here.
she didn't think she would have, especially not now. when she left the bypass in her fit of resentment and anguish, she took time to collect herself; unbeknownst to her sister's search for her, she hunted what sparse prey was on offer to a yearling, moved with the flocks of birds and the temperate, salty air that blew in from the coast. it was freeing to be alone, responsible for no one. she'd never been alone! this was what she wanted!
she had the freedom to go anywhere, and yet here she was.
when she comes across the landbridge with the familiar silhouette of the island's shape off the coast, at first, she is filled with nostalgia. she sees simeon's face in her mind, hears his boisterous laugh as he splashes her with the current. mama sits with the brooding twins, one silently judging, the other curious but afraid; mama's eyes crinkle at the edges as she hums a soft hymn. gramma rests her aging bones on the beach, watching the tiny crabs and big brother psalm; john is there, too, and so is uncle everett, and — daddy.
the vividness of her vision fades to a dull monochrome as her feet touch the sand for the first time in half a year.
this place is so alien. it's nothing like she remembers — the trees are all the same, the tall sequoias bursting with greenery and the newly budding lavender, the smell of the salt and the loveliness of the hills —
but it is desolate. eerily so. the clouds hang low in the sky, and everything feels smaller than it used to. quieter. emptier. the lack of her family's scent fills her heart with a dread she had expected, but had not been entirely prepared for. she almost hoped it all would have been a dream, some awful, awful dream —
but then
as the tears sting her eyes and her head hangs between her elbows, she smells
something, someone
she almost vomits with how quickly the surge of adrenaline flows through her body. it's fake, her body is mistaking her, it must be, but it isn't and she realizes it as she draws closer to the lavender field, closer to the greenhills, closer to the mound of dirt now overgrown with fresh seagrass
oh my god
she can't see or hear him just yet, there is hardly even a speck of proof, but it is there! that tiny, tiny sliver of hope that she might find —

love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
The sea rests, her dark blue waves spreading calmly up the shore. Judah reclines in the vast fields of lavender, watching the day slowly cede to a warm glow. He inhales, pulling the cool air deep into his lungs. Everywhere smells of him. But you’re dead.


Dad. His ghost is always near, haunting him just out of reach. He can never see his face. He can never touch him. So close, yet always too far. It was an agonizing fate much worse than death.

Even now, above the sway of purple blooms, he is there, drifting through rays of gold light. Grief had long ago burned a hollow in his chest and he feels the emptiness expanding again. An embittered breath ousts from it.

What happened to you? What could I have done? These were impossible questions to ask now, but the ones he desperately needed to know the answers to. He should have been a kinder son, he should have been more patient. He shouldn’t have blown up at him, then maybe dad would be here- his real dad.


I wish I could have told you that I loved you instead.  Judah presses his eyes shut, twisting his head away and wills his father to peacefully dissolve. Long minutes pass in silence, and he had time to hope that his father had gone. But still his scent remains, binding him to the memory.


He’d spoken. The boy had heard his voice many times, though never with such clarity. This time was different. It was a girl’s voice.

Judah rights himself, peering out into the sun.  Dad is there before him, he can see so clearly. Resplendent wisps of fur encircle his face, sky-gaze filling with familiar concern. Judah lets his eyes wander, tracing over the intimate features of a face he hadn’t seen in over half a year, so real that he is certain he could reach out and touch something solid.

A hot tear spills from the grey eye and down over his cheek, "Dad… you are gone," he rasps.

Perhaps I am, too.
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin
running. she is running, frantically clinging to that scent that had once been washed away. she says his name over and over, her calls turning from questions to answers.
when she sees him, her heart drops into her stomach. she almost doesn't recognize him, but through the veil of tangled hair and seaswept frame, she sees the pair of mismatched eyes which were unmistakeably his.
she freezes. her lips part to speak again, but then, before she can —
he thinks she is daddy.
a garbled, wordless cry seeps from her throat. dejected, she almost turns to walk away, to leave her brother in peace and let him forget her. but she can't.
juju, dinah sobs, knees trembling and almost giving out beneath her. it's me, it's dinah. it's-- daddy is gone.
i thought you were, too, and maybe you still are.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Dinah,” he chokes. It can’t be. She isn’t real. He couldn’t add her to his growing list of delusions. He stares dumfounded into that golden face.

“Dinah,” the boy whispers again. It feels as though he’s never said her name before.

Suddenly, her presence is overwhelming. He needs her; needs to hold her, to smell her, to know she is well and unharmed, that she is alive. He rolls onto his belly, clawing at the tufts of lavender, coming to a trembling stand. He nearly falls when his leg gives out, but catches his stride and staggers forward. He limps to her, daring not even a blink, for the eventuality that this was all a trick of his mind, and she was soon to vanish with the wind. But she remains there, ahead of him; within reach.

With one arm draws her into his chest, sliding his chin down her back, breathing in her familiar scent. She’s real. A sob rips from his throat. Dimly, he is aware of a hot pain rising in the deformed leg, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to release her.

He had Dinah back, and he was never letting her go again.
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin

she watches as the realization comes to him, slowly before it crashes down upon him all at once. and dinah too felt something similar, seeing him move — crawl — to her, his wobbling, aged voice.
she is the one who breaks the distance, crashing into him and sweeping him into the tightest embrace she can muster. he is taller than her now, she realizes, her face buried into the saltbrine ruff of his neck, hot tears soaking them both.
she dissolves, no, breaks; melting into a sunset-colored puddle of mush, squeezing him so hard she fears she may break him.
i thought-- i thought you were dead, she mumble-shouts into his shoulder. i thought you were dead! i th-- her speech falters, shattering into a series of unintelligible blubbering that communicated the overwhelming, all-consuming relief.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi

The world spins on around them, but he feels nothing aside from her. He lets her consume him, holding her close to listen for that reassuring beat of heart like a last link to sanity.

“You’re home,” he releases another sob and tucks her head against his cheek. Months of anguish spill down his cheeks in the form of tears. His arm tightens over her in disbelief. "Thank you... thank you for not giving up on me."

“Where are...” his voice croaks into nothingness. His trembling dread shakes them both, and he realizes he cannot bear to know the answer to this question. But he must ask it. Judah pulls back only a few inches to look his sister in the eyes. He is stricken by her tears, by the afflicted face that looks back at him.

“Where is everyone?”
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin
oh, judah, the girl picks up the shattered pieces of herself, glues them together as she snivels and peels back to look at the worn face of her beloved littermate. she whimpers at the sight of his torn ears, and realizes now that he had only been holding her with one arm.
i never stopped hoping, juju, she trembles, reaching up to wipe at her cheeks with the back of a wrist. never.
and then came the inevitable question that dinah so fiercely did not want to answer: where is everyone? she swallows hard, settling down into a sit and guiding her brother to do the same beside her. she still hadn't quite gathered that she was, in fact, home, and reality yet again seemed to barrel into her as she glances out at the gently ebbing shore.
with a shaky breath, she begins.
w-we-- after we left to go find gramma, we came back with her to sweetharbor. we'd only been gone for... maybe a week, i think, but, but-- daddy, she stumbles over her own words, eyes squeezing shut as rivulets of tears dribble down her chin yet again. we were too late. h-he killed himself, judah. he went on a bender and refused to-- to eat, or do anything, and by the time we got home there was nothing we could do.
a-and we all thought you were dead. we looked for you for days, and then we found-- we found your foot, she gestures now to the mangled remains of his foreleg. and i couldn't-- i couldn't stay here. mama couldn't either. so we left, we went inland. ava was the only one who came with us. i... i don't know where everyone else went.
her tears are stifled by a hiccup as she reaches out to grab her brother's paw, tracing the veins in his wrist and the warm, calloused pads of his palm. she and ava live with a new pack now. it's called rivenwood, and it's in a place called the bypass. i was there for a while, too, but--
the deep cut of bitter anguish flares up again, and she grits her teeth as the sapphire eyes grow cold. she wonders if judah will have the same reaction she had; she wonders if he will understand. she has new children. two boys.
she replaced us.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Judah sinks defeated to his knees, slipping from his sister’s embrace and falling into a limp bundle. Dinah’s face blurs as her brother weeps the world’s ocean from his eyes.

“N- no, he didn’t! He wouldn’t! The cries are barely intelligible threaded with loud keening. “He- he was getting better! I d-dumped all the fruit in the o-ocean! He was hurting, he was s-sad. But he was g-getting better!”

He had no strength left, no resolve. Just grief so deep he knew he would drown in it. He would not speak, he was shaking too badly. His soul was beat by the cold flaps of angels’ wings, his prayers sent to burn to dust. Their existence felt like a farce; a mockery. Who was there to comfort and care for them? Where was God? Where was mom?

It was a painful realization, but Judah felt a part of himself had always known. He had watched as mom turned her back on dad that day- and now on his children. Mom had erased them.

But more dire than the idea of his mother with her new family, was his sister.

“W- we need to go to Rivenwood. We need to bring @Ava Amara home.”
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin
if there is one thing worse than grieving a loved one, it's watching your other loved ones grieve.
judah's cries feel as though they cut into dinah's very core, etching into her skin like visible bruises that will never leave. all she can think to do is drop to the ground with him, sweep him up into her arms and hold him. she doesn't reassure him, doesn't tell him that it's okay, because it wasn't, and it never would be — there was nothing she could say that could take away his pain, as horribly as she wished to do so. if there was ever someone who understood that, it was her.
she stays there with him, rocking back and forth the same way daddy used to do when they were kids. she buries her muzzle in between his ears, arms tightly roped around his shoulders.
he calms down enough to get out words she can understand, and a sigh is pushed from her lungs. she won't go, dinah mutters. i-i tried. i didn't want to leave her.
she missed her.
judah, she wipes away ribbons of snot and tears and spit from his face. i don't-- i don't think we should stay here, either. we need to heal. we need-- freedom, and i've found that, her mind wanders to mulherin, and her gaze falls away, dropping to the floor. i want you to come with me. we can go anywhere you want. i won't-- i won't leave you alone again.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He allows his sister to hold him, clear his face of tears, to rock him like a child, though she was scarcely an adult herself. They were just two children trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces of their broken lives. Judah’s breathing slows, he looks hopelessly up into Dinah’s face.

“If she chooses to stay… I-I just need to see her.” He needed to know she was alive and safe. He needed to tell her that he loved her- in case this was the only chance he ever got.

His sister speaks of leaving, and Judah's vision pulses, the shallow leads that tether the boy to this world threatening again to fracture. He reaches for her instinctively, heartbeat quickening in his ears, teeth chattering from the erratic clenches of jaw.

“Then don’t!-” his throat ruptures, “we can’t leave! I’ve been to the mainland. Everything there is… cold and, and hard, and violent.” His body quivers, his arms tightening around her torso. “This is our home. Our island. Our ocean. We were born here.”

“I don’t belong anywhere else, Dinah,” the words fall like tears.
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin
what had happened to him to make him think such a way?
it's not all like that, juju, dinah retorts as gently as she can. there are good people. there are places to go, food we can eat, things to see, just-- just trust me.
and sweetharbor won't disappear, she shakes her head, wiping away sand from her brother's chin. we can always come back to it, right? it'll always be here when we need it.
she falls quiet for a long while, watching as a pair of gulls circle over their heads. you belong, judah. you belong with me, you belong-- wherever you want to belong. come to rivenwood with me. we'll-- we'll go see ava, and mama, and you can see how you feel about traveling. i'll take you to all the cool places i saw on my way up here, anything, anything to make him smile again; we'll hunt rabbits, and we'll pick flowers, and we'll sit on top of a mountain and look at the stars, like we used to do.
she wonders how rivenwood has changed since she left. she wonders who exactly will greet them, if anyone will even — the bitter thought is dashed away, forced down with a thick swallow. it'll be good for you. for us. and... if you still hate it, we'll come back.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
The boy sucks back his tears so he can be strong, appear strong, while internally he bleeds. He didn’t want to see cool places or hunt rabbits or pick flowers. He just wanted his family back. But Dinah didn’t want to stay and it felt like childhood all over again, when his siblings were making great plans about the things they’d do and shy, quiet Judah’s only use was at home in the den.

Why did everyone always want to leave? Judah loved the isle. But he didn’t want to be left behind. Was this God’s will, a way of returning him to the designed path? Or another mistake?

“I- I yelled at him, Dinah,” he moans, “and it was the last time I ever saw him. The last thing I ever told him, was to go." This wound would never heal. It was opened, as fresh as the moment the words had left and there was no way to rescind them.

"I know he's... gone. But I can't leave him here, all alone. Promise we’ll come back. Promise we won't run away from each other. I can’t lose you again. I can’t.”
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin
the last thing i ever told him was to go.
dinah bit back her own tears, letting the sound of the ocean roar over her before she met him with her own whispered response. the last thing i ever said to him was fuck you.
but there's no use holding onto that, she snivels. it's-- things have changed, for better or for worse. a-and, believe me, i was mad about it too, i still am! but... we can't cling to the past. i think i've been trying to teach myself that. that it's okay to let go.
he knows we love him, ju, she cradles the back of his head with a forepaw. he knows you love him. wherever he is now, he's-- he's safe. he's with God.
she closes her eyes, lets the sound of the waves take her back to bright-eyed, gap-toothed bliss before she lets the memory disappear. but i'm not leaving you. no matter what. i promise, pale blue eyes meet mismatched silver and gold. i promise.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“What was the last thing any of us said to him?” His brothers? His mom? Had any of them shown him understanding, compassion? “No wonder he’s dead.” It fled as a smirk, but the boy was entirely devoid of humor. He turned his face away, seeing only the long stalks of violet flowers and the edge of his sister’s golden arm.

“I don’t want to let go. I want to be better.” To be someone worthy of the Redhawk name. For him. And now, for her. To sow the wounds of a displaced identity, to pull them both from the liminal, and make this island, just as forgotten about and discarded as they were, home.

He shifts to his feet, still holding his sister tightly to his chest, the only tangible remnant of tenderness that was left in his world, and he thought of the future. The idea of seeing mom again terrified him. Would she recognize him? Would she care? What if she was already perfectly happy in her new home with her new family, her new sons- without him.

Judah shut his eyes to quell the flow of more tears and re-opens them on his sister’s steadying face. He could make room for the dead past, and what yet didn’t exist, if he had her by his side.

“I love you.”
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin
no wonder he's dead.
for a second, hurt dashes across her features before she realizes; this is all new to judah. he hadn't been there, hasn't lived with the knowledge for as long as she and mama and ava had. but then, she wonders how long he's been out here by himself, and her heart seizes in her chest again.
she thinks again of mulherin, of the beautiful dark face. what was she going to tell him? she ponders mentioning him to her brother, but as he steadies himself and she sees the way his cheekbones have hollowed and his ears are now shredded, she cannot bring herself to.
she is all he has.
i love you too, she sinks forward to bury herself in his chest. we're gonna be okay. we're gonna figure it out.
as they always did.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.