Qeya River metiche
Qeya River
851 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
maybe @Senka? <3

qeya river was colder in the summer than to which she had grown accustomed, and so silvertongue spent some time shivering in the high reaches. she acclimated slowly, and then hardly noticed at all. her body grew rangy with the uneven terrain, and she learned to hunt the tall grasses for as many different birds as she could find. the children sprang up and no dismal thing touched their world. the river was as quiet as their lives, and silvertongue chafed a little under the unending peace, ironic in her trepidation.
Qeya River
13 Posts
Ooc — anon
when she did not keep herself busy climbing, she found a great relief in the cold waters. this became like a ritual. clamber the cliffs until her body begged for relief. then soak until she thought she might freeze to death!

it was what she was on her way to do now when she spotted them.

small and silvers befitting the cool climate. three-legged but no less strong looking. senka chuffed a low and inviting sound as she meandered a path towards the winding river.
Qeya River
851 Posts
Ooc — ebony

well. she definitely had a type. the woman senka was taller than silvertongue, driven from icewater and greystone. muscles moved smoothly beneath her pretty pelt. the vice only allowed herself a look that was an appropriate length, then waved her tail in a lazy arc. "you are senka? i am silvertongue." her eyes glowed. "have you been climbing all this time?"
Qeya River
13 Posts
Ooc — anon
i am. wren had mentioned a silver and now senka guessed that this might be her. so she kept her looks polite and dared not linger too long.

not all the time, there was a humorous shimmer like fish scales beneath her words. i go soak after climbs. interested in joining? no pressure, but she figured if the woman had the free time, there would be no better way to bond than ice water.
Qeya River
851 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"i am." it had been a long while since silvertongue found unsurety in how her missing leg might come off to another. but she crested the ridge of snow with a ready grin, eyes dancing. "how do you like the river, amiga?" there was more to learn about this senka, and she was ready to know.