Swiftcurrent Creek [m] Fallen to her knees, but you couldn't ever tell
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled. It's simple really, Rev. If my woman was talking with another dude, about emotions and stuff. I'd either ask to join or be suspicious. You know?

Which wasn't entirely true. And if she clearly didn't see the way Lestan had behaved when she and Arric had been dancing, then she wasn't paying attention, but in her defense. She had been a little well fainted. 

But Arric also though he didn't mind sharing, he also knew there needed to be rules in place. There needed to be constant conversation. They couldn't just go doing what or more so who they pleased all willy nilly. But he had a feeling, Lestan wasn't like that. He was a one partner kinda man.
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RE: [m] Fallen to her knees, but you couldn't ever tell - by Arric - March 06, 2023, 07:32 AM