Backdating to July 10th, his birthday :D
Another Year. Arric had to take a deep breath. Again he whispered to himself. Another year. He had survived another year without his dad. Another year on his own. Another year filled with trials and tribulations and he had done his best to rise above.
The dark shadow moved wraithlike through the pack lands. Though he loved his pack and he loved his pack mates. Today he felt melancholy and he hated this day with a passion. The day he was born and yet. It saddened him. For it was the day his mother grew weak and sick and eventually it took her. It was his fault. The day his father had laid down his life mere weeks before Arric turned 3.
He stared at his face in the river and felt disgust and sadness burn it's way in his guts. He sighed and shook his head. No he wouldn't let it get him not today. He couldn't let it get him anymore, but gods he missed his dad.
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He had avoided Arric, in a way.
Everything he had learned, it wasn’t something he could share—it was not his story to tell. And so, he had taken the easy way out… but he could do that no longer.
So when he found the man, a despondent shadow, staring into the waters as if his favorite puppy had been kicked, he could hardly keep the words from blurting out: “Fuck, who died?”
And then, he gave pause—the reality of their terrible luck and penchant for trouble a harsh reminder. He swept a paw down his face. “Tell me no one died.”
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Language just in case
Arric hadn't been blind or deaf to the way Akavir avoided him. And he figured either the bastard had found something out so horrible about his daughter he couldn't rightly fathom or the akashingo wolves were just dick fucks. Or he finally realized Arric was a real piece of shit bastard and should just stay away from him.
Though he was pulled from his pity party with a sound of fuck and then the words who died. And he stared at him for a moment. The comment so bizarre he couldn't quite regulate his expression. It went from irritation to disbelief and back to irritation.
Of course no one died dick fuck. I would have told you that, no matter how far up your own ass you had your head, that you couldn't even say hi. Gods Akavir. You.
Arric shook his head and took a deep breath.
No. No One died. Everyone is in tip top shape. Though I worry about Moss. Eshe is shy as fuck and feels worthless. Arlette she's doing her healing thing. The pups are alright. Although you really should have a conversation with Jakub, because that boy is not handling his mom's departure well.
July 13, 2023, 07:10 PM
Ahhhh—shit, Arric sure as hell had an answer for him.
Deadpan silent through it all, Akavir strode closer, casting his makeshift brother a sideways glance, taking the medicine his Beta saw fit to dish out.
“Well, if no one died, there hasn’t been any death threats against anyone, no cow-dung slinging cowboys trying to take over and no sacrificed coyote kits on our borders I’d say this is probably the best shape we’ve been in for a long while,” he chipped in, albeit dryly. So why so glum, chum, his eyes quietly asked before he dipped his muzzle down for a drink.
When his thirst was quenched, he sat back, rolling his shoulders back and feeling a pop of tension in his neck as it released. “For what it’s worth, it’s not my head up my ass but my heart. Don’t ask me to explain, I don’t even think I could if I tried to fucking figure it out myself.” Jakub wasn't necessarily news, but it made his heart clench fiercely. And then—what he really wanted to know was why Eshe felt worthless—how fucking selfish was that? But he knew Arric would see right through that with his laser vision.
“So we’ve covered everyone but you. How are you?” And then a hard stare was given to the larger man.
Deadpan silent through it all, Akavir strode closer, casting his makeshift brother a sideways glance, taking the medicine his Beta saw fit to dish out.
“Well, if no one died, there hasn’t been any death threats against anyone, no cow-dung slinging cowboys trying to take over and no sacrificed coyote kits on our borders I’d say this is probably the best shape we’ve been in for a long while,” he chipped in, albeit dryly. So why so glum, chum, his eyes quietly asked before he dipped his muzzle down for a drink.
When his thirst was quenched, he sat back, rolling his shoulders back and feeling a pop of tension in his neck as it released. “For what it’s worth, it’s not my head up my ass but my heart. Don’t ask me to explain, I don’t even think I could if I tried to fucking figure it out myself.” Jakub wasn't necessarily news, but it made his heart clench fiercely. And then—what he really wanted to know was why Eshe felt worthless—how fucking selfish was that? But he knew Arric would see right through that with his laser vision.
“So we’ve covered everyone but you. How are you?” And then a hard stare was given to the larger man.
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Swearing
Arric almost made himself gag with the absolute shit that he saw fit to share. And oh brother it was gonna get worse. He was sure. Because the two of them could never just have a conversation. It was always something deep veiled with some sort of inuendo and curse words and just all sorts of dysfunctional, but it worked for them. Mostly.
A wry chuckle.
Sure as shit. That's true.Arric saw the question in his gaze and ignored it. Because he didn't want to talk about his problems. Definitely not. I mean how do you unpack that shit without like unpacking it.
He shifted and shook his shoulders out, a dull pain beginning right at the base of his head.
Who are you in love with? Or should I say who do you want but won't let yourself have? Because frankly that's bullshit. Because i'm betting with the amount of females that came searching for you, one or all of them have a thing for you too. So get your uh heart out of your ass and figure it out.
Arric looked at him with a serious expression.
Then when you figure it out. Do something the fuck about it. This sad boi emo shit is old news.A small smile at his friend. Letting him know he meant nothing by his ribbing and he did understand. Mostly.
I'm alive isn't that enough.Arric remarked on a stretch.
I'm good. Stupid shit really.
He stared blankly at the river then.
It's my birthday today. And it's another year without my dad. I made it another year.He blew out a breath.
July 13, 2023, 07:34 PM
“Who said anything about love?” Surprise, despite the bickering the two shared—particularly when Arric mentioned multiple females coming searching for him. “Who was looking for me?”
Then, a 180—Arric’s comment about being alive was enough for a well-being check. “If anyone is emo right now, it’s definitely you,” he decided with a soft rumble.
When it was shared, Arric mentioned his dad—another year he lived and his old man was gone. It wasn’t something Akavir could attest to—as far as he knew, Constantine still breathed. Arric, however, was taking it hard this year. There was certainly a lot to unpack from his statement… Did he expect to die young? “Happy birthday, you old fart.”
Then, a 180—Arric’s comment about being alive was enough for a well-being check. “If anyone is emo right now, it’s definitely you,” he decided with a soft rumble.
When it was shared, Arric mentioned his dad—another year he lived and his old man was gone. It wasn’t something Akavir could attest to—as far as he knew, Constantine still breathed. Arric, however, was taking it hard this year. There was certainly a lot to unpack from his statement… Did he expect to die young? “Happy birthday, you old fart.”
July 13, 2023, 07:39 PM
Arric shifted a shoulder.
Arric chuckled.
Arric sighed and looked down.
No one had to. You try and act like you don't care but you care a lot asshole and you fall in love easily.
Arric chuckled.
Eshe, Silvertongue she always comes for you first, dude. And I want it known that i'm not complaining just stating a fact. What about Wren? I can't remember if she wanted a piece of Akavir or not.
Arric sighed and looked down.
Gotta keep my rep dude. It's why you can't be emo there can't be two sad bois only room for one.A side smirk.
Yea.Arric didn't know what else to say. How could he explain.
My mom died exactly 1 year after i was born, got sick the day i was born and no healers could do anything. Then my old man 2 or 3 weeks before my 3rd birthday. Torn apart in front of me. See dad he couldn't ever let anything alone. And he saw these little wolf pups caught between two warring packs so off he goes. All reckless and fighting. I had to join in right, but I didn't get there in time. I just kinda hate my birthday. But i'll get over it.
July 13, 2023, 07:54 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Language... always with these two.
Despite the general frown on his face, he cast a snort of disdain in Arric’s direction, already poking holes in whatever theory the man had that he was in love, so to speak.
“Listen, douche, I know it’s hard to keep straight in your newfound senile old age but let me inform you… Silvertongue is in love with someone else that is not me… Wren ran the fucking opposite direction of me, and Eshe was in heat.” Mic drop, or whatever. He wasn’t even certain his own wife had been in love with him, in retrospect.
Retrospect was a bitch anyway.
When he believed that to be settled or set aside, Arric launched into his parents. His mom, dead… dad, dead. Shred apart right before him.
But it was cool, Arric would get over it, he said. Akavir couldn’t help his the snort that erupted from him. “I’ll get over it,” he parroted, his scowl darkening as he stood up. “Don’t bullshit me like that. It’s me. It’s okay to fucking hurt, Arric.”
July 16, 2023, 12:17 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Swearing probably. Just slapping this baby on in case of.
Doesn't mean she can't care about more than one person, especially if it's unrequited. Douche canoe we all have one. I don't know about Wren man her taste in men is questionable. Eshe doesn't seem to be the type to go after someone unless she likes em. Just sayin.
Arric scowled and looked away. Angry now, but also sad.
I'm aware. But it's stupid. It's been awhile. It should have lessened at least a little. And I'm sitting here crying like a little kid and i'm a grown ass adult. We have more things to worry about than the fact that I miss my dad.
July 24, 2023, 03:39 PM
There was no point in arguing with mopey Arric about the current women in their lives—they would simply have to agree to disagree. And instead, more pointed, he waited for Arric to go through the motions a bit—a rant about life… and finally admitting he missed his dad.
When he was done, he allowed a moments pause, trying to figure out how to console his bestie when really, he just didn’t know if he could. “Listen… I can’t commiserate about lost parents because mine are still around… I think.” He really should send a messenger back to their pack and see… “But I know death sucks. And the pain of it never goes away. But let’s do something today—what do you wanna do?”
When he was done, he allowed a moments pause, trying to figure out how to console his bestie when really, he just didn’t know if he could. “Listen… I can’t commiserate about lost parents because mine are still around… I think.” He really should send a messenger back to their pack and see… “But I know death sucks. And the pain of it never goes away. But let’s do something today—what do you wanna do?”
July 25, 2023, 06:36 AM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Arric and his mouth. I need soap
Arric was irritated with his friend. He wasn't sure if it was the fact he was emotional anyway or it really bothered him that Akavir couldn't see the forest through the trees. God the guy had his head so far up his own ass he could smell what he ate two weeks ago. What the hell. But he dropped it for now. There was no listening. He'd just have to learn the hard way like he learned about everything else, that he couldn't just go around being oblivious to the emotions of those around him, especially of the female variety. And man was he oblivious.
Arric snorted.
You should really fucking check you know? I think that might be a little important unless you and the ole parents can't get along then i mean. I get it.
Arric thought about it and then shook his head.
Honestly I don't know I usually go for a run or go fishing. my dad liked those things. He also liked to sit and observe, but i refuse to sit on my ass in a field and wonder about why bees buzz and flowers smell.
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