Firefly Glen [PHE]So, don't say I'm not ready, 'til I fall on my sword
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
she could hear the love and adoration in his voice. how lucky this Chacal was—did she know how rich she was? perhaps the richest of any woman. she prayed to her Gods that her own children might love her the same, and knew it would mean being as good of a woman as this Chacal was. Toula was undeterred. was she disappointed, to not be seen as the most beautiful woman in these wilds by him? perhaps—but, then, if it was his mother… ah, it could be allowed! 
she laughed as he described his aunt. I shall not mess with your family, lest he forget himself in the equation! you must be as important to them as they are to you. your love for them, it warms my heart, he was wealthy too! 
and wise. yes, she answers with a nod, and now the fellahin lays out for him a variety of medicinal herbs from the desert. have you a need for any of these, Eti? she asks, leaving him room now to look!
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