The standing stones caught her eye from quite a distance. From so far away she thought they must've been some weird trees; her eyes hadn't started to go yet, they weren't as sharp as they used to be but they weren't terrible, so she stared fixedly at the stones placement on the horizon and used them as a guide. Her nose wasn't broken either—she was aware of the pack as she slunk along but feigned indifference, seeking those stones like so many wolves before. The woman didn't quite make it to the ring of stones before she grew tired of her pace and so, it dropped off until she was pausing to rest beneath a nearby tree. Her dark coat, littered with specks of silver and white hairs now, brushed against the narrow tree's gnarled trunk. The woman breathed in the scent of the plains and felt the chill of a little breeze creep through her bones—whether she was contemplating her next move or merely catching her breath, she took her time and appeared to lose interest in the monument.
As per usual, Ira had been pacing around the edges of the territory. As winter grew near more and more wolves seemed to be finding themselves at Easthollow's borders. Maybe that was why the stone wolf was not surprised to see one more resting under a tree. When Ira approached she started to notice the aged fur and appearance of the female before her. She had a few questions in mind, but it wasn't really her place to ask, so instead, she just made her presence know. A small 'boof' just to not startle her as she grew close.
Is there something I can assist you with Ma'am? You are awfully close to Easthollow's territory.Her stance was not hostile, but she still stood like a pillar. One could never be too careful.
November 16, 2018, 11:57 PM
The tree hanging over her was naked so when a winter breeze sighed through it, the branches wrattled. The sound of it was like hollow wind-chimes, or perhaps closer in nature to the bones that clattered about inside of her. Sometimes she felt her age. It was like waking up and noticing a creaking floorboard in an otherwise pristine house - this vessel of her's creaked and groaned at the best of times and she, once so virile and alluring, loathed the thought of having a limit (let alone reaching one). But, soon, she would be nothing but a pile of bones. Perhaps she'd freeze this winter and be lost to the world, but left perfect and pristine until the spring melt. That was a better thought; it brought a smile to her sharp face despite the morbidity of it. If Phyllis was anything, she was an idealist.
She took a deep breath as the cold swept over her. The warm scent of another wolf came with it, and she lazily - coquettish, some might call it - turned her inconsistent attention to the approaching wolf. The stranger was young and fit, with a masculine swagger that Phyllis thought was, ultimately, quite ugly. But they had a sharp face and a pleasing array of colors - not as envious as her own coat in its prime, of course. Their voice was decidedly more feminine than their body. Phyllis' pointed ears shifted to show her eagerness to listen, and smiled.
She took on the soft and surprised look of a blundering elder, for that's what she had become. Best to use the easy assumptions to her own benefit.
She took a deep breath as the cold swept over her. The warm scent of another wolf came with it, and she lazily - coquettish, some might call it - turned her inconsistent attention to the approaching wolf. The stranger was young and fit, with a masculine swagger that Phyllis thought was, ultimately, quite ugly. But they had a sharp face and a pleasing array of colors - not as envious as her own coat in its prime, of course. Their voice was decidedly more feminine than their body. Phyllis' pointed ears shifted to show her eagerness to listen, and smiled.
Oh, I am? That is... I'm sorry, how rude of me.
She took on the soft and surprised look of a blundering elder, for that's what she had become. Best to use the easy assumptions to her own benefit.
I was just admiring those strange trees over yonder,she motions with a small lift of her nose towards the distant spires of rock and then fixes her pale gaze on the young woman.
Do you live here, dear? It is very beautiful.
November 17, 2018, 08:32 PM
A breeze moved through the forest flowing into the open meadow. The cold of winter was slowly creeping with each growing day and it was getting harder to deny the temperature drop. Ira was silently thankful she grew up in the mountains, it helped her prepare mentally for the upcoming harsh weather.
The stone wolf locked her orange eyes on the elder as her own attention was caught by her presence. Now that she was closer she was able to examine her a bit more, mostly looking to see if she was injured. Ira couldn't help but wonder if Phyllis was from a nearby pack, but if she was, wouldn't she know about the pack residing here? Then again she could only detect the scent of the old woman. If she was truly on her own how was she surviving? How did she make it this far?
When the stranger motioned to the large stones that Easthollow had claimed, her face wrinkled a bit with what looked like it could be a concerned pout. The expression would only be there for a moment though before she forced her stone features to appear blank again.
The stone wolf locked her orange eyes on the elder as her own attention was caught by her presence. Now that she was closer she was able to examine her a bit more, mostly looking to see if she was injured. Ira couldn't help but wonder if Phyllis was from a nearby pack, but if she was, wouldn't she know about the pack residing here? Then again she could only detect the scent of the old woman. If she was truly on her own how was she surviving? How did she make it this far?
When the stranger motioned to the large stones that Easthollow had claimed, her face wrinkled a bit with what looked like it could be a concerned pout. The expression would only be there for a moment though before she forced her stone features to appear blank again.
Yes, well, they do tend to grab the attention of those who pass by.She figured it would be better to just leave it be and cleared her throat before continuing.
I do live here, is there something I may assist you with?She figured she might as well repeat the question. The sooner she knew her intentions the faster she could help.
November 17, 2018, 10:58 PM
The question had an obvious answer but she still waited until the girl responded, listening for the subtle clues that inflection and word choice would bestow upon her; the way which the gray-cast woman spoke indicated that this was indeed a pack, and a popular one at that. Perhaps those stones drew people from many paths. Phyllis kept that thin smile as she listened, and when queried by the younger wolf she was slow to start her reply but decidedly verbose at the same time:
Oh, dearie me. I do not mean to impose myself upon you or your family, darling, but I could use some help, yes. You see — I am a widow. My husband, bless his soul, has already moved on to the next life. I have been on my own for months now and, with our children grown and dispersed, well, I am alone. I do not have long to live — you can see that, I'm sure. I am old, but... But I do not want to move on yet. I do not want to be forgotten.Some of what she said was the truth; Phyllis had husbands in the past, and even children, but the loss of them from her life would not have affected her so deeply. Still, she played her part. A grieving widow, a weak-bodied elder nearing the end of her days. Tugging on heart strings and hoping it would be enough to thwart the stranger's good sense. Maybe Phyllis would survive the winter after all.
I do not mean to be so morbid, sweet girl, but I was hoping - if you could show kindness, and let me linger until my end. This place is beautiful and I would be most grateful if I could stay here, at least long enough to get through the winter - if I even have that long, oh,Phyllis sighs softly as her voice peters away; she knows she is not a boon to these people, not at her age, but maybe this girl could be manipulated. The poor old thing looks absolutely heart-broken at the thought of becoming a popsicle (or, that's what she's going for anyways).
November 18, 2018, 04:22 AM
Ira would wait as the old wolf droned on. To be quite honest, she'd rather get straight to the point. Sure she felt bad for the woman's loss, but what she explained was the inevitable cycle of life and the fact was, she was nearing the end of it. On top of everything she didn't really care for being called sweetheart or dearie or darling, all of it just seemed condescending to her. That being said, Ira knew the older wolf most likely did not mean it in that way. She came asking for help and Valette did not seem to be one for turning wolves away as long as they played family, so she would play nice herself.
When Phyllis finished she would give a small dip of her head to show respect.
When Phyllis finished she would give a small dip of her head to show respect.
I am terribly sorry for your loss. If you would like to join you will need to talk to @Valette or @Steph, our Alpha and Beta. I can call for them if you'd like? As a side note, we treat our members like family here, I'm assuming that will not prove to be a problem?Since Phyllis was watching her carefully she'd probably notice the lack of a large reaction to the sob story, instead, she would be staring into the blank stone face Ira was used to wearing.
November 19, 2018, 01:22 AM
It was obvious that her approach was a bit too hammed up, which meant that Phyllis really was showing her age. Whether she was successful in manipulating this stone-faced girl or not, she knew when the hold the line and when the calm her (floor-level) tits, so to speak. The girl went on to explain that she'd need to call for backup; that was a good sign, and it indicated that Phyllis was moving this process along at a good pace. It would've been easier if they had merely accepted her on the spot but clearly that wasn't about to happen. So she nods.
Yes, of course,she says in response to calling for someone; then the girl went ahead and explained the pack a small amount, which seemed a bit redundant but Phyllis wasn't about to correct her —
I understand,she murmured,
that is not a problem with me - I could always use more family.
November 19, 2018, 01:54 AM
She would wait for the older wolf to agree to the meeting as well as confirm that their pack's lifestyle would not be an issue before giving a small nod.
Very well then...Ira tipped her head back letting out a howl for the alpha or beta. It was not urgent, but she had no doubt someone would respond within a reasonable amount of time. Until then she could wait, and wait she did. She felt no need to continue with a mindless conversation so unless Phyllis pushed it, Ira would be a silent tower.
November 19, 2018, 06:22 AM
Valette was called to the borders. The female recognized the howl belonging to Ira. It must mean something was at the borders. Whether it was something dead or alive she knew that the female often spend time there. The most logical reason would be that there was a recruit on their borders. Valette made some haste and approached with a quick trot. She was correct that it was a loner on their border. However, this wasn't a young wolf by her first glance. Often it were young wolves that came to their borders.
Valette stopped next to Ira. "Hello, I'm Valette. I lead Easthollow," she introduced. Valette then glanced at Ira to give her an introduction. It seemed that the female had more information about the stranger. "I assume you want to join?," she stated. She didn't scented like another pack hence why Valette made such an assumption.
Valette stopped next to Ira. "Hello, I'm Valette. I lead Easthollow," she introduced. Valette then glanced at Ira to give her an introduction. It seemed that the female had more information about the stranger. "I assume you want to join?," she stated. She didn't scented like another pack hence why Valette made such an assumption.

November 19, 2018, 03:08 PM
She knew how to be patient. It had been a skill she'd been forced to develop, because Phyllis did not like watching the world tick by without her influence, but she knew at this point that she couldn't rush things. This girl wasn't about to budge from her duty. It didn't take long before someone arrived, and when they did Phyllis turned her attention to the newcomer.
The stranger carried themselves with a natural pride, their posture indicating this was the precise woman she needed to charm; when Valette spent some time catching up with the guard, Phyllis took a moment to study her and make her judgements. They were certainly the Alpha of these beautiful lands - and a mother at least once, she assumed. Her coat was ink-dark and her eyes were kind. Phyllis thought, She reminds me of my daughter, because at some point she'd had one and even if she had lost contact, it was an intriguing thought.
But, ah, speculation and nostalgia had no place here.
The stranger carried themselves with a natural pride, their posture indicating this was the precise woman she needed to charm; when Valette spent some time catching up with the guard, Phyllis took a moment to study her and make her judgements. They were certainly the Alpha of these beautiful lands - and a mother at least once, she assumed. Her coat was ink-dark and her eyes were kind. Phyllis thought, She reminds me of my daughter, because at some point she'd had one and even if she had lost contact, it was an intriguing thought.
But, ah, speculation and nostalgia had no place here.
I do, miss,Phyllis responded when the conversation turned back to her. She did not waste time on her sob story again, and instead followed a different tangent:
At least for the winter. I am old -- that is obvious -- but I do not want to end my life alone. If I can be of use during my final days then I will find a way to be. My name is Phyllis.
November 19, 2018, 03:31 PM
Ira allowed the two to exchange words, a dip of her head given to Valette as she joined them. The mountain wolf would wait a moment for Phyllis to have the opportunity to respond, and in the process stuck her name in the back of her mind for later if she did indeed join. In all honesty, she should have asked for her name sooner, but at least she was saved from having to ask.
Her attention was pulled back to the conversation when the old wolf mentioned being of use if she could be. A slight head tilt was earned in response as Ira studied her. Perhaps she knew a thing or two about healing? Anyone could use a healer.
Her attention was pulled back to the conversation when the old wolf mentioned being of use if she could be. A slight head tilt was earned in response as Ira studied her. Perhaps she knew a thing or two about healing? Anyone could use a healer.
If you do not mind me asking, what skills can you offer the pack?She did not intend any offense by the question, more so just curious as to where Phyllis would provide. After all, everyone had something they were good at, and knowing now would lead to better preparation as winter grew near.
November 21, 2018, 12:27 PM
Valette dipped her head when the female confirmed that she wanted to join their ranks. The alpha female would not discriminate on age. In fact, an elder would probably needed a home more than someone in their prime. However, Ira did ask the right questions. What could this female provide for the pack? Would she be able to help out. Valette could see potential. Perhaps she would be a good mentor for her children or she could provide less physical trades to the pack like being a healer.
Valette already had some sympathy for the female. She couldn't imagine dying alone. Valette wouldn't want that for anyone. She wondered where this elder's family was. Easthollow was quite enough. "I would like to know as well, Phyllis," Valette spoke kindly. It felt a bit morbid to have a wolf ask to die here. "Maybe you will last through the winter, who knows," Valette spoke, perhaps a bit too positive. She wasn't sure how much the female wanted to live. She had seen with her own mother she had given up on life and clearly waiting for death to take her.
Valette already had some sympathy for the female. She couldn't imagine dying alone. Valette wouldn't want that for anyone. She wondered where this elder's family was. Easthollow was quite enough. "I would like to know as well, Phyllis," Valette spoke kindly. It felt a bit morbid to have a wolf ask to die here. "Maybe you will last through the winter, who knows," Valette spoke, perhaps a bit too positive. She wasn't sure how much the female wanted to live. She had seen with her own mother she had given up on life and clearly waiting for death to take her.

November 21, 2018, 07:34 PM
(This post was last modified: November 21, 2018, 07:35 PM by RIP Phyllis.)
484 words
A good con relies on a few concrete things. The more you can couch your trick in reality the better off it will be; for instance, Phyllis knew her age was not a great asset since it meant she wasn't going to be around for long, but that's what helped her push to truth - she knew she wouldn't make it without help, and likely wouldn't survive long even with a pack to back her up, but it was an easy tug on the heart-strings. Her age was also a sign of a life already lived - skills acquired, experience gained, and so forth. She had a limited amount of time (a negative) but she was skilled (presumably), and that was good.
The guardswoman did not react much to the sob-story that Phyllis used, but the newcomer, the Alpha female, was softer of heart. That other thing you need to perpetuate a good con — you need people, and the ability to understand them. Phyllis was far from pure with her intention but she could be convincing; that's where her abilities lay, that's where all of her experience had led her. She could read the people around her and use them - it would take more time and effort to work through the stone-faced guard's defenses, but she was confident she could do it. Not that it mattered much what Ira thought of her. At the moment, Phyllis needed to only charm the dark-coated leader.
She seemed sympathetic to the plight of Phyllis' longevity. Her comments made the woman smile one of those slow, drawn-out, tired grins common to grandmothers trying to remember the names of all their children.
I.. well, hm. When I was a girl I was often used as a messenger; I can hunt, but that's no surprise since everyone has to do that to survive,her voice took on a lighter tone and she let out a small chuckle, the corners of her eyes crinkling.
I've had children, helped others have children, looked after them, taught them things - and they've taught me a lot too. My daughter — oh, she looks a lot like you, miss, — we would spend hours together exploring and gathering herbs, something she absolutely loathed doing, dear me! She would much rather stomp all over the flowers or pull up herbs like they're weeds, but not -- not gather them, use them --The woman's eyes glossed; it was from the chill in the air but at that moment, it seemed more like she was growing emotional over the memory.
Ah, I am sorry, I am getting a bit... Distracted.She blinks away the shine on her eyes and takes a deep breath, sighing, easing herself back to the present. It is all just a ruse but she is very, very good at what she does.
But yes, I... I have some skills. Family-based ones, which I think you could benefit from, miss.
November 22, 2018, 03:51 AM
Ira would listen quietly, her gaze drifting to her alpha then lingered. Not to offend the elder wolf, but the younger wolves of Easthollow would probably be more efficent in delievering a message or hunting for the pack. There were many hunters in the pack, like Phyllis said it was a required skill to survive so it was not uncommon.
If the grey wolf remembered correctly, they had just gained a healer, but someone with herb knowledge would always be beneficial to a pack. They also had a few pups running around and if Phyllis had a great deal of experience she could potentially pass on some of that knowledge to the kids. Overall she seemed like she would find a spot to fit in, but that decision would come to Valette.
Ears perked as the older wolf finished speaking, her attention now turned back to Valette to see what she had to say.
If the grey wolf remembered correctly, they had just gained a healer, but someone with herb knowledge would always be beneficial to a pack. They also had a few pups running around and if Phyllis had a great deal of experience she could potentially pass on some of that knowledge to the kids. Overall she seemed like she would find a spot to fit in, but that decision would come to Valette.
Ears perked as the older wolf finished speaking, her attention now turned back to Valette to see what she had to say.
November 22, 2018, 03:10 PM
Valette listened to the female being a messenger, however, she didn't think that the female would be good to do that. She would rather send one of their younger wolves. It was good that she had affinity with hunting, and was still willing to do so. The female continued about children and that she could look after them. Valette could agree that the female was interesting with all the knowledge she might have. She would not instantly trust her around her children alone but she could imagine the female had great stories.
She continued about knowing herbs, being winter, Valette wondered how much use that was. The female said she might not make it through the winter. The alpha female sighed. They had the room, and who knows what knowledge the female would give them. Valette offered her a smile when she spoke about that she looked like her daughter. "Well, your words sound like you would fit in well," Valette spoke. There was no denying.
"Easthollow could offer you a home," she then spoke after a pause. "I am sure you will try to help out in any way you can," Valette spoke. If not Valette might need to be harsh and kick her out, but even wolves like Aerasha seemed to contribute, so. She wasn't going to deny an elder from the pack. "Welcome to Easthollow, Phyllis," she spoke with a nod. She would let the others know they would have a new pack member, and to keep an eye on her. As they would with all new members.
She continued about knowing herbs, being winter, Valette wondered how much use that was. The female said she might not make it through the winter. The alpha female sighed. They had the room, and who knows what knowledge the female would give them. Valette offered her a smile when she spoke about that she looked like her daughter. "Well, your words sound like you would fit in well," Valette spoke. There was no denying.
"Easthollow could offer you a home," she then spoke after a pause. "I am sure you will try to help out in any way you can," Valette spoke. If not Valette might need to be harsh and kick her out, but even wolves like Aerasha seemed to contribute, so. She wasn't going to deny an elder from the pack. "Welcome to Easthollow, Phyllis," she spoke with a nod. She would let the others know they would have a new pack member, and to keep an eye on her. As they would with all new members.

November 23, 2018, 03:09 PM
Phyllis was glad when everything paid off. She knew it would work, she was good at this part. The rest would be more of a pain than anything - proving that her word was true, being helpful to these people when she didn't know them, and doing her best not to be tossed aside too early. She was serious when she had mentioned dying alone; the woman had always thought she'd die at the top of the food chain, the queen of some sort of dynasty, but instead she had set herself up as the caretaker of someone else's children - pathetic. It would be remedied, though. The dark-coated woman welcomed her, and this was only the start of things.
Thank you, it means a lot that you would be so kind,she commented once Valette had quieted; she smiled as warmly as she could and then, with their aid, was escorted towards those beautiful stones that had lured her this far.
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