Backdated to Nov. 10th 2020
Tags: @Kynareth Deagon
Tags: @Kynareth Deagon
So far, settling into the Strath and claiming it has gone smoothly.
If Nyra were paranoid, she might've said too smoothly.
But, she wasn't. She was just happy that the Saints hadn't been hunted down by Ursus, yet, at least - or any other pack. Dually happy nobody had come for specifically her head.
The day so far was as usual - reenforcing border marks, filling caches, scouting for possible threats close by, making sure every possible way in and out of their claim was secure.
The job was not easy, but...no job worth its rewards was easy.
The only issue...she was bored. Immediately, she knew which wolf she wanted to return to training with. With an excited smirk, the Shieldmaiden tossed her head back and called for her Grandmaster, attentively awaiting his arrival.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 15, 2020, 04:12 AM
Kynareth’s doing just about the same as she, yet a bit more languidly paced. He’s in no rush, his cocky attitude he constantly carries an everyday thing. Especially as he dances around peeing on trees, marking their borders with the scent of an alpha — a man to be reckoned with.
Until he hears a most familiar howl and his absentmindedly smirking. He knows who it belongs to and he’s quick to answer the call. Making his way to the Paladin he wonders what she wants.
Upon arrival, his smirk is already securely in place and his golden orbs dance along her face. “What could you want this time, Nyra?” He asks comically, the faux attitude along with the tilt of his head a tease.
Until he hears a most familiar howl and his absentmindedly smirking. He knows who it belongs to and he’s quick to answer the call. Making his way to the Paladin he wonders what she wants.
Upon arrival, his smirk is already securely in place and his golden orbs dance along her face. “What could you want this time, Nyra?” He asks comically, the faux attitude along with the tilt of his head a tease.
November 15, 2020, 04:28 AM
As he approaches, asking about her reason for calling him with an obvious teasing jest.
Chuckling, Nyra grins back at him as she smoothly, languidly slips and slithers around him "Of all the things I could want in this world, is time bonding with my Lord so bad?" She jested in return with a fake and dramaticized pout in her voice, pulling herself away from him, yet still a loose, lazily playful circle.
"I just want to spar is all. You've been a huge help to me honing my skills, and if you'd be so kind..." she offered him an attractive smirk, laced with lethality and a gleam in her inferno gaze, "I would prefer to keep those skills just as sharp as my fangs."
Finally pulling herself to stand in front of him, she cocked her head to mirror his own, almost mirroring his horrid grin as well.
Chuckling, Nyra grins back at him as she smoothly, languidly slips and slithers around him "Of all the things I could want in this world, is time bonding with my Lord so bad?" She jested in return with a fake and dramaticized pout in her voice, pulling herself away from him, yet still a loose, lazily playful circle.
"I just want to spar is all. You've been a huge help to me honing my skills, and if you'd be so kind..." she offered him an attractive smirk, laced with lethality and a gleam in her inferno gaze, "I would prefer to keep those skills just as sharp as my fangs."
Finally pulling herself to stand in front of him, she cocked her head to mirror his own, almost mirroring his horrid grin as well.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 15, 2020, 05:04 AM
He can tell she’s in a good mood today when she give him the same energy back. He’s beginning to like Nyra, he’s molding her into a strong, interesting young woman. Judging by their fight they had not too long ago, he’s been helping her a lot. He can see it too, the progression on her skills when she fights. So who is he to deny such a nice request to spar.
He huffs a laugh through his nose and tilts his chin up to her, brows furrowed as he looks at her as if he’s impressed. “Okay, okay. I’m sure they’ll never be as sharp as mine, but yes, let’s do some bonding over a spar.” He offers back teasingly.
Stepping back he lowers his head now and eyes her dangerously, smirk still on his maw. “You go first then, dear.” Is his generous offer as he plants his paws firmly and goes into a defensive position.
He huffs a laugh through his nose and tilts his chin up to her, brows furrowed as he looks at her as if he’s impressed. “Okay, okay. I’m sure they’ll never be as sharp as mine, but yes, let’s do some bonding over a spar.” He offers back teasingly.
Stepping back he lowers his head now and eyes her dangerously, smirk still on his maw. “You go first then, dear.” Is his generous offer as he plants his paws firmly and goes into a defensive position.
November 15, 2020, 05:25 AM
She beams with another chuckle, beginning to circle him again as he takes his defensive stance "You never know, one day I might catch up to you." She grins her own wicked grin and winks as she passes his face, continuing to circle around him like a shark around a bleeding seal.
She allows his anticipation and the tension to heighten.
The world seems to completely stop moving as if frozen in time. Nothing moves.
Nothing breathes.
And the cosmos explodes to life again as Nyra strikes like a cobra, gripping Kynareth's foreleg in her teeth and keeping it there as she comes at him from behind and at the side, forcing his weight over her back with the momentum of her using her own mass to go under him with his paw,...to unbalance him, and send him in a crashing sprawl to the ground on her other side.
Just as he's falling, she lets go of his leg and springs a short distance away to give more space between them both.
She allows his anticipation and the tension to heighten.
The world seems to completely stop moving as if frozen in time. Nothing moves.
Nothing breathes.
And the cosmos explodes to life again as Nyra strikes like a cobra, gripping Kynareth's foreleg in her teeth and keeping it there as she comes at him from behind and at the side, forcing his weight over her back with the momentum of her using her own mass to go under him with his paw,...to unbalance him, and send him in a crashing sprawl to the ground on her other side.
Just as he's falling, she lets go of his leg and springs a short distance away to give more space between them both.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 15, 2020, 06:30 AM
It’s quiet for a few moments and all of a sudden she’s slamming her body into his side, snatching up his foreleg and slipping underneath him. She’s successful is causing him to lose his balance and even more. He’s crashing to the ground and is quickly rolling onto his back to kick his legs out and protect himself from her next attack.
His powerful hind legs fling out to kick her. An attack that isn’t much but definitely hits its mark. Knocking her scare in the muzzle, it would leave her jaw sore for a few days for sure. As well as his teeth bare and his mouth opens threateningly, always ready to use his elongated fangs.
His powerful hind legs fling out to kick her. An attack that isn’t much but definitely hits its mark. Knocking her scare in the muzzle, it would leave her jaw sore for a few days for sure. As well as his teeth bare and his mouth opens threateningly, always ready to use his elongated fangs.
November 15, 2020, 07:19 AM
Her attack works, but so does his defense.
The kick to her jaw hurts like a BITCH, but like he has taught her before -- fight through the pain.
The Paladin takes the split second of opportunity to full on fucking bite and shake his hind paw, before he's able to pull it away from her. She makes DAMN sure her teeth will leave him hurting for just as long as she does, too.
While it'd definitely be hell to put weight on that paw let alone walk on it, the smarting of her own jaw from his kick compromised the full likelihood of him being left limping.
Maybe he would limp for a few days, maybe he wouldn't.
Regardless, they'd both be hurting for a solid minute after this spar.
The kick to her jaw hurts like a BITCH, but like he has taught her before -- fight through the pain.
The Paladin takes the split second of opportunity to full on fucking bite and shake his hind paw, before he's able to pull it away from her. She makes DAMN sure her teeth will leave him hurting for just as long as she does, too.
While it'd definitely be hell to put weight on that paw let alone walk on it, the smarting of her own jaw from his kick compromised the full likelihood of him being left limping.
Maybe he would limp for a few days, maybe he wouldn't.
Regardless, they'd both be hurting for a solid minute after this spar.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 15, 2020, 10:20 PM
His kick only works for a little bit before Nyra is expertly snatching up the appendage in his next kick. Her teeth gnarling up the roughened paw pads and her teeth dig painfully into his bony toes. Curling his body into himself he snaps up at her face. Only enough to have her leg go of his foot and have him take another defensive position back on his feet again.
November 15, 2020, 10:43 PM
She lets go to avoid his teeth in her face, letting him get on his feet - just barely, before she charges again.
She ducks her head to the side a bit as she slams her thick, broad chest and a shoulder into his own. Nyra forces her mass into making him rise on his hindquarters with her as she goes, snapping her teeth into the thick fur of the side of his neck and pulling in a full effort to throw him to the ground again.
She ducks her head to the side a bit as she slams her thick, broad chest and a shoulder into his own. Nyra forces her mass into making him rise on his hindquarters with her as she goes, snapping her teeth into the thick fur of the side of his neck and pulling in a full effort to throw him to the ground again.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 17, 2020, 02:28 AM
She hits him like a bull and at first he takes the hit like a champ. Until he doesn’t. He raised to his hind legs to escape and possibly jump over her, but it doesn’t quite go as planned. She snatching up his scruff and slinging him to the side. It’s not too hard due to not having all four paws on the ground but it happens nonetheless. He’s skidding into the dirt and he’s rolling to grab at her hind legs ankle in a last ditch effort to do some damage. She’s gotten him good this round and he can’t even deny it.
November 17, 2020, 02:55 AM
The attempt for her hind ankles almost misses.
Truthfully she didn't expect him to almost miss. Usually he's the one throwing her around!
Still, he nicks her all the same. By then though, she's already chasing him before he fully stops moving.
Once he does stop though, she's upon him - throwing all the strength she could muster into this blow - one that may have sent him flying instead of violently sprawl-rolling, if he were smaller in size than her.
Once he stops rolling this time, Nyra is upon him again, standing firmly over him with teeth at the ready. Not a display of dominance, no - more of an action movie end-of-spar signature in wolf adaptation: You move, and you die
Truthfully she didn't expect him to almost miss. Usually he's the one throwing her around!
Still, he nicks her all the same. By then though, she's already chasing him before he fully stops moving.
Once he does stop though, she's upon him - throwing all the strength she could muster into this blow - one that may have sent him flying instead of violently sprawl-rolling, if he were smaller in size than her.
Once he stops rolling this time, Nyra is upon him again, standing firmly over him with teeth at the ready. Not a display of dominance, no - more of an action movie end-of-spar signature in wolf adaptation: You move, and you die
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 17, 2020, 04:08 AM
The ferocity the snow pelted woman has in this battle is astonishing to him. He’s so entirely impressed he can’t even be mad at his obvious loss of victory. Even as she’s throwing him skidding through the grass and rolls onto his back, he gazes solidly at the woman who now stands atop him. As if daring him to continue the spar, he decides he’s gotten his ass kicked enough for the day so he sags completely into the grass and allows a winning, toothy smirk to grace his features.
“That was too good, Nyra. Fuckin’ kicked my ass.” He compliments easily, pride obvious and evident in his voice. He doesn’t want to toot her horn too much, but he definitely wants her to know that she’s getting much better and he can tell.
If she lets him up, he’d get up and say his next words. If not he’d say them just as simply lying in the grass. “You’ve gotten much better and it’s obvious. I’m proud of you. You’re becoming quite the warrior, huh?” He hums pleasantly.
“That was too good, Nyra. Fuckin’ kicked my ass.” He compliments easily, pride obvious and evident in his voice. He doesn’t want to toot her horn too much, but he definitely wants her to know that she’s getting much better and he can tell.
If she lets him up, he’d get up and say his next words. If not he’d say them just as simply lying in the grass. “You’ve gotten much better and it’s obvious. I’m proud of you. You’re becoming quite the warrior, huh?” He hums pleasantly.
November 21, 2020, 10:14 PM
At her Grandmaster's praise she smiles and backs off for him to stand, tail swaying happily as he acknowledges her growing progress.
Nyra's smile grows a bit as he tells her he's proud of her. She dips her head to him then in a show of thanks; "It's mostly, if not all, thanks to you. I never would have gotten this far without you."
Under different circumstances maybe she would have still gotten this far, perhaps at a slower rate...then again, maybe she wouldn't have progressed at all. She truly is grateful to Kynareth for training her.
The Shieldmaiden tilted her head to his foot, the one she bit so fiercely, "I hope your foot will be okay. I know I bit it pretty hard, but I don't really want you to have problems walking from that." She chuckled softly, sheepishly even.
On that note, her jaw was still throbbing considerably. Testing her teeth and her jaw a bit, a small but noticeable wince went through her.
Nyra's smile grows a bit as he tells her he's proud of her. She dips her head to him then in a show of thanks; "It's mostly, if not all, thanks to you. I never would have gotten this far without you."
Under different circumstances maybe she would have still gotten this far, perhaps at a slower rate...then again, maybe she wouldn't have progressed at all. She truly is grateful to Kynareth for training her.
The Shieldmaiden tilted her head to his foot, the one she bit so fiercely, "I hope your foot will be okay. I know I bit it pretty hard, but I don't really want you to have problems walking from that." She chuckled softly, sheepishly even.
On that note, her jaw was still throbbing considerably. Testing her teeth and her jaw a bit, a small but noticeable wince went through her.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
November 24, 2020, 04:28 AM
Having nice little heart to hearts with his pack members is good — better than good actually. It builds loyalty and trust. And if his pack has anything, he wants them to have loyalty. Hence why he is so willing and ready to kill any who leave them. They have information and that’s dangerous to let someone with significant information turn their backs on him. Hence his livid hate and desire for death to the one and only Renard and Praimfaya. Same as the others who had disappeared earlier when the pack finally got more impressive numbers. Hell, he’d kill all of them himself, look them in the eyes, spit on their corpse afterwards, and leave them for the mangy coyotes to eat. No shame.
So as he gazes almost sweetly to Nyra as she apologizes he has these exact thoughts swirling in his head and he can’t help but chuckle back bashfully at her words. “No, I don’t care. Hell it’s not the first time you made me walk funny.” He hums suggestively with a playfully wink.
These two have had some good times and he watches her expectantly, pride evident in his gaze. “Well, now that we’re done fucking each other up. Care to join me on a patrol?” He asks then and begins padding off already, expecting her to follow. If not he’d be shrug and wish her a fair well anyhow, a friendly smile upon his lips. He likes her.
So as he gazes almost sweetly to Nyra as she apologizes he has these exact thoughts swirling in his head and he can’t help but chuckle back bashfully at her words. “No, I don’t care. Hell it’s not the first time you made me walk funny.” He hums suggestively with a playfully wink.
These two have had some good times and he watches her expectantly, pride evident in his gaze. “Well, now that we’re done fucking each other up. Care to join me on a patrol?” He asks then and begins padding off already, expecting her to follow. If not he’d be shrug and wish her a fair well anyhow, a friendly smile upon his lips. He likes her.
November 24, 2020, 04:11 PM
(This post was last modified: November 24, 2020, 04:12 PM by RIP Fury.)
fading! <3
Kynareth's suggestive and playful wink makes her scoff softly. A brief laugh, nothing else. Truthfully, Nyra didn't think she was an attractive wolf. She was massively large and beastly. Not in any way dainty.If ever a viking existed in the form of a wolf, it was Nyra.
At his offer to join him on a patrol though, she openly smiled, trotting up to his flank in silent acceptance.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
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