Neverwinter Forest Betwixt man and boy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Rodyn traveled through the large evergreen trees. The beams of light splashing along his autumn pelt. He would drift between shadow and light which was how he felt of late adrift.

He had yet to decide on a pack. His mind consuming, yet quiet. He decided to try and attempt to bag a fawn. Get a cache somewhere near so he didn't have to constantly hunt.

With determined stride he followed the fawns tread.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
little legs like hisher brown coat like herhis yet no acknowledgment of prey as another

the observation was just a small thought running trough runner as body coiled and aching approached the fawn

it noticed nothing.

like couch spring released the greyhound burst out between trees aimed for small thing but it did not freeze instead put twiglike legs to use and ran ran ran

and the greyhound chased chased chased
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn saw tge blur and his intended target and he uttered a quiet oath. He took off running after the quick beast. It wasn't a wolf, but he wasn't certain what it was. Honestly, it looked a bit like the fawn, but it was chasing it so, that must mean it wanted to eat it too.

You there chase it I'll grab it. Rodyn put on a burst of speed and snapped at the fawns haunches. He would have to make a bit of a wider arch to it. He snapped again and sharp fangs dug into the creatures shoulder.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
another appearance struck like bite shehe nearly tripped but runner legs were trained to keep balance and speed

fear fear fear beat within hisher heart and the command wasn't understood in full but the hunter instinct was too powerful

hunteress ran ahead of fawn and turned to obstruct its path and when it slowed to account for the threat fangs of wolfbeast sank into delectable shoulder

it weeped for its mother, but shehe shut it quick and shut hisher mouth over its bone-thin throat

to choke it mute.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn saw the creature lose it's footing, but it quickly caught itself. Good. It was a wirey thing.

Rodyn grasped the fawn to the ground and kept heavy paws on it's shoulders as it twisted in it's death throes. It wasn't too long before the creature lay dead beneath the two hunters. A twinge of irritation slid along Rodyn's neck as he realized he would have to share the fawn, he couldn't put it in a cache for later.

But he shook the feeling off, it was this creature that had killed it. So with a soft wuff, he backed off to let the killer take the first bite. 

I'm Rodyn That's all he said.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
excitement hormone dog didn't know name of flooded brain with sharpness and speed and heart hammered with triumph as the child thing perished between teeth teeth teeth

in the silence after it was dead, hisher heart continued to beat, but the rate slowed, blood flowed, like it did before, pupils shrank, to normal size,

i'm rodyn.

like burned the dog leaped back away but jaw clenched and the fawn was pulled with them

now heart beat again, this time full of fear.

bam bam bam

irises now swallowing pinprick pupils as greyhound stood stiff and frozen looking at wolfbeast.

there was phantom pain in little holes over hisher muzzle


and eyes never left the threat
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn's ears went to his skull and he quickly backed up. The leggy thing was clearly frightened. And frightened animals could hurt you.

The creature stared him, clearly distressed. Rodyn shook his head. I'm not gonna hurt you. Though, I wouldn't say no to sone of the kill I helped you with.

Rodyn stood easy, but beneath the surface his muscles twitched, he was on edge. He didn't  want to fight today, but he would if needed.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
bam bam bam

stood frozen words crashed against skull like waves on beach leaving marks but not moving ground

this would go like the last time and that before that heshe was sure and so fear lasted with

bam bam bam

now herhis legs trembled and that was terrible legs were needed to run away but the brain finally understood what was said and hisher gaze drifted down to the prey.

maws parted and warm fawn fell dead down.

"takeit." words like the flap of an insect's wings. "justleavealone."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn stared at the pitiful creature and his heart went out to it. Clearly others of his kind hadn't been kind. Rodyn was an unusual man, he didn't attack like many of his counterparts. Perhaps that was foolish.

He leaned forward took a chunk of the meat ripping it free from the fawn and with his gaze on the gangly creature and backed up further afield and settled down to chew on the meat. He watched the dog beast.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
whole body scrunched like a frightened cat when

(rodyn rodyn rodyn)

approached and took away the fawnmeat.

they retreated to their own spot a bit away and the greyhound did not trust them.

in fact, whole body with exception of face turned away to leave go away find safer place when rumbling of belly halted the retreat.

expression on brindled face was a severe downwards curve of the mouth with gaping open eyes and highly raises brows.


to credit the dog did not move from spot for another few long minutes but severe expression slowly melted into a pleading look.

taking far longer steps than heshe would like hunteress approached, and ended standing three leaps away from 


and deserved food.

shehe sat down.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This dog was strange and so scared. Rodyn's heart bled for it. He could feel the mistrust. It bothered him, but he also couldn't blame the pitiful creature.

The dog came near and sat down pitiful expression on its face. Rodyn bent to the task of tearing a large chunk of deer off. With a toss of his head he tossed it within a few reaches for the brindle and dipped his head.

Eat little runner
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
body tensed again as 


made motions to tear the meat off to eat more before brown eyes of starving hunter-

the piece flew and on instinct learned under the dinner table the greyhound caught it.

more words from


heshe ate standing, gaping mouth to better chew and swallow. when the fawmeat disappeared, shehe licked her muzzle clean of it.

head tilted to one side.

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn stared at the creature in question, bewildered. It was obviously hungry, it was clear in the sunken belly, the staring eyes. The way it licked it's maw each time he took a bite. But what was the most strangest thing of all. Was the fact that it didn't bow it's head to eat. 

No, it waited until Rodyn threw the meat towards it, and he was confused. This was not normal behavior. It couldn't be normal behavior. He shook his head and tore another chunk free and tossed it to the autumn dog like him. 

can you not rip?
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
another piece!


and eaten in one piece.


then, rodyn said something confusing. brindled head turned to other side, brows slightly furrowed.

"canrip." shehe wasn't a baby.

another lick over whiskers.


lmaoo this is what im referencing
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
That's great. lol

Rodyn tore another chunk and tossed it towards the dog creature. And a small smile played with his lips. He found this dog amusing in a good way. He didn't mind it.

He dipped his muzzle. I wouldn't say that. I know you aren't.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
this chunk flew high and elated dog threw hisher head back to catch it succeeding and toppling onto backside in the summer grass where shehe happily chewed while rolling

then shehe scampered back into a seat with upheaving of limbs and twisting of torso, again watching rodyn warily.

head tilted to other side, slightly.

was rodyn friendly?

"ar- ar- areyourfriendly?" hesitatiom uncertainty was transparent on brindled face and hunch of back.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Mirth danced along Rodyn's maw as the shehe rolled around after toppling. Talk about making a bad situation into a fun one. The dogbeast could have grumbled about falling, instead they had rolled. It was sweet in a strange way. And something Rodyn perhaps would have done once, though now he'd probably grumble and maybe curse.

It looked scared as it studied him and the question that came from it's mouth drew him surprise. He dipped his muzzle and studied in return. I like to think I am.

He jerked off another piece and tossed it to the dog while he himself pulled a piece and ate it. But he was getting full and wanted to bury this fawn, but was unsure if the dogbeast was still hungry or if they would handle him getting to his feet again, well, they had been clearly handled poorly.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees

it could all be lies like it always is lies but but but

rodyn fed herhim.

that was a very serious complication to consider.

and then another piece flew hisher way and the decision was made

the hunteress licked herhis whiskers. 

"nothere." heshe gestured with a jerky head motion at fawn still being eaten and then towards the peaks down south. "away. groupnear. very."

the greyhound darted in the direction that'd led out the forest then with equal speed turned around and circled rodyn while speaking "hurryhurry" and going back to impatiently wait at the spot that'd led out the thick uncomfortable woods too near to wolfclaim
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't move as the creature studied him. He had a feeling that no sudden movements were best.

Rodyn had to try and puzzle a way about what the beast dog was saying, but he soon got it and stood slowly. He grasped the fawn in his maw, maneuvering so he could drag it without slipping. It would be easier to throw it over his shoudler, but he needed help for that, and he wasn't sure if the beast dog could do help. It was with a gentle huff, he started to drag it towards the beast dog's point.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
heshe looked with approval when rodyn got a move on and led him out out out the woods too close to unfriendly wolfs

when they were out out out of trees and things in trees no longer hungrily watched the dog expressed herhis joy by running up and down circling and returning to rodyn

"caneathere!" heshe panted, tongue loling out side of mouth.

the greyhound made a few tight circles then dropped to the ground panting and heart thundering and tail hammering

"don'twantstealing!" shehe proclaimed while shaking head "wolfs-" a gasp "-takeallfoodevenifyours."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This dog beast, amused Rodyn to no end. They were cute in an energetic crazy kind of way. He had to curb a smile at the way shehe ran, it was clear they were athletic and lithe, their body built for running. Rodyn was more a stocky type, stamina versus speed.

Some of them do. But I didn't. Rodyn dropped the fawn for shehe to eat if they wanted and he lay down on his belly paws out like a spynx. Do you want to bury this somewhere for you to eat later?

Rodyn had planned on burying it himself, but now a part of him worried after the shehe beast dog.
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
herhis head tilted to one side in plain confusion.

"bury? whybury?" heshe nosed at fawnmeat to make sure nothing was wrong with it like sickness or mold or more bleeding when it should be dead

"eatmuchascan!" a gasp. "restisforcrows!" a gasp. "catchmorewhenhungry!"

to demonstrate the greyhound ran in tight tight tight circle.

 [Image: dog-greyhound.gif]

shehe then dropped into a bow and panted thinking rodyn very silly to save food when more could be caught at any time!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Your gifs make me smile so much. You make my day.

Rodyn stared at the dog beast for a moment unsure what to say. Clearly they had never been in the wild, and he wasn't certain what to do about it. He could teach, but would they listen.

Well you bury it for later, especially as winter gets closer, and prey gets scarce. You don't want to starve in the colder months. He smiled as the heshe ran in circles around him, finally he chuckled. And nosed forward to possibly touch the other's shoulder if they would allow. 

What's your name?
149 Posts
Ooc — Bees
:) <3

head tilted once more this time so far the runner nearly rolled over.

eyes went wide and jaw went slack.

what wisdom rodyn had!!

then awe was ruined by unwanted touch shehe leaping back as if bit as if struck

excitement left runner like warm air a deflating balloon

body language once more uncertain insecure gaze leaping from route of escape to route of escape head low eyes wide


brown eyes went back to rodyn tongue darted out to wet muzzle




a memory

"shnookums, nobody's gonna remember all that. lemme help ya..."

"butcatoncecalledme." sharp inhale, voice lowered to whisper "...t.k."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This dog beast was a never ending supply of hilarity to the youth. And adorable in a naive way. Rodyn wanted to protect it, because clearly it didn't know how to take care of itself. Perhaps that made him foolish and most would scoff at his clear protectiveness when it came to the dog, but well he couldn't really help it. It reminded him a bit like a pup.

Rodyn saw clearly that he had misstepped and he bowed his muzzle down.

 I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you.

The name that rolled off this creatures tongue was astounding, and long. Rodyn mentally groaned, but he tried to say it. Toble Rone Kobi Summer Wilkins Mccarthy?

Rodyn saw the body language and wondered. Well which one do you prefer? T. K. or you're whole name? My parents used to call me Ro.