Lake Rodney silence
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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it was the middle of the night when she arrived.

she was early, yes she knew, but she found she hated to stay any longer on the other side of the mountain. her toes flexed at the edge of the lake. her body ached in ways she could not fathom. her paws cracked and sore, her body leaned from the journey.

she had said nothing this time around. not a word to anybody, she saw little reason for it.

her eyelids grew heavy but she waded into the water all the same.

tavina loomed in her mind.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hope it's okay to jump in. Will delete if you like :)

Russet faws of shadow dipped into the dirt and loam. As apple russet red body large and limber slid from the mountainside. It was still night, but Rodyn wanted to get to the bottom before sun up. He wanted to hunt today. Bring his pack back something.

Besides he had far too many things on his mind, and action had always helped him to work though it. Husband/trader/hunter those were the things that Kukutux was offering him. And yet he still wasn't certain. In his heart he knew what he wanted to do, but the fear of any femme that he loved rejecting him for it. Well, that was what made him question it the most.

Ears perked forward at the quiet sound of something in the lake. He lowered himself further to the ground, and stalked towards it, wondering what it could be this late. Though he stopped short and pushed to his full frame, when he saw that it was not a creature he could hunt, but another dog beast. He frowned in thought. How many of them were there around here?

He chuffed to be heard and then simply waited. He couldn't only see brief glimpses, his night vision working, but only just. It seemed small, possibly even smaller than T.K. T.K. he would need to check on them soon.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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she was only belly deep when the sound rang out.

a small chuff, but it felt like a piercing shot in the nighttime silence. some sense of fear swam in her heart. she knew this would not be tavina.

was it a stranger? had somebody from the saints followed her over?

both thoughts caused a tingle down her spine. something frightful. she stilled in the water, eyes struggling to catch the swarthy man in the darkness.

who are you? tired, worn, but still she attempted something soft.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The voice that met his ears was feminine. He moved closer head and shoulders bared to the brief snatches of stars that lay against the sky.

I'm Rodyn Ardeth. Eta of Moon GLow. And you are?

She was belly deep in the water, and he wondered at it. He wasn't certain he would go in the water at night. Couldn't see what was under there and he had seen large fish before. Not near the edge of course, but deep in. Sometimes they jumped to catch things from the top.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
260 Posts
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this was not a man of the saints and her shoulders sagged, dipping into the waterline. washed in relief. she just...wanted to be here, see tavina. she could figure out everything after right? when somebody asked her where she had gone or if she had actually learned anything as a medic she could just tell them —

when had she become such a liar?

her face felt hot, she stayed in the water and only spared him glances.

nala. she answered finally.

why are you here so late?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He noticed the movement and spoke softly. Are you alright? I really hadn't meant to startle you.

Rodyn shifted and looked around lifting nose to scent the area. Her question brought him back to her attention.

I wanted to go hunting when the sun rises. It helps clear my mind and fills caches.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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i'm fine. she admitted, softly and ready to move on from such thoughts that she may not be fine!

although it seemed hypocritical for her to wonder the same thing at his own wording. hunting was not unusual, but she wondered why come here to clear his mind. at night. presumably far from home, she hadn't seen any borders nearby.

are you alright?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rody heard the aift words. It didn't instill confidence that she was okay. But he knew when a conversation wasn't wanted.

She gave his question back and he grew quiet for the beat of a minute then made a decision. He may not ever see this wolf again. What harm would come from honesty.

I was posed an offer for my future. That I'd like to take, but i worry about somethings with it.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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she stayed in the water for it all, drifting on her tip toes and sometimes floating off them. it was a welcomed relief, as if the act of it removed the weight of the world from around her for a few moments.

what do you worry about with it?

her voice soft, something warm and kinder now. it had always been easier to focus on the trouble of others.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn settled to his haunches. Yellow eyes bright in the dark. He inhaled softly, thinking. What worried him.

My leader is from a differing culture. They have traders. Males who share stories, gifts etc. And help build villages, offering children for the pack. Which i don't have a problem with.

He grew quiet for a moment forming his thoughts. If I could help a couple, say two women who love each other be mothers. I find honor in that. But what i worry. What if the one i fsll in love with can't accept that part of me.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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she listened. fascinated and intrigued. what an odd situation this was.

he was....meant to travel and sleep with others? nala was not sure what to do with that, how to look at him with such an admission. yet he was worried about one he might love some day, not accepting this.

will you not settle down when you find your one? she asked this as her brows pinched in thought.

maybe he wanted love and plenty of other options too.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn nodded. In a heartbeat. I would. It's just. I'm not sure how to explain it.

He blew out a small exasperated breath. Unsure how to word it. It was honorable in his leaders village, but he was just unsure if another would see it thusly. He saw it as honorable, but many wouldn't.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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finally, she retreated from the water, all of it slicked down what was once feathery furs.

i think the right one will understand, if you explain. she started with softly, uncertain if her advice was welcomed or warranted. maybe you'll meet her on your...trades and she'll see the things you do. then decide she wants that to herself. her nose wrinkled softly with good humor.

quickly, before she missed too many words of any response, she shook her coat out of the water that clung to it.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She came out bedraggled and sopping, but probably cooler. He also hoped lightere. She seemed burden, though her advice was sound. He shifted to give her more space.

He chuckled. There's more to it than that. It's an honorable position in my leaders culture. I hope you're right Nala.

He said her name kindly and nodded. Thank you for listening to a stranger. I would return the favor if you'd like.

He did not push or pry. He simply sat patiently. IF she did not wish to speak of her own woes. He would offer her a chance to learn to fish if she didn't know, and then he'd be on his way. Hunting for something more substantial to take to his pack. Though he could always fashion something out of willow to put fish on if need be.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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she might have pressed him to elaborate more, but he seemed keen to move along to her problems. she felt sheepish once more again.

have you ever felt out of place somewhere? but didn't know until it was too late?

she started with, vague and cryptic, wet toes clenching at the muddy bay of the lake.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
If she had wish to circle back to his issues, he had no discontent with that. But he wanted to return the favor of what she had given him. No one realized how often it was helpful to get an outside opionion on things.

Rodyn nodded. Yes where i grew up actually. But why is it too late?

He was unsure how to take that small admission. What could be too late. You could always change your circumstances, you just had to stand up and change it. It took some time and it was hard, but it could be done.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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i just...don't want to hurt anybody. i helped them make their — my? — home but...i don't think i ever really fit in there.

fury had been kind, but she was clearly cut from the cloth of a warrior. arashi had been so...militaristic, aloof. far from what nala would call a friend. adlartok had been kind enough, but once more clearly cut for harsher things.

nala was a bard.

a bard who had lost the music some time ago and seemingly only found it on this side of the mountain.

there's a woman here — well, near here, she stumbled on her words now. she makes me very happy and her world is very different from mine where i don't fit in.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn made a soft noise to show he was listening. Ears twitched forward and he ghosted forward on black tipped russet paws. Listening intently to her, while he settled into place.

I can see that. But sometimes you have to do what's best for you, and if they really are about you like you obviously care about them, they should understand.

If they didn't understand, they weren't worth her time anyway, and she needed to find some new friends.

This she wolf, does he feel the same way?

He would hate to see her leave her home for another, where she was just as unhappy.
you'll see how the rest of this is undeniable
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i don't know.

and she didn't, for certain. she could assume all she wanted and play a guessing game, but not explicit had ever been stated. what if nala assumed too much?

i guess i'll just...see how this date goes and then maybe i'll know if i should go back home or not. i could always learn to fit in back home or—

she sighed, slumping down at the base of a tree.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn felt his heart tighten in his chest at her small answer. She wasn't sure and he felt bad for her for that. He wouldn't like it if he wasn't certain if a wolf he had a stirring for, did not share whether or not it was returned.

Rodyn smiled at her. Even if this date doesn't work out. You don't have to go home. There are many packs around here, that you may fit in better. It is important to find out where you fit, but you need to know yourself first.