Bearclaw Valley God knows I've tried to be kind
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
as promised, the shadow guardian didn't take much time for himself. 

just as the sun began peaking its way over the valley, he went in search of @Ameline, ready to relieve her of sentry duty.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She waited and watched, pacing within the narrow inlet that let to the valley. She looked longingly up at the sentry stone, but knew she wouldn’t be comfortable on it- not until she gave birth and lost some of the weight on her belly. At this point, even getting onto the boulder might’ve been awkward. 

Annorak came back, as he had promised. She was pleased to see that he hadn’t taken long to settle in, and to be relieved though she knew she would not get much rest until the children came.

”Been uneventful tho far,” She sounded satisfied. ”Valley’th grown in a bit thinth you left eh?” The plants had filled out, green and abundant.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
uneventful, she said. 

just what they all needed. 

i've seen a few changes. he agreed, nose twitching as the idea of what new pollen surrounded them didn't seem as enjoyable.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her lips twitched. ”Yeah, It’th been growin’…Tho have I I gueth,” Her words were followed by a faint chuckle as she eyed her own sides which rippled softly as if in reply. She winced slightly, and shifted her weight, but the activity continued, as her children protested the halt in movement. 

”Ugh. They’re gonna be a handful, all of ‘em,” She said, fondly. ”Jutht hopin’ at thith point that they make their arrival thoon.” She said. 

She considered Arlette for a moment; maybe the medic might know some ways to speed up labour. ”If we need to thend for a medic, I might thend you. There’th a healer in Thwiftcurrent Creek; she thaid I could call if I needed help. Would you be alright with being on call for that?” He looked swift enough to make the journey.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he eyed her carefully when she winced, clearly with some sense of discomfort. but he didn't linger long, solely out of respect. 

most are. his with Zharille were certainly the handful. or so he remembered. 

there was mention of travel, which made him skeptical. he'd be more at ease, staying in one place. but he also wouldn't deny her the aid when it was needed. 

I will go, if that becomes a necessity.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He seemed to have some experience with children- or knowledge of their behavior, if nothing else. She had to wonder if he had children but decided not to ask- leave his past where it belonged; in silence. 

The word if spoke volumes about hesitance. She tilted her head to the side and searched his expression for an explanation. Maybe he simply did not wish to imply that something even could go wrong. ”I don’t think it’ll be likely,” She added. And she shrugged, deftly. ”If you’re on the fenthe about it, I can jutht athk Athenth; he theemth pretty keen to climb the ladder. New guy, joined uth not long before you came back,” She explained. ”I’ll thend him to relieve you of your duty…Then you’ll have a chanthe to meet each other,”

Which among them would try hardest to earn her favour? She couldn’t be sure, but she knew she would love to see them scramble for it.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
his gaze narrowed slightly towards her implication of his unwillingness. he may have had reservations about the idea, but that didn't mean he was any less keen to prove he could earn a place in the valley. 

i'm not, he grunts, tone albeit a smidgen harsher than he'd meant it. but it's better to hope nothing goes wrong. when the time does come, we will be one body short to tend the valley.. and if I am gone, that is one less for the valley and you.

and she spoke another name. one that she might send in his stead. maybe it would have been better, but he still wasn't interested in giving up the task she'd initially chosen him for.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Annorak had pride; she could see that she'd made it flare- and it was good to see. While she suspected that Athens might try to scramble for rank eagerly, Annorak might not be the sort to let a meeker wolf outrank him. Admiration flashed in her eyes, to see him quick to defend himself. 

"Thith ith true- an' again, we are all hoping I don't nee help at all." She said. "Ideally, I would have a thentry posthted at all timeth." She said. "Tho Annorak- we're thtill ironing out our rankth an' thuch detailth, but I'm keen to know...Where do you thee yourthelf, in the pack? What role would you want to work towardth?" She had ideas already- but she wanted to hear from him, in case something might surprise her.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
where did he see himself?

what a question. 

i have been many things in my life. a grunt, a warrior, an assassin, a commander.. and even an alpha, but he wouldn't yet share that bit. the higher I reached existed only to prove I am good at what I do. 

she could give him any rank in the pack, but he would always know his worth and ability. 

to others before, my skills were valued and put to use in the right ways. I can only hope that here, it will become the same. 

call it innuendo, or maybe even a plain old challenge. it hadn't meant to be the latter, but she would see his meaning, regardless of which version she chose to linger.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
It seemed he had climbed the ladder before, and Lilia wondered if his ambition had a limit, or if he might one day become a threat. She could only hope that if he was as useful and skilled as he said, that he was loyal as well, to those who treated him well. 

”Hard work will be rewarded,” She said. ”Tho will loyalty, dedication, obedienthe.” Of course she expected him to think for himself- but she knew he might need reminders that he was not in charge. ”I have high hope to for you; don’t let me down.”
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
this was no news to him. he knew the way this worked, but he remained subservient, putting his head down like the good little guard dog he'd always been. 

the one ramesses made him into.

but unlike before, he wouldn't limit himself to what he was told he had to be. he intended to strive for as high as he could reach, even if that was a step below the top.

I won't. a calm response, yet one spoke with so much assurance. 

he'd never failed. and he wouldn't start now.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
”Good.” She declared. She gave him a nod, and then left the position of sentry to him, so that she could go and rest. She would give @ancelin some notes on the conversation, and see how he felt about ambitious Annorak and his return to duty. A howl was sent up for @Athens, so he would know to take the next shift as sentry.

Trusting the new joiners to watch the valley’s entrance, Ameline went off to gather strength for what would inevitably come in the next few days.