November 04, 2024, 02:46 PM
Etienne moved from swiftcurrent. His golden gaze on the wilds around him. His destination the meadow. To peruse the last leaves of hebs to gather before winter came in loud and cold.
He hummed under his breath as he did so. A simple sea shanty. And he missed home bitterly, heartwrenchingly. But. Did he miss home or being loved?
He hummed under his breath as he did so. A simple sea shanty. And he missed home bitterly, heartwrenchingly. But. Did he miss home or being loved?
November 04, 2024, 06:27 PM
Frederick had been wandering once more. Perhaps seeking Milan again, perhaps just wishing to relish within the meadow before it was blanketed with snow. Perhaps both. But when he had set out, the scent of a swiftcurrent wolf caught his attention. Someone he hadn't met yet. Lestan and Arric were somewhat familiar to him, but this man, not so much.
A soft, friendly woof announced his presence, slowing his pace as he approached the—well, stranger wasn't the right word. They shared a mutual residency. But perhaps it described Frederick's lack of knowledge.
A soft, friendly woof announced his presence, slowing his pace as he approached the—well, stranger wasn't the right word. They shared a mutual residency. But perhaps it described Frederick's lack of knowledge.
Hello,he hummed quietly, taking a seat only a small ways away from the cream and ash wolf.
What song is that?The one that he sung under his breath, that was.
power-playable by milan
November 05, 2024, 07:40 AM
A behemoth of a man approached him. It had taken getting used to both Akavir and Arric the latter who was huge and this wolf a hairs breadth larger. Etienne was not a largecwolf in any capacity. Medium, lithe almost delicate in stature, but honed with the wirey body of a swimmer.
A small smile.
He smoothed down a stray fur and settled to his haunches.
A small smile.
Dat be a song of de sea. W'ere I be from. Born on de cliffs de ocean my cradle.
He smoothed down a stray fur and settled to his haunches.
I be Etienne.
November 06, 2024, 01:29 AM
Accented words drifted through the air towards him. A tone he had not heard before.
The ocean was his cradle, or so he said, and while Frederick couldn't quite understand the connection to the ocean's depth that this wolf held, he knew how it felt to hold on to the songs of your people. Then, the man, too, sat. Frederick would make idle conversation when he did.
Etienne,he nodded with a dip of his head. Whether or not he'd been told of Swiftcurrent's newest recruit, the goliath would introduce himself personally.
I am Frederick. Fred, if you like.So far no one had taken a liking to the nickname. Perhaps he would be the first.
The ocean was his cradle, or so he said, and while Frederick couldn't quite understand the connection to the ocean's depth that this wolf held, he knew how it felt to hold on to the songs of your people. Then, the man, too, sat. Frederick would make idle conversation when he did.
You are a swiftcurrent wolf,and hopefully the scent on his fur would portray that he was, as well—despite his newness, that was.
How is the creek treating you?
power-playable by milan
November 10, 2024, 09:27 AM
(This post was last modified: November 10, 2024, 05:30 PM by Etienne.)
Etienne shifted and studied the behemoth in front of him. He had eyes like sea glass. And his coat reminded Etienne of the mountains in the winter. But there was a quietness to him that spoke of things that Etienne could only imagine. And perhaps he didn't want too? Perhaps this man had been through more than his share of bad things. LIke Eti himself.
Etienne smiled softly.
Wut do you be preferin? Fred or Frederick? You can call me Eti, if you like.A firm nod. Golden eyes studying again.
Etienne smiled softly.
The creek 'as 'elped my sister and dat is all I ask. I need not'ing from dem. Dey 'ave 'elped 'er and dat is enough for me. Dey 'ave treated me well.
November 10, 2024, 03:06 PM
If I am going to call you Eti, then it is only fitting that you call me Fred.He said this with a smile. Not his usual charismatic one, but a gentle smile. To match Eti's gentle demeanor, perhaps. He watched as the honey-hued eyes surveyed him, a strange prickling feeling on the back of his next, but no other indicators of uncomfortability.
Swiftcurrent was treating Etienne's sister well, and Fred nodded in compassion. That was good, then. He wondered if Adrian needed help, one day. Maybe he'd bring him here. Hm.
Sorry, I'm still fairly new here—who is your sister?His tone was apologetic, but his eyes sparkled with curiosity. He wanted to get to know all the swiftcurrent wolves he could before he eventually had to pack up and go.
power-playable by milan
November 14, 2024, 07:35 PM
Etienne looked at him with expressive eyes. Then quickly averted them. Remembering it wasn't very kind to stare. But he was very pretty. Not enough to pursue. He didn't have the sunset eyes or the rangy look. or the constant scowl. Apparently Etienne had a scowl kink...because well.
Etienne lifted his head with a smile that lit up his gaze. A proud tilt to his ears and face.
he nodded. The pride of an uncle seeping into his every word and action. How he loved them so.
Very well I be callin' you Fred.
Etienne lifted his head with a smile that lit up his gaze. A proud tilt to his ears and face.
'er name be Suzu and 'er be perfect. 'er 'ad 4 beautiful babies. All 'ealthy, all pretty and all wonderful. Leonore, Saturin, Calliste, Requin.
he nodded. The pride of an uncle seeping into his every word and action. How he loved them so.
November 14, 2024, 07:45 PM
Frederick nodded, then. The first who wished to use the nickname. Such a thought made him smile. And Etienne's smile, too, it lit up his face, and perhaps even the meadow around them, as he spoke of his sister and her children.
He wondered of the pups.
I'm glad that they were all born healthy,he said with a dip of his head.
No complications for Suzu, I hope?
He wondered of the pups.
How are the children?His voice was mild, though eyes shone with genuine interest. He had never known much about puppies, but he did know that they were notorious for both their cuteness and their chaos. Perhaps he would get to experience that someday. A curious flick of his tail.
power-playable by milan
November 14, 2024, 07:58 PM
Etienne did not hide his love for his sister. She was his favorite wolf in the entire world. He had those he cared for deeply, loved like Anselm. But none would ever hold a candle to his sister. For her he would brave anything she asked of him.
Ears tilted forward at the question and his mind churned. THe children had been born well. They were still healthy, still growing. And he was proud of them immeasurable.
Dey were. Strong and 'ealthy. Suzu was just tired by de end, but 4 pups is no small feat. And we 'ad walked so many miles. Suzu did good.
Ears tilted forward at the question and his mind churned. THe children had been born well. They were still healthy, still growing. And he was proud of them immeasurable.
Dey are good. Dey be growin' fast now. Leonore, 'er don't be likin' many outside of de family. Calliste 'er is quiet but sweet. 'er watches a lot. Dey boys eat a lot and sleep a lot.
November 14, 2024, 08:12 PM
I'm glad to hear it,he said.
Delivering four pups is certainly no easy feat.Frederick could only imagine. Four little puppies growing inside of you. Four. His face scrunched for a moment as he thought about it: would that not be cramped?
Eti spoke of the children, then.
I suppose there's not much else for them to do,the goliath said, voice laced with a chuckle.
How old are they? Still potatoesque?He knew that much. When pups were born, they were practically balls of fur. Not much else, aside from mewling and nursing.
He looked to the grasses and plants beneath them, now. Shifting the topic.
You were gathering plants, right? Before I interrupted you. Can I help in any way?
power-playable by milan
November 14, 2024, 08:29 PM
Etienne pressed his paw down and shook his head.
He shook his head.
Non it is not.His sister had done her best and she had done as beautifully as their mamam had done. He was so proud of her. Proof that is family was a different type of stock. Suzu had certainly gotten more rotund, but that was okay. More of her to love.
He shook his head.
Not really.Etienne held up a paw and thought about it.
Dey be tree mont's. So startin' to be lookin' less like potatos and more like wolves.
O'.He nodded.
I was. Well actually I 'adn't found any yet. I am not even sure if dere be any out dere rite now. Winter be comin' fast. I mostly be lookin' for 'erbs for winter colds, runny noses and fevers.
November 14, 2024, 09:08 PM
So the pups had been growing, then. Soon they'd be half-years, then yearlings. Frederick remembered his own yearling days with a bitter-sweetness. Both a love for what had been and a sorrow for what was no longer.
They'll be getting big, soon.He hummed.
What kind of herbs?The man asked.
If you tell me what they look like, I might be able to help.His tail begun to sway at the idea. He knew very, very little on the topic of plants. But he was certainly curious when it came to learning.
power-playable by milan
November 17, 2024, 09:33 AM
Etienne did not usually think of his life after about 3 months old until now. It had been filled with pain and heartache and he had not been in a good place. He wasn't even really in a great place now. But he was learning to let go of what he could not hold onto. Even Anselm though he loved the man. Would always jump at a chance to see him, be near him, he could not have him. Anselm had made this clear. So he held his love for the man in a hidden spot. And he pined on somedays. And worked through it on others.
A nod.
Etienne hummed in thought.
A nod.
Yes dey be probably bigger dan me and my sister. Deir fadder was not small male.
Etienne hummed in thought.
Dere be rosemary, lemon balm and Sage right now. I can use those for infections and bellies. And a few otter t'ings.
November 21, 2024, 01:55 AM
Rosemary, lemon balm, sage, Eti recited. Sage, he knew. The scent was familiar, always billowing from his aunts' den. Witchy and magical. A nod.
I can look for sage,Frederick said. He did not know where or how it grew, but he knew its smell. But this would not be enough, so he would ask:
Where does it usually grow?
power-playable by milan
November 24, 2024, 02:14 PM
Etienne blinked and smiled.
Etienne sniffed around a little.
It be near 'ills and mountains and s'orelines. W'ere dey groun be well drained. It be smelling musky of sorts.Dark 'ead on dey leaves.
Etienne sniffed around a little.
Sage be good for many tings. But I be wantin it for sore t'roats of winter.
December 05, 2024, 06:40 PM
Hills—well, this was quite the hill-stricken meadow. And so Frederick would murmur a quick 'thank you' and turn away in search. Their musky smell, dark ends, their place near the hills. Information that he would use in his quest for Sage.
And he would spend a few minutes padding along the grasses until a faint, familiar scent plucked at his nostrils. He followed after it, drinking in its smell until he found its flat leaves, long and slightly rounded. Fred's tail picked up, then, waving with a sort of pride.
And he would spend a few minutes padding along the grasses until a faint, familiar scent plucked at his nostrils. He followed after it, drinking in its smell until he found its flat leaves, long and slightly rounded. Fred's tail picked up, then, waving with a sort of pride.
Eti,he would call.
This is sage, yes?
power-playable by milan
December 06, 2024, 10:39 PM
Etienne blinked surprised as the male immediately began to search. There was no hesitance or want to speak more. Etienne found it refreshing actually. He didn't mind speaking, but when his mind was full as it was today. Well.
Etienne went to his own search, unearthing a few sprigs of rosemary. he would love to have some lemon balm, but there was not much in abundance here.
His ears lifted in surprise as he was hailed and he turned towards the male who had called. And smiled as he trotted nearer.
Etienne went to his own search, unearthing a few sprigs of rosemary. he would love to have some lemon balm, but there was not much in abundance here.
His ears lifted in surprise as he was hailed and he turned towards the male who had called. And smiled as he trotted nearer.
yes. T'ank you!
December 08, 2024, 08:17 PM
once confirmed, he would pluck a few stems from the ground, laying them back down gently to speak:
his tail waved, then, back and forth, hopeful to be of aid.
yes, of course. is there anything else i should search for?
his tail waved, then, back and forth, hopeful to be of aid.
power-playable by milan
December 10, 2024, 11:11 AM
Etienne smiled and hummed softly as he tucked the herbs away. A shake of his head and a smile.
Not really. Dere be not muc' find rite now. Thank you again.
December 10, 2024, 10:42 PM
frederick gave a nod, firm yet understanding.
i see. shall i accompany you back, then? or will you return on your own accord?not particularly phased on what etienne should choose, though he would quite like to take the trek back alongside someone else of swiftcurrent creek. a patient expression behind his eyes.
feel free to fade with your next post!
power-playable by milan
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