Stone Circle Wonder
29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
All Welcome 
The first pack Elphie stumbled across was seemingly centered around a handful of towering stones, something she'd never seen before. She'd caught wind of the border markings while hunting, and had gone excitedly to @Equinox with the news, certain that he would be fascinated with the stones and their origins. Elphaba herself was quite curious.

So here they were. She offered her husband a reassuring smile as they approached that invisible boundary, feeling the touch of nerves against her own resolve. We have all the time in the world, Elphie reminded herself with a deep breath, looking back toward the distant stones. Ready? She murmured to Nox, still focused on what was ahead. She knew that he would understand.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Gunnar found two wolves at his borders and he studied them in surprise. He bent his head and spoke softly.

You've found Kvarsheim. Do what do we owe the pleasure? I am fadir of the pack Gunnar.

Then he waited with patient gaze and calm demeanor. Tail over back, paws in openong stance, but also protective if need be. He could move into position of he must.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
She likes to think that, on a good day, she is quite chivalrous. She’d never exactly been a pinnacle of grace but with patience and guidance she was growing into a diplomat for the stone pack. Unfortunately today was not a good day. Pregnancy had given precious few of those. It was mercilessly hot and her tired muscles strained against the extra weight. When she heard Gunnar and his suggestive limp pass to attend a loner at the border her hackles bristled and she wrangled to her feet. It would appear there were two flirting with their bounds. She stalks silently to Gunnar’s side, a quiet support if such a thing was needed here, eyes driving between the young pair.
The Protector
48 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Plopping Ulfhild in to save her from the Checker lmao <333

The Shieldmaiden was near when the scent of others wafted to her nose.
Loping forth through the Heim, Ulfhild came to stand firmly at Gunnar's opposite side from Tauris. 
Her gaze glanced between the two wolves at the borders, analytical and inquisitive, body a looming sentry, a beacon of protection for Kvarsheim.
Protect the Weak, Purge the Evil
15 Posts
Ooc —
i struggle with group threads; is it possible that we can do no post order, one post per round, with one round lasting seven days? just to keep this moving ^^

sry for novel

Elphaba came to him late one afternoon with news of a potential home, seated neatly between some interesting landmark that words failed to illustrate. It piqued his interest enough to have him reconsidering his thoughts on travel, and as the towering monument cast its immense shadow over its dominion he knew he wanted nothing more than to follow his wife across the country and watch her face as such sights took her breath away.

Scarcely had the stone circle come into view before they were apprehended.

These wolves were attentive, he would give them that, but his thoughts immediately turned to why that must be. The pair was a respectful distance from the border, and yet they hadn't even a chance to call out before not only one, but three of its residents arrived to address their presence. His stomach turned as he noticed the man's limp, his missing tooth, his many scars; was it conflict that drove them to vigilance? Or were these just signs of old age?

Gunnar spoke kindness, but his posture was overtly dominant and Nox — the only son and eldest child of an alpha pair — was never particularly deferential (though his posture did remain the kind of inoffensive neutral that didn't perturb most). The two that loomed sentinel behind Gunnar — the father? Nox presumed he was some kind of leader — regarded the married couple with distrustful, leering stares.

It would be best to get ahead of this. While these wolves hadn't accused the pair with their words, the way they had so swiftly descended had Equinox thinking that maybe they had been burned before. Maybe next time, we should be more cautious. He cast his wife a reassuring glance and adjusted his mouth into a polite, diplomatic smile. For once he was thankful for his upbringing, because only Elphaba should be able to see through him.

Good afternoon, he said, his tail behind him a friendly banner, My name is Equinox and this is my wife, Elphaba. Respectfully, we had intended to call for you when we reached the border's edge. Nothing to see here.

We are new to the area, and we had hoped to understand what kind of packs lay their claim here. It is our intention to find ourselves a home. With this, he warmed considerably as the life he dreamed of colored the world in front of him. Maybe with these folks, maybe not — but somewhere, and soon. He could feel it. Elphaba is a skilled hunter, he said, gesturing to her. The smell of the hare she had caught for their last meal would speak to this, if their ongoing survival as lone wolves did not. I trained as a midwife for some time and I am good with children; and as you know, this is the season for it. He smiled as he cast a glance at the second woman, silver and brown, with her round belly that betrayed her nearing due date.

When he acknowledged their audience, however, his worries reignited. If he and Elphaba had ill intent, this woman's children would have been in danger! He dared not to let it show on his face, for he had a feeling that if he let it creep into his expression it might mean trouble for them both.

Thank you for meeting with us. To that, he regarded them all.

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29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Before they had a chance to call, the wolves of the stone circle were upon them. Defensive, Elphaba thought, though she didn't judge them too harshly for that. She hadn't missed the scents of pups, of pregnancy, of milk and motherhood. They had much to defend.

Resolving to withhold her judgment until the meeting was concluded, she allowed her husband to take the lead. Elphie cast him a brief glance full of admiration as he spoke. Her own presence was quiet but not subdued; she didn't hesitate to add her own voice when he'd finished. Yes, thank you, She agreed with him, a formality more than anything. There was nothing to thank them for, she thought, but Elphie wouldn't be caught contradicting Nox's sense of manners.

An old man, a pregnant woman, some lurker in the background; she wasn't impressed, and their defensive display only heightened the initial feeling that this pack was not the one. What sort of troubles had they seen? Why did their strongest arrive last? Filled with questions, Elphie studied each of them.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alright per KT's request. We'll do one round each, no posting order as long as it is okay with the CM's if it isn't please dm me. This is the start of 7 days. That means that the next post will be on August 2nd 2023. Just for the sake of knowing when the rounds are. I will post first and then whomever posts after. If you all are okay with this? If you aren't please inbox me and we can figure it out behind the scenes so it doesn't get overwhelming. I also have difficulty with group threads, but we can do it.

Gunnar hadn't meant to come across them. He had been on a border patrol and they were just there. It had been with surprise that he had came upon them. Though their scent had quickly wafted back towards the Stone circle and those in it. Evident by the way that his wolves quickly came from all over. He was proud of how quickly they were there, but he felt bad for the wolves in front of him. They probably hadn't been expecting such a greeting.

There were babies among them and if these wolves couldn't smell them on their fur. Then they weren't exactly attentive. This was the sole reason for the attentiveness of their pack wolves. Gunnar wore his scars proudly. It showed the kind of wolf he was, or so he thought. Though the male wolf looked him over with something possibly akin to disgust, but that was what it was. He was not responsible for the way other's perceived him. And if they wanted to make the wrong assumption, he had learned long ago you often couldn't change their mind.

Gunnar eased his stance as the other man began to speak. He was a bit concerned at how hostile Tauris was being lately, but he was chalking it up to pregnancy right now. Not everyone had a good go of it during pregnancy. And Ulfhild was just protective, as was her job.

A soft smile curved the plains of his scarred face, his tattered left ear, quivering. Though there was nothing more than a stump it still moved on occasion. It hurt too at first. But it was mostly healing now.

Well met, Equinox and Elphaba. Ah yes. I was actually doing a border patrol when you arrived. Otherwise we would have waited on your call. And then your scent wafted our way. You'll have to forgive our vigilance. We are a family here and take care of our own. This is Tauris and Ulfhild. He motioned at the two wolves at his side. Looking over Tauris with brief concern shining in his eyes. She was very pregnant.

Gunnar made a soft hmm noise. We do have some wolves that want to learn healing among our fold, they are younger. We are allies with the packs of the valley. There is our's Kvarsheim, then Riverclan, and swiftcurrent creek. We have a mixed group of wolves in our little home here. Scouts, hunters, warriors and healers. We like loyalty and i prefer kindness. However, we are not push overs. We are a land of second chances.

At those words he thought of Ikaros, and Bonnie. Of himself. All looking for something different than they had known.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
all good with me I am 100% skippable <3

She may as well have been wearing a sign that reads: 
*Look here! Ticking time bomb of responsibility!*

An itch to roll her eyes is only tempered by her alpha’s presence, and because she knows she’d get as little as a stern talking to if she told everyone to mind their own business and just because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean she can't walk or run or defend herself.

Gunnar is quick to offer explanation, though Tauris sees it as wholly unnecessary. Their vigilance is not a fault, as any pack wolf should be when foreign scent befalls their territory.

Pooling ire aside, the couple seems amiable. Young. They truly could use an extra hunter and someone around here who knew how to care for children.

“Welcome to the valley. The stone circle is our claim, and Riverclan is the next pack over, about a half-day’s journey East. Swiftcurrent is further North. The allied packs are very hospitable.”
The Protector
48 Posts
Ooc — Liv
The Shieldmaiden noted the gazes of the two at their border. 
To her, they seemed okay enough, if hesitant. 
The behemoth stood at Gunnar's side, deferent to his authority and secondly that of Tauris.

Ulfhild was a silent sentry as Gunnar and Tauris did the talking. 
he saw no need to offer her own words here, and instead was merely a presence promising protection. 

As Gunnar introduced himself, Tauris and Ulfhild respectively, the pale giant dipped her muzzle slightly in greeting at the Fadir saying her name. 
She did nothing else thus far, golden gaze and white ears attentive, watching closely though her posture remained on the neutral side of protective, as it would stay unless this meeting went south. 

Though she saw no reason for it to turn sour so far, and hoped it would remain so.
Protect the Weak, Purge the Evil
15 Posts
Ooc —

Equinox was a careful man who curated himself appropriately; always fixed was his expression, always diplomatic his tone. He had taken great care to ensure that none of his thoughts or doubts cast a shadow over their conversation, and it was easy to keep up these appearances given his history as an ambassador and the encouragement provided by his wife at his side.

There's nothing to forgive, he assured Gunnar. Though Nox might not have been delighted by the way they were approached, he found that he preferred it over someone who didn't care that they were there at all. Still, he wanted to leave — and soon — but information was always valuable, especially for the young couple who had no priors to work with. Kvarsheim. Riverclan. Swiftcurrent Creek.

I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who proudly proclaimed themselves to be full of pushovers, he said with a dry laugh, but I believe you when you say that Kvarsheim is a kind pack full of kind wolves. You have been, at least. He looks to them all, then pauses to seek Elphaba's gaze.

I think, with that said, it would not be wise for us to commit to you without having a broader understanding of the surrounding area and its cultures. I am not trying to be presumptuous — I don't even know if you'd have us, — but it sounds like Kvarsheim is in good hands. His tail flowed amiably. I hope you don't mind, but if it's amenable to you, we'll let you know once we've had time to talk.

With that, the young couple left — they had much to discuss.

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