Wheeling Gull Isle Set aside your rules
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
All Welcome 
The week was drippy, cold rain that at times wasn't sure if it wanted to be snow. If it weren't for that he was maybe starting to look a little more like himself -- albeit still not very bright and happy, but he was better taken care of. Aside from the whole slight spikiness from the fact he'd been walking in the light rain. He still hadn't gone to the borders and such a grim sky above kept him from going too close to the shore -- it just didn't seem like a good time to do so. Mal was thinking again.

He still didn't feel like he really had a place, which was something that probably had to be fixed. He was just some unmoored soul floating around -- and yes, he was here and he could protect Aibreann and his children... But where did he stand, really? With Hua? With the pack? What could he do to help her? In the worst times he'd distracted himself by doing his leadership duties and all that. It would have been nice if this had all come together by planning rather than necessity, but he didn't have that luxury. But forced or not, he still felt like he needed more of a reason. So he walked.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos had been blissfully unaware of the horrible happenings of his home, his mind lost on cloud nine after his time spent once more reuniting with @Kukutux. He didnt know if it would last. Didnt know if she would see it as a 'mistake' as the woman before her had thought. Either way, he would take what he could get and find out later if once more he would be cast aside as only a lover, never the mate.

When he had come home the news had struck him deeply. A full-bellied mother come to their doorstep, the quick knowledge of her untimely death and then the task that needed done in order to save the lives within. @Maegi had told him of such but for the time being he would leave her be with the new pups and the trauma left of it. He would check up her soon, he knew, despite her mare being quite capable himself.

For now he strode within the woodland of his home. A place he wandered far less often then the outer skirts along the coast. He sees Mal here, one he had yet to see on the beach and Aiolos could only assume it was because he took more of a comfort here in the forestry. A 'woof' is offered to the man as the fiery wolf makes way into his direction.
moonglow daddy
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
He didn't know anything. Or at least probably didn't at this point. He'd smelled Niamh around the territory probably but hadn't met her or anything. It had given him other thoughts he'd not wanted to dwell on so he'd not gone out of his way to seek her. At times it was better he stay with his own family. Running into Aiolos at least wasn't awful. Mal probably didn't have to explain anything else, which was nice and welcome. But uhh. Mal kind of lost his ability to be conversational at some point. He paused.

So how was he supposed to act around Aiolos? Well, it wasn't like Mal was in the mood to challenge anyone at this point. Maybe before he'd wondered if he could stand beside Hua or something but everything that had happened had done a good job at nerfing his inspiration to ask it. Either way, it meant Mal's ears were pretty permanently tipped back slightly, and his demeanor was unchallenging. Hey. How's it going? Though honestly that question of his was more of a statement. Half-hearted. Probably the answer would be nothing. But did he want to mention his other issues too? Hm.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A pause, uncertain for a moment. Aiolos watches the other man curiously in those few seconds. Mal had obviously been leader in the pine forest. He had a close relationship with Hua, be they mates or not. Aiolos could have felt threatened by the man but alas he did not. Maybe he should have, but Aiolos found confidence in his position, even more now then ever by Hua's insurance he could and would handle things on his own while she took a mental break. Aiolos wasnt going anywhere.

As good as it can. He offered with a bit of a huff and shrug of russet shoulders. For you, he mused as he drew nearer, I hope you and yours are settling well, despite the situation? He'd hate for them to feel uncomfortable though knew that may take some time. He at least hoped they were feeling safe and welcome.
moonglow daddy
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
The ocean added a different sort of noise than the forest had. Different weather. Different shelter. It still wasn't home. How long would that take? As well as can be. It's not the home we had.. It's not the scenario I'd hoped for when I'd wanted to find ways to bring our packs and family closer together. But this is what we've been dealt, and Hua could do with the support. It was about the one certain thing he could think of.

He wasn't sure how to approach things. This was all weird. He'd either been a neglected child or the leader. So what was he now? Floating. Is there anything we should be doing once we've fully settled in? I don't know whether I should pester Hua about that -- at least at this point. He didn't want to nag her, or bury her under more if she was having trouble treading water as it was. How could he help her?
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Mal answered back at first with the same air in which Aiolos had. Life was rarely without its hardships but he took what good he had and held onto it. Aiolos had thus far endured far less misery than the man before him. Then again, Aiolos had never a family to miss, had no pups (savor one who he assumed returned to his mother) or mate to loose or long for. Was it better to have love and lost, or never had love at all?

She still has not come out of her sorrows, I see... Aiolos rarely saw his Empress and when he did she was hauled up. He hoped that Mal's presence would help this but she had yet to recover it seemed.

The red man didnt know what Mal's plans might have been, didnt care to know, either. Perhaps he would have hoped they could have been mated, make their packs one with he at the lead of Hua's side. This would have pushed Aiolos to the side. He would have been okay with it too, should Hua of asked it of him but Mal would have been met with challenge otherwise.

This is your home now, for better or worse and you can treat it as such. He spoke with a small smile and a shrug of auburn shoulders. There is far less borders to worry about marking but I tread the beach often near the sand bar. Wolves have a tendency to wash up on our beach. Our hunters and scouts mark around the Sea lion shores as that is our hunting grounds for larger prey. @Maegi is caring for pups and has her on the way so as a mother of the pack she is priority. Hunters should bring meals and if you've a healer in your group, she may need assistance when she is due. Quite a bit to keep them busy and feeling they had a place here, as they so did.
moonglow daddy
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
And yet after what Aiolos said, Mal still felt it was somehow his own failure to not be able to bring her out of that funk. He couldn't win. I want to do more for her. It's hard. Note his lack of smile, the world-worn attitude. How could he help her when he was suffering himself? He'd be completely willing to shoulder whatever of Hua's burdens she could, even if it would crush him -- it would help her, so it would be worth it. It was kind of Mal's thing, he wanted to fix any of the problems he could for the people that he cared for. It was the least he could do, it was what they deserved. But I'll do what I can. It was all he could do.

I can talk to Aibreann about it. Not that he knew what lay ahead. She wouldn't do so, but the real weight to that wouldn't be known until after. It wasn't a good year for Mal. Hunting is no problem. Or won't be once I know the land better. Which was fair enough. But he wondered how he should split his time.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos took note of the man's solemn expression, the pain in his own features, far different then the man Aiolos had met before in the forest. A stern nod was given by his words. Hua was the same now after losing so many friends and allies in Moonspear and Firefly Glen alike. It was hard to being someone else up when you yourself were so low but the Greek could only hope they could find comfort in one another. Aiolos knew too he himself would be there for Hua, whatever the manner.

It does take some getting use to. Aiolos spoke on behalf of hunting, The sands under your paws shift far different the the forest floor. And the food is less hoof and horn but much more slippery. He spoke, a bit of a small smile to at least change the subject a bit, lighten the spirit. Everyone liked talking about food.
moonglow daddy
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
There really wasn't much else to say without him repeating himself, at least when Hua was concerned. So it was probably a good thing that Aiolos moved the conversation on, even if it wasn't like it was going to draw Mal into the land of smiles or anything. It was more like a minor distraction. A tiny shift.

I still might end up staying towards the tree areas. There might not be all the herds wandering through, but I should be able to ensure there are enough small things -- hares and stuff -- at least for now. I don't know how long it'll take to get up to speed with fish. It hadn't been something common to hunt before, and I'm not keen on being a burden. Not that he really was being a burden, as Mal was almost sure he was about to be assured, but he didn't want to waste time. Nor did he need another frustrating thing to bury himself in -- it probably would make things worse. Mal was probably hard enough to be around right now, did they really need him to be angry too? Naaah.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
No, you wouldnt find any herds here. Aiolos admitted, more just confirming what Mal had said. Aiolos wasnt even sure the deer would have the skill to make it to the island even with the sandbar visible to walk across. Their large fame was often the sea lions and sometimes even whale or shark which washed up. Fish, crab, lobster, turtle, all things which Mal may have been quite unfamiliar with. There was rodents plenty and many birds and their eggs too. He added, though he had never been much of a skilled bird catcher himself and to him they werent much the effort. Their eggs were pretty good though.

I can cover the beaches while you cover the forestry. Aiolos added, a little tip to show that with Mal here they could cover more ground and that, of course, he was not a burden to anyone as far as Aiolos was concerned.

Until next time then... The man then dipped his creamy mug and began off to continue his routes and leave the splotchy coated wolf to his own devices.
moonglow daddy
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Mal nodded, I can do that. He'd stick to the terrain he knew, and in the process would be able to feed his family. It was probably a good thing they were things a solitary wolf could hunt as well -- he likely was still pretty awful company, and not keen on inflicting it on people. So, he'd hunt alone. Maybe on one of those jaunts he could figure out the answer for how he could really help Hua. That would be the ideal, now wasn't it? 

At Aiolos bidding him farewell, Mal dipped his head in return. He still wasn't too chatty, but it was a polite farewell at least. In the end, Mal turned and headed off his own way. Things to do. Sort of.