Firefly Glen Hushatahli
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
It was rare for young Mojag to be anywhere his mother wasn't, or his auntie wasn't, or generally alone in any sense, but he found himself this way now.

He had thought he had seen his father Inutsuk. He had the inkling that the man was leaving on a journey and had wanted to come along, except the man had left weeks ago; what Mojag chased as he drew further from the village of his mother, was a lingering dream.

In that dream Mojag had been running in a field of red grass. He was calling for his father to make it snow while chasing a gray cloud, but the cloud swept away from him. He had danced along after it; and when the dream ended Mojag felt compelled to keep on trying.

This was how he found himself beneath the village, in a place he had never seen before. It was very dark and twisted, green and black and enclosed in a way that frightened him. For now the namesake fireflies did not dance before his eye, and so Mojag saw only the dreary darkness of the woods.

He moved with a hunch to his body; he felt smaller here than on the mountain, and looked to every strange shape in the dark with apprehension rather than his usual enthusiasm.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Why are babies running around with no parents! My mom heart was immediately like NO! :) Have some Rodyn.

Rodyn had been traveling for sometime through the mountain passes. He had spoken with the moonwoman, and her daughter and another wolf from another pack. He probably still smelled a bit like them, though it would be stale and broken now.

He had traveled this time a little further in and downward. Not quite near the Moonwoman's home, but close enough and it was with no thought that he traveled until he saw a tiny lump shivering and staring at the glen.

Rodyn's  heart leaped into his chest when he finally realized what it was and though he wanted to gasp and rush forward and grasp the tiny pupling from going further instead he chuffed gently and stayed a bit away.

He lowered himself further down and spoke, making his voice as soft and gentle as he could. Which wasn't easy, he had a voice that carried. But he tried. He deserved credit for that. Hey little one. I'm Rodyn. What are you out here all alone for, below the Moonwoman's home, are you the moonwomans little one?"
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Mojag crept along through the shadows.

He was very slow, even for his age and smaller size, because every sound made him pause mid-step; the creaking of the trees was strange enough on its own, but there was the occasional sound of the wind rushing through the ferns and making them almost whisper, and when the wind died it was eerie silence with the faintest of bird-calls he did not recognize.

As he was rounding his way between two goliath trees, he found himself confronted by an ascension of dry soil with spidering roots at the top, large enough for an adult to scale with some effort, but otherwise impossible for the likes of him at this time.

He tried, though — he gave a mad dash and clawed at the dirt, trying to reach that one root at the top with his baby teeth, only to fail. After trying a second time with even less success, he slid on his belly back down to the fernbed and rested there a moment.

That was when a dark shape materialized in his periphery. The stranger's voice was sweet and soft, but unexpected, and the boy visibly trembled as he turned to stare. They spoke of moonwoman a lot.

I am Mojag! He proclaimed. I'ma hunter an' I am hunting for my tataa! As he had never met anyone outside of the village, or any adult that meant him harm, Mojag was unafraid of this total stranger; maybe she was hunting too.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn watched in amusement as the child at first didn't hear and ran full tilt towards a pile of dirt and tried to claw and dart across the top. Rodyn didn't even know if he could scale the piles of earth, he could try and if the youth asked, would.

Rodyn listened to the tiny thing as he spoke. His eyes tracing over the brown of the young one. He was clearly well taken care of, so he belonged to someone and somewhere. Rodyn listened, a small smile tugging at his lips as the child proclaimed his name. No fear, he had no fear. Which was evident of a youth raised well, and without troubles. That was nice.

His words were unusual, but they sounded like the Moonwoman's so he surmised that this tiny creature was something of hers, whether he was completely hers or not, he wasn't certain.

Rodyn wrinkled his brow, thinking and then spoke. What does your Tataa like? Maybe i could help you hunt? And then take you make to your moonwoman?
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Did the woman know his tataa? She offered to help him in the hunt, which was kind, and sort-of expected. Mojag rarely got to do anything entirely by himself. So when the woman offered, he didn't feel the need to accept because it went without saying.

Uhm, tataa like... Mojag had to really think about this. His face scrunched up as he took the questing of his memory very seriously. He hadn't seen his father in some time now, but he knew some things that might help them in the hunt.

The stahs! And snow, buh I don't see snow, he said its like rain buh its cold! The words tumbled nonsensically from Mojag and the more he rambled, the more self-assured he became. The less he focused on the shadows of the scary trees.

An' tataa is a hunter! A good one. Tha's what Kukutux said. He was quiet for a moment after and looked to the woman with a hopeful expression.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn is a male hahah, but i love the Mojag calling him a female. it makes my whole day.

Rodyn wasn't certain of who or what a tataa was, except something or someone important to the youth. Rodyn rose from his prone position, and tilted his head down closer to the pup, so he could hear, and be within reach.

I like the snow too, and the stars are very pretty. Well Mojag. Do you want to hunt for rabbit? Or a squirrel? Rodyn's plan was to let the young puppy hunt mostly by himself, he would just be there to essential supervise and help where it was needed. He hadn't hunted with a pup in sometime, but he figured he could remember, mostly. 

I bet you'll be just as good as Tataa.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Oh my bad. This is what happens when I catch up on my 12 characters, I get confused! lmao.

This wolf knew snow???

Mojag was so excited to meet someone that understood what snow was, because he had never seen it himself, but tataa had spoken fondly of it. He would have said more about it if he'd known more, but he didn't.

Plus, the wolf offered to take him hunting! Hunting!!!

No, nuh, rabbit is bad! The boy's instantaneous reaction to the mention of rabbit was clue enough to his dislike of it. Rabbit is not for Mojag because it um, it make me sick, and Kukutux say no rabbit for Mojag! But the other thing? What was the other thing? Oh right, squirrel!

Seal-oo said one day I could be fas' enough to catch Siksik! He'd gotten the term wrong for squirrel but he only half-remembered the term that Sialuk had used, plus he'd become quite flustered by the conversation at this point. They live up in trees and they like to make noise, and there's one that lives in the village, and it likes to make noise too! And one day I get him!!!

Okay, so, by this point Mojag had totally forgotten about his hunt for his father and was engrossed in the story of the squirrel; he'd become quite animated. I don' know how to catch 'dem because I can't get in the tree right now, but when I bigger, I get 'im!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I think it's great :) Rodyn would not think so. But i Find it funny

Rodyn's smile grew and then it was absolutely large, lighting up his eyes, as the youth got so animated. Mojag continued to talk, his little voice going higher in his excitement.

Yes it's white and cold, but it tastes wet.

 Rodyn wondered at the rabbit, but didn't ask. The pup probably wouldn't be able to tell him even if he tried. Rodyn had to hide his laughter at the youths face when he mentioned rabbit clearly it was not a good thing.

They are very noisy. You have to trick 'em or catch 'em before they climb the tree. Come Mojag. You ready. Now you gotta be really quiet. and watch close.

Rodyn motioned for the youth to watch. He bent low to the ground, paws gently kneading at teh ground. Hoping the young one would watch. He had heard a squirrel not so far, digging around the loam.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Every time I write this reply someone in my house interrupts me and I forget to post it, so HERE, finally have this reply!!!

The man welcomed him to follow and so thoughts of snow and its qualities flew right out of Mojag's head. He was going to catch a squirrel! He could take it to Shikoba and show her! And maybe even Sialuk, because she was the one who first showed him what they were.

He said that they were noisy, so he'd have to be quiet.
Okay I do that! The boy practically shouted.

He said they'd have to catch 'em before it could reach the tree, so Mojag took on the pose of a stalking wolf in mimicry of the adults he'd watched, except in his case his tail was a tufted spire standing tall, like a rooster's tail.
I'm watching, I can be a good watcher!

The man didn't look to the tree, but to the roots. He began to dig and Mojag was utterly fascinated by this. Why would someone go after the dirt when the squirrel was up high?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
haha i get it. So I am taking creative liberties

Rodyn's ears went to his skull at the youths yell. It was too cute and he couldn't help the grin. 

The squirrel had heard Rodyn and darted for the tree. Rodyn smacked a paw out quick as lightning to smack the squirrel as it ran for home.

It was stunned and Rodyn snapped it up, but not quite finishing it off. Only a matter of time. He lay it for Mojag. Ready to kill your first Squirrel? The squirrel stirred weakly only seconds remained, but Ro wanted Mojag to kill it or at least think he did.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He was so focused on the man as he dug in to the dirt, he did not see the squirrel until it was too late!

The man saw it, and struck out at it with a paw. Mojag gasped and then laughed, watching as the squirrel lost its balance after the blow and then the man grabbed it and brought it close.

That was -- !! That was... You're so fast!!! The boy was over the moon with joy. His paws stamped at the dirt as he did a little jig on the spot, and even though he watched the squirrel he began to imitate what he had seen.

The crawl forward, the lunge, the smack of the paw. His attempt was much weaker and less precise; he pounced at the squirrel and landed next to it, and with a giggle turned to look upon the man.

I hunted it too!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The youth's eyes bored into his hide. But it was in a good way. The youth was watching and learning.

A smile leapt to Rodyn's face. The youth was over the moon. 

Good job Mojag. You hunted a squirrel.

Rodyn dipped his muzzle brush light over the top of the youths head. Do you want to make your own cache or would you like to take your prize to someone?

231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Mojag didn't know what a cache was, and besides, when there came a mention of showing off to someone he was fixated upon that instead. That was a much better plan for the squirrel than any hole it could be planted in.

I wanna show anaa! The boy joyously called out, bouncing from foot to foot as he paraded around the squirrel; it looked like some kind of ritual dance. Can I take it to her? He went on to ask.

Given the go-ahead he'd hastily grab the squirrel and carry it off up the hill. The entire time it would sway in his grasp and feel like the heaviest, most precious thing he'd ever touched.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Then show Anaa. He wondered briefly if this youth was related to the pretty moon wolf Sialuk and Moon Woman.

Rodyn would follow him briefly, but be mindful not to tread on the pack lands. He however didn't want to leave toe boy to fend for himself.