Verdigris Ravine This one knows
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
@Sari @Zoug
Harvest said that S'ari maybe interested in trading so I thought i'd bring Rodyn around.

Rodyn was unsure how to approach the village of coyotes. The smell was overwhelming. He wasn't frightened exactly, but he also wasn't sure how his approach would be taken. So he made sure to be way far back from the borders. So that it wouldn't even be a question that he was upon their land.

At his feet lay the salted Octopus and the beaver fur. Water animals, something he hoped they were willing to look over. He could of course go get more if he must. He thought of one of the deer hides and was wondering if he should venture back and get one. He lifted his muzzle in a howl and waited patiently, quietly, respectfully.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
The Tribe
259 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
S'ari heard the wolf howl and came near curiously. She had found that not many had disturbed them in the Ravine, and wondered what kind of wolf would come howling at their coyote borders. Hoping to get there before Zoug--knowing he hated his bigger cousins--she picked up the pace, near-running towards the sound.

She saw the dark shape against the backdrop of the desert soon enough and let her tail wag behind her to show friendliness. Hello there, cousin! she called, but stopped well away from him, lest he come to make a meal of her. She eyed the strange things at his paws. Ah. Come to trade? Perhaps it seemed she had read his mind, but this was not the case. In her Home Tribe, it was quite common for canids to trade: a story for a meal, a trinket for a rest in the shade. Be warned, she said, glancing behind her to see if Zoug had yet followed. The others here, they are not so welcoming of wolves, no? If this one has come to trade, he'd best make it quick. S'ari is quite happy to look at his wares, but the others... She tilted her head side-to-side like, Ehh.
"We are creatures of the desert..."
— S'ari resides permanently in the Lowlands and will never leave.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was antsy, but he held himself firm. Simply because he wasn't certain what awaited him. Would he be met with friendliness or teeth. That was his concern.

He was in luck when the one who arrived both seemed to be a leader as well as a friendly face. A small smile and a dip of his muzzle.

Hello Cousin. I'm Rodyn Ardeth.

A small smile. Yes I have.

He frowned in thought and nodded his head. Would you like me to bring them closer. I brought you some meat from the sea. Salted and dried. And Beaver fur. Would you be willing to trade for one or both. I also

He looked around and spoke sadly. We are having a group hunt. And I invite you, but I will warn you. I don't know the reception you may receive. Of course from my pack and other village packs like mine you would have a warm welcome. But there are some packs coming that I don't know that well.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
The Tribe
259 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Deeming this Rodyn to be upstanding, S'ari moved closer to him, bending her head to take a look at his wares. She had never been the sea, so this was a strange-looking creature he had brought her. She squinted at the salted octopus, studying its odd form. What is this? she asked, eyeing its many dried legs.

She sucked her teeth at his invite to a hunt. Mmm. Were it only S'ari alone, she would go in a flash, but she has little ones now, yes? And if this one does not know how the others would take a coyote amongst them... She must not risk her life, for her sunlings would die. She gave him a sad little smile and a shrug.
"We are creatures of the desert..."
— S'ari resides permanently in the Lowlands and will never leave.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It's an Octopus. Strange creatures. When alive their tentacles can wrap around you if you're not careful. But they are good to eat dried. A little um salty.

He nodded in understanding he wished he could do more. So he spoke softly. When we have the group hunt. I can bring some of the meat for a trade if you like. Furs or plants you have that we don't. I'm sorry that I can't guarantee your safety. I have two children myself. So I know how important they are.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
The Tribe
259 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Octopus, hmm? Interesting... Apparently they could be dangerous when they were alive. She eyed the dried tentacles curiously, then lifted her head. What will this one take for the octopus? She ran through a list in her head. We have caches, but mostly only small game. Coyotes don't need to hunt big animals, no? We are so tiny! She hummed in thought. S'ari has some stashes of healing desert herbs, as well as some plants that release a good smell or taste. We have beautiful rocks and skulls, shiny pretty things. Or a drink of water if this one wishes. She glanced behind her. If this one does want water, he will have to follow behind S'ari and be quick, yes?
"We are creatures of the desert..."
— S'ari resides permanently in the Lowlands and will never leave.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
That she would offer water spoke spades of her spirit and kindness. Especially given they were in the desert. But he didn't wish to upset her people, or direct their ire to her. When she was being kind. So he gave a small smile.

I will take some herbs if you don't mind. That way i'm not encroaching on your pack and causing any uneasiness.

He tilted his head. And if you're ever near the coast. You should visit Moontide. I'd be glad to have you as a guest of the pack there.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.