Lion Head Mesa Fearless
68 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
Backdated a week or so before he returned to the lake=]

He doesn't indulge himself in the wines, the foods, and festivities of He abstains from the palace's wine, food, and festivities. Life at the lake is.. different, untainted by strong herbs and spices or fermented fruits. Luxury, stripped.

A taste of the palace would ignite a yearning, making him miss the red sands more than he needs to. So, he fasts and fills on water. Instead of resting in his chambers, the Kingsguard stands vigil where the goddess and god rest. At dawn, Mesen-ka will not be far. He prays Rashepses sleeps soundly, and that @Toula finds the rest she needs for her birth. Blessed be Ra. Blessed be their new Gods.
immortal longings
764 Posts
Ooc — anon
her husbands man had returned, and Rashepses had spoken with her late in the night of his successes. the Lakewoman had chosen him, after all, and she too was with child. fortune smiled upon the Red Palace as of late it seemed, and at last they all could breathe a little easier in this time of peace. while none had forgotten about the Hem or the Hemet, Toula turned the investigations to look into those that detested their faith. they did have that in common! 
and Ashikaga… the timing was strange, but there was no blood, no indication of struggle. Toula suspected now that perhaps she had left of her own volition, though always kept her in her prayers. 
still, she slept a little easier for Mesen-ka accompanying her Jodai on watch. and when she arose, after greeting Ra, she found the man. her tail waved at the sight of him, and not knowing he abstained then she requested good food be brought to them! my dear friend, for that was what he was to her, important as he was to her beloved! I hear congratulations is in order! you, too, will soon know the joys of fatherhood, her eyes are bright. the happiness is real!
68 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
"Pharaoh!" A warm smile beams across his face, and he's not sure if it is his own or hers. A fellahin shuffles retrieve a breakfast under the holy's order. Is he to be honored with a meal with her holiness? "Your godly divinity shines brightly this morning!" Most beautiful in the land, she is!

His ogre wife is mentioned. Toula will not know the venom of it. Right, the..PREGNANCY! "Yes!" Rounded autumn eyes dilate. "She is.." What is the most beautiful word to explain such a womanly phenomenon!? "ROTUND!" He proudly says!