Whitefish River xi innaktuk (1)

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak travels upriver until he finds a telling scent upon the wind. He tracks this towards the mountains but stops short at a midway point. There are many signs of wolf life here and Kigipigak is lured close because of this. 

He lingers where the scent wanes, the smallest gap, and does not cross. Someone would be along eventually to visit the pale shape of him upon their doorstep. It does occur to Kigipigak that he could have brought an offering for them—something of a good faith gift—but it is a little late now.
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
369 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Hieronymous once again scans the borders. Though he tried to spend most of his time among the other members, mingling and getting to know everyone better, to make sure they were all happy in some way - there was a duty calling him to the borders to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. There were so many weirdos lately at the borders, strange neighbors too when he thinks back to that mutt-man and his woman. 

And someone was there, some strange dude that he never saw before. Greetings! Keeping himself neutral, the painted man strutted up to where he thought the borders were, a calm but friendly smile across his face as his posture was strong but not quite overbearingly dominant. He wasn't the type to hang his rank over others after all - but this was a stranger, and Kaistleoki was his to guard now after all. 

You've reached Kaistleoki, my name is Hieronymous. How can I help you?
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The sight of the patchwork creature that comes upon Kigipigak makes him do a double-take, as he has never seen such an amalgamation upon one body. He wonders next if the stranger is some beastly thing of legend, but does not remember much about the fantastical tales the elders sometimes shared. 

Kigipigak stared as they walked closer. When they spoke it was with the common tongue of the region. His name was long and confusing, as was the title of this village.

Ah, I think yes! Kigipigak answers. I come in search of... women. That wasn't right; he didn't know how to phrase this request or explain things right in this language. I come from mountains. I am Kigipigak, and I hunt for friends for my tribe. My.. New tribe.

Oh, he was botching this wasn't he?
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
369 Posts
Ooc — Noki
His tail curved for waving gleefully over his hips, casually fluttering by behind him without strain. His posture hardened the moment the other spoke about searching for women. Hiero's lips tightened and his eyes focused a little more... tail ceased its motion and dropped just a little as he tried to make sense of it all. No, the young man wasn't making much sense at all nor a very good first impression. That ache to keep Kaistleoki safe burned in his chest to think that someone came by just to... well, he didn't like to think of it. Brows furrowed as he continued to try and keep a peaceful air, though he was more cautious now.

Do your friends have names? Cautiously he questioned, hoping that it was just some kind of language barrier judging by the man's dialect.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Names? Of course they had names. Kigipigak thought he was doing well and nodded.

Stjor and Sol. They are brothers. He said. Maybe it would be better if he described them? Oh, but, Kigipigak had only met the one. What had Valmua said of the other? That he was stern and serious, and often angry? Those were not good things to share. He could try to spin it.

Stjor is my friend, he is good. Serious and proud. The brother to him, Sol, is not one for words but is strong of mind. We live over the mountain, in tulugak-miu; ah, where the ravens watch above, by a lake. That was ample information, yes? Kigipigak was not cut out for this match-making role.
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
369 Posts
Ooc — Noki
The Constable did his best to keep a friendly face, even if he wasn't all too fond of what he was hearing. Thankfully he didn't need to call Ira to come and judge this stranger for herself, he had a position within the pack to decide for himself whether or not he wanted this man to linger for much longer or not.

Thankfully the man seemed friendly, not dangerous... but he still didn't like the way the guy talked. It sounded creepy, honestly. Looking for women for their clan, he was hoping the women he was looking for was his friends - and yet no, his friends were brothers, not female at all. Unfortunately I haven't met anyone with such names around here. Offering a remorseful smile. 

I can keep an eye out for them and let them know you search for them. Maybe point them in the right direction wherever you go next. He didn't mention the women again, hoping that alone was significant enough for the guy to move along.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak stared at the piecemeal man, confused, and then let out a bray of laughter.

No! No you do not understand. I know where my brothers are, he clipped quickly. They are on the mountain. I am looking for betrothals for them.

Perhaps this tribe did things differently? Kigipigak wondered if he had found a place so different from his own home that the concept of marriage was not one they knew. I am asking if there are young women here that might seek a bond. Someone that might wish to come with me to the mountain and live as we live, there.

Kigipigak's hopes dwindled though. The way the stranger spoke to him and even how he looked at him, almost blankly, was putting him off searching here.
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
369 Posts
Ooc — Noki
The man laughed and Hieronymous was slowly starting to lose his patience with this one. Not to mention that the correction soon to follow was less than impressive as the man not only did not want to move on but was insisting on finding women. The painted man frowned, finally reaching his end with this. No. he said flatly, even the Constable's posture changed into something more rigid.

And I'm asking you to leave now. There was no need for him to explain why he refused to indulge in this any further, that the man's request would be denied outright. They knew nothing of this man nor his pack, and frankly, it all seemed random and strange to come up to a pack and straight out ask to take some of their women into a pack of strangers to be wed. 

Standing his ground, he waited with waining patience for the stranger to walk away. If not, he was unsure how this meeting would go from here on.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The immediate stiffening of Hieronymous' physique served to curtail Kigipigak's antics. The flat tone of his voice caused the smile on Kigipigak's face to go stale and then as it faded, he heard the dismissal.

Kigipigak was a pugnacious sort of creature; he wanted to be successful on behalf of the Watch but most importantly for Valmua's sake, and so he was strongly inclined to linger even with the refusal of this strange-looking wolf. However he had many other places to look. Kigipigak reminded himself of that as he chose the safer option.

That is a no then..? Kigipigak asked with a rhetorical tone, already withdrawing, seeking a path that would keep him away from this tribe's scents. I go, I go. It is too bad we cannot make friendship! He called over his shoulder as he dispersed.
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
369 Posts
Ooc — Noki
That is a no then..? The Constable's eyes narrowed, not quite feeling up to the task of repeating himself. The rejection was clear and Hieronymous simply remained silent for now, letting his posture and lack of further responses do the speaking for him and his final decision. The painted knight's lips twitched in displeasure as the other called over his shoulder, finding him stranger and stranger - friendship should have been struck first before asking to take their women away. 

It was only when Kigipigak was out of sight did Hieronymous return to the pack and began spreading the news, keeping the details away from the children other than certain temporary rules in staying close by some adults... while the adults would know of the situation. He didn't like any of this, and hopefully, they would never see or hear of this again.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota