Two Rivers Isle a draco tale
Redtail Rise
113 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
He arrived with the high tide, striding past the teeming tide pools toward a river threading across shimmering sands. As thirsty as he felt, Cambria did not dip down for a drink right away. Instead, he turned to follow the water’s southerly course as it threaded further inland. Only when he could be certain the saltwater would be diluted did he pause again to slake his thirst.

Afterward, he licked stray droplets from his pale muzzle as he assessed his surroundings. He could see palm trees in the distance off to his left. A great plain sprawled ahead, culminating in a plateau over yonder. Slightly behind him and to his right stood a forest. Though clouds hid the sun today, Cambria supposed he might find some respite from the mugginess beneath the trees’ shady boughs.

He wended through the woods by way of the narrow river. He slowed when he came to a fork, tipping his sharp muzzle into the air. Cambria thought he smelled the scent of wolves, though before he could get the measure of them, a cloud of gnats descended on him, insistently circling his face. He could hear their collective whine in his ears.

He shook his head and stepped into the water, seeking relief from the tiny nuisances. Cambria sucked in a breath and dunked his head, staying underwater for a considerable amount of time—his mother had often joked about his “gills”—before surfacing as slowly as a crocodile.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision had stayed nearest the hinterlands for some time now. While it wasn't a home; it was becoming quite familiar. Perhaps he had gotten too comfortable with the varying landscape, the abundant prey, and the easy access to water. He considered he was hesitant to elsewhere for dread of the unknown.

He traveled the water's edge. If there was anything he had picked up in his years: Water was safe. Water brought life. Life meant food.

Today water brought forth another of his kind. Collision made curious observations. This one was stuck somewhere in-between a boy and a man, but what came with intrigue was how he glided into the water--submerged himself beneath it.

He slowed his pace in his direction and stopped within hearing distance, but no so close as to alarm the boy-man. His head slowly, almost sneakily, rose from the waters and the grey male spoke as to make his presence known, "Are you trying to drown yourself? I wouldn't recommend it,"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Redtail Rise
113 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Thanks so much for scooping this! :)

He lurked for a moment, waiting to see if the gnats would find him and descend. When none came to further pester him, Cambria sank his toes into the slimy river bottom and bobbed a little closer to shore. Water sluiced off his peaky shoulders, though his ribs and posterior remained underwater as he paused to regard his sudden company.

He made no reply right away, motionless as his mismatched eyes wandered over the stranger in silent scrutiny. He boasted a much bulkier build than the rangy yearling, though a slight narrowing of his hips belied a recent hardship, perhaps. The male’s variegated coat still appeared lustrous and thick, a sign of good health.

Finally breaking his silence, Cambria musingly repeated, You wouldn’t recommend it. He paused a moment to pull himself further out of the water, careful not to encroach on the other wolf’s space as he sought purchase on the shoreline. Do you speak from experience? Have you drowned before?
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
A watchful eye was kept on the stranger as he waded from the waters. As it fell around him and he turned to look Collision noticed the difference in his eyes. They were each uniquely their own. complimenting one another. They emboldened his still maturing features.

Collision's toes rolled over the soft earth upon which he stood. His tail idly tapped against his legs as though he were waiting for the greeting to turn to altercation--truthfully, he'd simply leave. He wasn't looking for an aggresor. Rarely did he ever.

His tongue struck the air with his wit. Collision looked off to the side and a grin tugged across his lips. The younger one drew near, and Collision brought himself to sit before him--there was no danger here.

"That's a... fair question," A Chuckle and a shrug of the shoulders, "No, no personal experience. Though, I find myself wondering if one could do such a thing to themselves," Could they? Would the body's natural survival instinct save them from such a crime? "That was grim, apologies. My name is Collision,"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Redtail Rise
113 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The stranger relaxed and a moment later, shed this title (“stranger”) with the offering of his name. Cambria met the introduction with a blink, regarding Collision as he seated himself on the shore. He neither followed suit, nor offered his own moniker. His face remained coolly expressionless, though he did arch an eyebrow at the man’s riposte.

I wouldn’t know anything about that, he said, feeling no particular need to share that he’d grown up on a proper island, swimming almost every day for much of his early life. You know what I’m wondering? he rejoined in the next breath. Does a pack live here? Do you live here?
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe seemed to suddenly appear from nowhere, coming to the scene with her tail up and her eyes carefully examining the two strangers who'd come ashore. There is— she answered to Cambria's question, stopping at a distance with a quirked brow. —my pack. 

This is Two Rivers Isle. How can I help you two? she asked.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Making 'friends' had never been his strong suit. To be honest, years of depraved isolation had left him quite socially inept. He considered the various ways he could diffuse the strange propaganda he had initiated and the young one pried for further information, "I'm pretty useless if you want information,"

A shrug of the shoulders, "I'm quite homeless, actually," He would say it wasn't his choice--but the bleak truth was, after this much time, it was a choice. One he was continuing to make.

  Prepared to speak again they were fortuitously interrupted by another, or perhaps this was no luck. There was a pack here? Collision had been oblivious to the fact. He rose back to his feet to turn and his ears lay back against his head. He wanted to offer no dispute, so he being the homeless one lowered his head, "My sincerest apologies. I wasn't aware the territory was under rule," How could he not have noticed? "I have no need of anything--simply a wanderer going nowhere in particular,"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Redtail Rise
113 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Collision admitted he didn’t know anything, earning an inscrutable look from the yearling. Before he could think of what to say next, if anything at all, another voice cut into the conversation with the answers he sought.

Cambria’s distinct eyes swept to the she-wolf who paused some distance away, though not far enough that he couldn’t make out the incredulous expression on her face. Her posture declared her ownership along with her voice. She called it an isle, which earned a snort so quiet, only the other man might hear it.

Cambria noticed how quickly Collision deferred, offering his apologies to the woman. He didn’t follow suit. The yearling’s posture didn’t shift at all, his composure remaining entirely neutral as his fur continued dripping on the bank, slowly mixing dirt into mud.

I wouldn’t mind learning more about your pack, he replied to her question.

He had been traveling along the coast for quite some time now and hadn’t come across his own kind in weeks. Cambria didn’t much mind the solitude, particularly after growing up with only his mother for company. But he so enjoyed learning, sometimes from his fellow wolves.

What could these two teach him?
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe observed as one stranger promptly complied, while the other stayed indifferent, causing her to feel a mixture of gratitude and tension as she divided her focus between the pair of homeless men. She couldn't fault them for not catching the scent of the borders, especially near the shore, so she squatted, marked her spot, and kicked before moving closer to them. 

Here on Two Rivers Isle, we are made up of two families. I, Eshe, along with my partner, @Argent, lead the group, she said, directing her words towards Cambria. Our main goal is to ensure the safety of our children, but we are always open to welcoming newcomers who wish to contribute and get some in return, she added, looking over at Collision. As a recently established pack, there is plenty of space for expansion and personal growth here. 

She tilted her head. Are there any particular questions you had? she asked Cambria.
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
cameo unless needed. don't want to hold up posting order. <3

There was much to be done in preparation—Eshe had been busy welcoming new faces to their claim, and he had been busy ensuring their borders were becoming more apparent to any onlooker.

Of course, their claim was still so fresh that he didn’t fault the two that had landed within their new home, but it was Eshe who had swept up to them—and while he followed after her and now lingered closer, icy eyes drifting between either wolf, he allowed Eshe to lead the questioning. She was far more diplomatic than him.

Instead, he remained a silver guard—watchful, waiting, but patient.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
They drew near. Moths to a flame. Collision and Cambria were the fire. They had overstepped the invisible lines that had been drawn and while Collision felt no immediate threat from the duo that now stood before them. He was aware of how immediately the situation could shift.

There was a possibility here though.

He needed to go, but he found himself keen to hear what Esche had to say. They weren't being chased off--and while it wasn't a necessarily open invitation the thought of assimilating with a still forming enticed him.

They hadn't had time to break it. They hadn't had time to screw it all up.

  Would that come later?

  "My name is Collision Adravendi," He introduced himself to Eshe and the silent male that stood near her. He assumed this was Argent, "You have room for an addition?" The words are there before he can actually consider what they mean. Home. Maybe.

    She mentioned that there was room for growth. He stared in quiet waiting. Perhaps this could be the beginning he needed.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Redtail Rise
113 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Cambria watched impassively as the she-wolf—Eshe, she introduced herself—pointedly marked her territory. His ears pricked as she provided more details about the resident pack. He always wondered why some wolves were so forthcoming, though he certainly appreciated it in the circumstances. His pale features knitted a little when Eshe mentioned opportunities for expansion and growth.

He couldn’t guess what she meant, though before he could ask, another wolf appeared. The rangy yearling stiffened, his ears pulling backward. The new arrival didn’t speak, though he sensed a familiarity between the pair. Perhaps this was Argent then.

Now Collision spoke in turn, providing a first and a last name to Eshe and her reticent mate. He seemed interested in the pitch. Cambria glanced at him, his eyes mildly quizzical, then refocused his attention upon Eshe. She didn’t look anything like his mother, though her quiet authority reminded him of her.

What exactly do you mean when you say ‘expansion and personal growth’? the pale yearling inquired, finally giving himself a little shake and sidestepping the puddle that had formed beneath him. Do you just take in anyone who turns up on your borders expressing interest? he tacked on with a quiet blink.

His tone was less incredulous and more curious. Was that really how it worked? He’d come across a few packs along the seaboard, though none of them had openly offered him a place to stay. The others he’d met had been loners like himself. He was incredibly curious about the operations of a proper pack, though Cambria needed to know more—a lot more—before he could ever contemplate pledging fealty to one.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
In a brief period, multiple events unfolded within the group: Argent joined them, Collision inquired about joining, and Cambria's questioning made her pause momentarily. She took a deep breath before addressing them sequentially.

Glancing back at her husband, she smiled before turning back to the rest of the group. 

Then, to Collision: It's nice to meet you, Collision! Yes, we have room for new members. 

Lastly, to Cambria, after considering his questions: There will be open leadership positions, which we may fill should the right wolf join. We also believe in developing and growing your skills, and we will support you that in whatever way you need. It sounded like a bunch of cooperate jargon, but she didn't know how else to explain. And, yes, we do—you'll find a lot of packs in this area work similarly. If we have willing wolves on our borders, we're going to accept them. We have plenty of space and food to support more members.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The air is thick for Collision. No one knows the internal struggle he had. No one needs to know. Additionally, it wasn't their need to be privy to his past and it wasn't something that would ever affect them. This was his cross to bear.

His was more of a reserved skepticism. The look and the words of Cambria though.... He wondered how someone so youthful could be so jaded already. Though, similar to his own situation, it wasn't Collision's job to know. The business belonged only to Cambria.

Still, the questions that the young male offered up were questions that needed to be answered. There were about a hundred more that ran to the forefront of his mind. They each sprang forth at the same time--and nothing of merit came out.

He didn't want to keep being chronically lonely.

"I'd like to stay; to observe. If I prove useful to you, and you to me then perhaps we can monopolize on something mutually beneficial. If you'll have me. If we find my stay to be...parasitic then I'll take my leave," Maybe with no hard feelings. Maybe with them. All he knew was if he continued down the path he was on then he would never find change.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Redtail Rise
113 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The concept of leadership did not entice him, mostly because he lacked any frame of reference for it. Cambria was intrigued by the idea of others helping him build his skill set, presumably for mutual benefit. He loved learning, particularly skills that would help him not just survive but thrive. It was almost alluring enough for him to consider membership despite all his other misgivings and reservations.

And then she told him that many local packs operated this way. That meant he would have options he ought to explore, if he decided the idea of joining a pack at all suited him. His tail twitched thoughtfully, his two-toned gaze sweeping to the wilderness sprawling ever eastward. He would need time to think and consider his options.

With Collision making a bid to join, Cambria intuited his presence was only a hindrance now. Besides that, he was beginning to feel a little overstimulated by all the socialization. Fellowship had its merits, though solitude was comforting in its familiarity. He craved his own company.

Thank you for the information, Eshe. Good luck, Collision, Cambria offered, nodding his head to each in turn, including Argent with a glance. I’ll leave you to it.

With a final glance, he stepped away from the small gathering on the jetty. He paused for an instant to consider which direction to head, then opted to retrace his steps, beginning with crossing the small river once more. He stepped into the shallows and then paddled for the opposite shore, a practiced swimmer. When he reached the far bank, Cambria did not look back, trotting away toward the coast.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
@Collision—fade here? Feel free to join the pledged group if you want! :)

Eshe thought it was reasonable for Collision to depart if it didn't work out, and she nodded in agreement and offered: I think that's fair—we can show you around, too, if you'd like. She was glad that he was considering staying, and she hoped that they would find the arrangement mutually beneficial. 

When Cambria left, Eshe called after him: Best of luck—we'll be here if you decide that Two Rivers Isle is the place for you! before turning her attention back to the Isle's newest recruit. She motioned over her shoulder towards the territory, and invited him in with a quirk of her brow, a smile, and a cheery: Shall we?
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Eshe seemed polite enough. Deciding to stay here had been a reaction more than it had been a decision. His stomach rumbled with mild uneasiness. Still, Collision was optimistic. This was new. This could be so much. He preferred not to let the thoughts of his inner pessimist get to him.

He watches as Cambria disappears into the water and takes his leave. He silently wished the man the best. Hopefully he'd find what he was looking for.

"We shall," Collision nods to Eshe and falls into line behind her. He nods to Argent and sees what awaits him here. Home.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe took the lead, guiding them deeper into the island. She provided @Collision with an overview of the area, pointing out important sites, and later revealed the communal dens where he could choose where he wanted to settle. Even though the tour dragged on longer than she had predicted, as they bid farewell, she was happy with the work she had completed and curious about what would happen next with him.