Lion Head Mesa aldurus

Priestess of Nwt

601 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
All Welcome 
She had tried to sleep. Her body rested, but her mind continued to spin after her brief conversation with Tavina; no others came to her for hours, not to ask about her trip, not to commandeer her for work - or training.
Nazli struggled to truly rest.
The only thing that kept her from openly weeping was her own imagination: picturing herself free and running, farther and farther from this place.
There did eventually come a voice at the door, and this time it was not Tavina.
983 Posts
Ooc — ebony
nazli and makono were home! senmut could hardly finish the prayers fast enough before he begged away from akhtar and ran at once to where the young woman made her home.

he pranced outside, then withdrew himself a respectful distance. senmut called her name in a voice filled with delight.

Priestess of Nwt

601 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
It took her a measured effort to rise. No, she hadn't slept - her body was sore, but at least it hadn't moved much in those hours, so physically she was more rested than mentally.
When she came to the door, she saw a face that should've brought her a measure of happiness, and something trembled deep down to that effect, but a certain dread came too.
Senmut. Um... come in, she stepped away to let him enter.
Tavina had said a number of people would avail themselves for her training, after all.
983 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i heard the call!" senmut said, dancing inside. he had not yet noticed her face. "i knew you would come home with stories. i want to hear them al —"

now concern flooded him. his red ears came forward. "nazli? are you all right?" maybe she was only tired, and perhaps he should go, so that rest might come.

Priestess of Nwt

601 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
I'm, ah... She didn't know what to say; lying felt wrong, and she was too tired to be successful at it. But the truth? He knew why he was here, so why bait her...?
The time in Mereo was different. It is over now, so... I must adjust to things again. That wasn't a lie.
She settled beside her bedding rather than on or among the furs, and felt suddenly very shy, and very intimate with the spiritual man. It took a second for her tongue to stop feeling too heavy for use.
Are you here for... stories? Or... um, she felt warm and sick and all manner of things which bubbled and brewed in her gut.
983 Posts
Ooc — ebony
senmut was in a word, deflated. he watched nazli very closely, how she fidgeted. "no." he shook his head.

"i came to see you. i —" and his ears fell back now. "i wanted to hear about your journey. but if you are not wanting company, i can leave."

Priestess of Nwt

601 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
oh! He was genuine with what he wanted. Senmut had never lied to her or tricked her, that she could recall, and now seemed ready to leave if only to make her more comfortable - such a kindness from him.
A sigh pulls from her depths.
I'm sorry, it has been a harder adjustment than I expected. Mereo was more than different. In some ways it was... better. her voice hushed as she said this, as if conspiring.
I was a guest. They wouldn't let me work! But I asked to hunt for them, and they showed me. I learned as much as the crown prince - differently, but a lot.
For a time Nazli forgot about Tavina and everything that was about to begin. She became animated and warm again, childish with her enthusiasm.
983 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"do not apologize," senmut said, brightening as nazli did. he listened raptly.

"but you enjoy your work, and take such pride in it. still," he smiled, "i am a little glad they did not give you tasks."

she had gone hunting. the fondness for it was in her voice. "it seems as though you had a very educational time," he joked with her a little, eyes delighted to see her recovering.

Priestess of Nwt

601 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
me too, she admitted.
tasks would have certainly detracted from her enjoyment of her time there, but she still had things to attend to - and thought warmly of the pool, and bathing with makono, and all the things the two of them spoke of; closer and closer they had gotten, on the edge of something new beyond their sisterhood.
and yet that was at an end.
what about you? nazli had to deflect from the growing unease in her belly. has akashingo changed much without me here?
the jest was a touch flat.
983 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he shook his head, perturbed by the edge to her voice. "well. ahktar has stepped back a little. there is a new fellahin, isa. and sokha has become a noblewoman."

but he did not know why or for what purpose.

"the queen is very involved. i — sometimes i wonder how much she does not say." senmut smiled encouragingly, hoping to engage nazli in a bit of conspiracy.

Priestess of Nwt

601 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
was the queen the reason for nazli's own training? the thought came abruptly and confused her; it was more a whim suitable of the pharaoh, and besides, it was the way of the world - or so nazli was coming to understand.
but she considered. she mulled it over, thoughts weaving like reeds in her mind.
in the end, It is not our place to question the way of things. her voice was syrup - and her eyes averted briefly.
tavina came earlier. once I am rested I am to return to my work. among other things.
983 Posts
Ooc — ebony
senmut did not like the sound of her voice. it felt as if it were a reprimand. 

the chasm between he and she seemed to deepen.

"i am glad you are getting to rest." tavina was kind, he thought, knowing little of their relationship. "if i — would you like to look at the moon one night? with me; i —" he stumbled! "i need to learn the prayers to Nwt, and i must do it by moonlight."

he burned in embarassment.

Priestess of Nwt

601 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
I... I would like to, she offered with a shy look at her own toes; then, not knowing what to expect for her own future, she was blushing and awkward and unsure.
If my lessons permit me, and I have the time... If my nights are not already forfeit, she implied.
983 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he tried not to notice her hesitation.

"all right, nazli." senmut's smile was soft as his eyes. "i will call for you one morning, after i sing the prayers to Ra."

he did not try to touch her. his eyes lingered and then the young we'eb was gone from her quarters, still wondering at the chill which had settled around them.