she came, pleased to see how strong riverclan stood now! not a collection of two or three, but a bustling little place.
she smiled and felt the warmth lift her cheeks in that wrinkled way.
suddenly she hoped that @Silvertongue or @Crowfeather were not too busy or overwhelmed for a visit! bjarna had come to learn first hand how busy this kind of life could be. leading one's home and family. so she had brought with her a small gift of meat, a continued trade between them would be good —
then tilted her head back, to let loose a doggish sound for the two leaders. or either! she was not very picky.
she smiled and felt the warmth lift her cheeks in that wrinkled way.
suddenly she hoped that @Silvertongue or @Crowfeather were not too busy or overwhelmed for a visit! bjarna had come to learn first hand how busy this kind of life could be. leading one's home and family. so she had brought with her a small gift of meat, a continued trade between them would be good —
then tilted her head back, to let loose a doggish sound for the two leaders. or either! she was not very picky.
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
January 25, 2023, 04:44 PM
The shadow turned his head to the sound of a familiar voice. He smiled, pleased to hear that they had a friendly visitor in their home.
Crowfeather wasted little time to prepare a small gift of herbs – things he had collected and stocked in his spare time. They were mostly simple herbs. He knew that some of them were used more often than others and that was what he wanted to supply her with. After gathering his items in a small fur, the tripod raced to the border to meet Bjarna.
Dark tail waved excitedly. He trotted to her with bright honey eyes.
Crowfeather wasted little time to prepare a small gift of herbs – things he had collected and stocked in his spare time. They were mostly simple herbs. He knew that some of them were used more often than others and that was what he wanted to supply her with. After gathering his items in a small fur, the tripod raced to the border to meet Bjarna.
Dark tail waved excitedly. He trotted to her with bright honey eyes.
Bjarna!His mouth muffled her name with the package he carried.
January 29, 2023, 06:58 PM
there he was and show noticed the radiance about him. glowing upon his own lands. what was it he carried with? she found herself thrilled!
look how she had learned words too!
there he was and show noticed the radiance about him. glowing upon his own lands. what was it he carried with? she found herself thrilled!
croo!she called out with a soft tip tap of her front paws.
come, see!
look how she had learned words too!
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
February 06, 2023, 03:33 PM
The dark tripod couldn’t help but smile at her greeting. He didn’t care if she could speak his full name. He liked being called Croo by the pale young woman.
Bjarna beckoned him to see what she had brought. He carried his herbs to her and placed them gingerly at his paws. The honey of his eyes sparkled upon her features.
Bjarna beckoned him to see what she had brought. He carried his herbs to her and placed them gingerly at his paws. The honey of his eyes sparkled upon her features.
What have you brought?he asked, tone excited.
Oh! Here, I prepared some herbs for Kvarsheim. They’re just- Well, they’re the ones I think you’ll use most often. It’s always good to have a stock of important herbs.The shadow nodded his head as he spoke. The bundle of herbs that he had carried for Bjarna was nudged toward her.
I... love her dearly. With my whole heart. ;w;
February 11, 2023, 07:59 PM
the feeling is mutual <333
her paws tapped at the earth for a moment in something more befitting the dog-blood in her.
then she bent down. quick to unfold the small pouch she had brought it in. which was nothing more than an old rabbit fur, if she was to be honest!
inside was a collection of organ meat from small game. tiny rich morsels with nutrients a plenty! her eyes now turned up to dear croo and searched for his reaction.
in a moment! in a moment, she would allow herself to see his gifts.
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
February 12, 2023, 11:12 AM
Crowfeather watched the tapping of her paws and smiled. Bjarna was delight incarnate. She had captivated his attention entirely.
The three-legged figure stepped toward her wrapped gift. His nose could smell that there were delicious things in there. When she peeled back the wrapping to reveal the collection of small organs – special treats – Crowfeather inhaled a small breath of air. The urge to reach out with his tongue and test the offering was mad inside him. He had to force himself to pull back, tongue flashing across his snout with the eagerness he felt.
The three-legged figure stepped toward her wrapped gift. His nose could smell that there were delicious things in there. When she peeled back the wrapping to reveal the collection of small organs – special treats – Crowfeather inhaled a small breath of air. The urge to reach out with his tongue and test the offering was mad inside him. He had to force himself to pull back, tongue flashing across his snout with the eagerness he felt.
Bjarna… thank you,the shadow said. His voice was quiet, touched. Crowfeather suddenly felt as though his herbs were a poor gift. She had brought this and he’d gathered weeds. Embarrassment burned his cheeks.
March 11, 2023, 06:28 PM
his thanks was not need, but it was good.
a reminder of the things she had built between kvarsheim and riverclan — of the support they gave one another. her cheeks burned hot and she could not stop it.
her already hooded eyes seemed even more hidden as she smiled wider.
a reminder of the things she had built between kvarsheim and riverclan — of the support they gave one another. her cheeks burned hot and she could not stop it.
croo like?
her already hooded eyes seemed even more hidden as she smiled wider.
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
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