Felltree Marsh Always doubled up inside
188 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Probably set before the threads with Dagur & Wildflower since idk how that's gonna go! I'll decide the timeline placement of this later....LOL..
for @Etienne <3
As much as Tybault hated birds, at some point he knew he would have to admit to himself that there was nothing else to eat in this godsforsaken marsh. It would be better once they reached the coast, he hoped. Fish was good. Fish was fine. Fish didn't have feathers. He grimaced at the thought, nose low as he picked his way through the thicker patches of mud where he was less likely to get himself stuck.

Feathers. Ugh. And a bald bird wasn't much better than a feathered one; less annoying, to be sure, but substantially creepier. Tybault was nearly tempted to veer into Hushed Willows, find something more... edible. But then he cast a glance in that direction and thought better of it. Everett wouldn't be pleased to see him, he was sure.
Experimenting with my writing; style may vary a bit!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne found himself moving through the marsh at a swift clip. He was looking for Druid. She had left with nary a word and he was worried. He was worried for her and any wolves that would possibly cross her path if she was indeed Sick.

He was thrown from his musings by a noise in the underbrush. He tilted an ear and narrowed his eyes. Gaze catching on sunlit fur. He froze unsure, because he recognized the hood of the man in front of him and was fearful that he would lose his life.

Tybault had not seemed happy when he found out that Etienne was gay.
188 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He hadn't expected to find Etienne here. Truth be told, Tybault hadn't expected to see him ever again; hadn't wanted to, but at the sight of him, something abruptly shifted. He let out a breath, ears flattening guiltily with the memory of their parting. But he was careful to release any tension he held in his posture, relaxing in an intentional way to show the lack of threat.

He'd seen enough fear to recognize it even in unfamiliar eyes. It'd never been what he wanted.

Hey, Tybault spoke softly, daring a tentative step toward Etienne. Can - uh... can I ask you a question?
Experimenting with my writing; style may vary a bit!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
An easing of his shoulders and back. Tybault slowed his stance and neutrality, even some regret formed in the way he stood.

Etienne flicked an ear. And felt his shoulders tense as Tybault moved nearer, but he stood firm.

A gentle tilt if his head. As always a lyrical note to his tone. Wut you be wantin' to know?
188 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Tybault swallowed hard.

You said you... like the same gender, He lingered on the words, still hesitant. Thoughts of Wildflower flitted around in his head, no matter how hard he tried to swat them away. After a moment, he went on. How did you, uh... know?

His ears burned. His throat felt painfully dry. Tybault watched Etienne carefully, simultaneously dreading and expecting derision from him.
Experimenting with my writing; style may vary a bit!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tybault looked uncomfortable. And what Eti was expecting amd what he got was not what he had even imagined.

He blinked. O'

Etienne tilted an ear. And made soft hum noise. Thinking. When had he first realized.

I 'ad always be knowin' I wasn't like most otters. But the final clue was w'en I be realizin' I was in love wit' my friend Anselm.

And also I never admired women like most men be doing. Dey be pretty and I love dem dat I be knowin'. Strong. But it is not same love. It is more admiring dem as friends. But dere be wolves out dere dat be likin' bot' too and dere be nut'in' wrong wit' dis. Non
188 Posts
Ooc — xynien
That's not how it is where I came from, Tybault confessed softly. He wasn't looking at Etienne anymore, but a bright-feathered bird perched somewhere in the distance. It was easier to focus on that. The Gilded Sea. Real shitty place. You'd think knowing that would make it easier to let go.

But it didn't.

He drew in a slow, tremulous breath. The first time my father caught me staring at some boy, he threatened to castrate me, His grin was wry, but his eyes were dark with grief. He meant it, too. So I never looked again. Not where he could see me.

Now he's gone. And now there's this guy - He cut himself off with a brief, nervous laugh. I don't know what I'd call him. He sticks around. I don't know why. And I can't get him out of my head.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne gave a soft sound between a whine and a scoff. Because he knew well. Dere be wolves 'ere like dat. Dey bot be likin'it. T'inkin' it not be normal. Well dey is wrong. Noting wring wit' it. I be 'oldin' my trut' wit' bot' paws.

You like dis one. Den you should see if it makes you 'appy. Too always be denyin' a part of yourself. It can ruin you and I don't want dat for you. You be strong and proud. Own w'o and wut you is and everyone else, dey can jump off a cliff. I be certain now anyone tried to 'urt you. You are grown now. You can be fitin' back. And I be around I be 'elpin you because dere be not'in wrong wit us.