Wheeling Gull Isle Oh won't you come with me,
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@Hua @Aiolos
It was about time that Umbra made the trip to Yuelong. Thankfully so they were not far and would only take a day or so to switch between, as the territories between them didn't leave much of a travel. However, she was rather reluctant on the matter, knowing that @Yunxu was there, but at the same time the red man also laid claim to it's beaches..

However, Wintersbane made an ally toward them. Preferably, as the Sealord held some enemies, she would prefer a few allies to the mixture. Not one of social etiquette, she could only be thankful that the Saltking had made previous alignments before- but she needed to make it known there was changes.

Crossing the divided sea, she arrived to their isle and called forth to the leaders of Yuelong.
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
And Huā was there quickly, coming to the border with her tail flagged high and her poise elegant as ever. Before her stood a dark woman, unknown, who held more scents upon her than a loner ever would. Who are you? The empress inquired, tilting her head with a slight curiosity as her expression remained an even neutral.
Daddy Moonglow
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The Empress made way and her red guardian was not far from her, clearing the distance with long and smooth strides of a man once made to hide himself in the shadow of others.

Hua questions the woman who stands tall along the sandbar which connected their home to the mainland just beyond. The wolf to him however is of no stranger. So we meet again, Umbra. He speaks with a smile, coming to stand at his Empress side and with his words, making it clear to her that the woman here now was known by him.
moonglow daddy
192 Posts
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A woman approached, who asked who she was. As Umbra was to respond, the red man also came out and greeted as so. She nodded slightly, but remained with a coolness and stoicism while the two were here. Proud as she was, she stood tall and upright like a warlord she wished to be, "indeed. This time I come as a Sealord, however."

"I understand you had an alliance with Wintersbane and Ironclan.. However he has since left, and I took over with the rebrand of Stormbound." She was rather quick to business, as there wasn't much other news to share, and the kraken wasn't one of idle chatter either. 

Though she did look directly at the Empress, to which Yunxu said was his sister.. There was alikeness that she could see, though the eyes were a bit different, as the man was like the river water, but she was eyes of seaglass. Though she wondered if she was the same brashness or one to interfer with matters not of her own, as he was.
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
Aiolos followed, and seemed to know the stranger. Huā turned an inquisitive eye to him, but her questions were answered by Umbra soon enough. Huā would not have described her agreement for peace with Wintersbane as the entirety of an alliance, but she would take that just as well. I am sorry to hear he has gone, Umbra. If he has not tell you, I am Huāzhēn Jiāng, huángdì of Yuèlóng... I suppose your Stormbound will also stay at the bay? Do you also desire to hunt in the west, or are you determined to hunt among the sea lions? Things were simpler when Wintersbane had promised they would hunt in the west. Huā did not mind hunting among the sea lions, necessarily, but sustainability of the population was her main priority, and she did not know if she could trust Umbra's wolves to understand the importance of that kind of caution.
Daddy Moonglow
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A lead then now and she was quick to explain the situation. The man who planned to form his claim had gathered those under his favor only to abandon his leadership before it had even began. Unfortunately it sounded like the pack was due to ruin before it even started much as those who came before them trying to claim on the Bay. They hadn't lasted long either. Whatever the manner, he knew Umbra was a woman of pride and business. She'd try her best in the very least.

Your crew will be better off, if your former was not stable for the job. He admitted his thought aloud in regards to her placement to the throne. Alas this us all he says, for when Hua speaks it is in regards to making an agreement in order to keep the peace between the two packs. Of course the island they hunted on for much of their fish, crustaceans and smaller rodents, but to the river and sea lion shores they looked to for larger prey. Umbra would have the burned woods, the plateau and perhaps inland in the fields should they not go too far and step on Neverwinter's toes.
moonglow daddy
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"He was a good leader while it lasted, but I am not aware of a deal he made." which irked her so, but Umbra remained with a calm expression toward the Empress as she spoke of it. Weeks earlier she made a statement as well to hunt the sea lions, and wasn't too keen to keep on letting the area be unavailable despite next door, she thought as neutrality, no one had the right to claim as so. There was the scent of Yuelong marking but as prevalent as their isle-

"We will be staying at the same place, perhaps we can have a pact on the hunting grounds." Though the Sealord wasn't brainless enough to simply claim it against someone with a more stable pack. Being rather stubborn to give it up, Umbra threw a possible pact to the mixture, where the two can both claim and protect as so. It would strengthen as well, as Sea Lions were hard to catch, it wasn't as the population would fall rapidly with two packs claiming to it's bay.

She thought logically, it would be ideal. Though not knowing how finicky the Empress could be, everything was a gamble.
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
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Huā was slightly surprised at the bold statement from her fiery friend- she feared Umbra would take it as insult, if she and Wintersbane were close- but the kraken seemed to brush it off easily, more fixated on the deal. The empress was willing to compromise, and so she flicked an ear as she thought, and returned. Very well, I do not mind your group hunting there... I only care to see that hunting is never done in a foolish way for sport. I have met an idiot upon that shore before, who killed not for her food but for 'fun', and would not hope to see one again. Huā looked to Aiolos then, If my Shàngjiàng agrees... we could protect the land, together. And she awaited his choice with ears tilted forward.
Daddy Moonglow
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Aiolos had no love for a man's ruling, granted in which he was raised, who believed more often then not, it was the woman who was best at leadership. A woman who led by more then just who was the biggest and strongest. A woman who birthed pups (who could use any man to do so) and with it bring future into their pack. There were many animals, in fact, who believed in such things- horses, elephant, hyena… of course, all unknowing by him.

'Good, while he lasted'. Aiolos frowned. It was not something he would have ever wanted someone to say about him. It reminded him of such a thing one might have said by the sirens of the island he had once lived, a consort amongst them and only this. Here, however long he may lead or however long he may live, he hoped that he had gotten far enough that when his time was finished, Hua would hold him in regards far more then 'He was good while he lasted'.

Unaware of any pact was Umbra, who was a member who was not informed of such a bargain. Had the man not told his members not to hunt at the sea lion shores? Had he not any intention to uphold such a claim by this? A furrowed brow rose questioningly and by a bargain she wished to strike. Aiolos, who knew most of their members were majorly on the island, did not see a problem with striking a deal on these lands and yet he awaited his Empress to speak as always so.

And there it was-with her seaglass eyes directed to him, black ears perked forward questioningly. It was for he which was to make the final decision of this and he smiles, dipping his head downward in respect to his beloved Empress. Lifting his head then, his fiery attention meets the attention of the woman he so nicknamed 'sea shadow', alas only to himself as she did not prefer. ”I can agree then, that we will both share the region as both ours to protect. It will make it more likely so that we can protect the lands too with both us keeping watch, especially when food grows scarier in winter. As well, they would have westward to hunt just as they had the Cape east of here.
moonglow daddy
192 Posts
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"I do believe in the sport of hunting, but not wastefulness. We eat what we hunt." The thought of leaving them to waste for the scavengers gave a scornful snort from the Sealord. While she thought of the fun and risk of taking down these lions of the sea, there would be no waste once the game was done. To eat what you kill, and to take the power they once had- something she remembered that was told to her. She wondered why it was reminded now, and not when she had taken the eye of the other.. Devouring their power would've been a plus to gain in that situation.

"I hope we continue being allies then." Umbra wasn't too keen on the thoughtline, but she didn't want trouble, especially with being so weak as a group itself. The more backing she held, the safer her claim to be, and the revenge getting closer to her thought. Little did she know that the group she sought against was over in due time, but the cliff she wanted, was claimed.

"Do you know any other packs around the area? I'd like to get acquainted." On the same thought-line, she asked the Empress and second-in-command about the neighboring groups. Perhaps it would be wise to seek out even more comfort in allies.
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
Aiolos agreed, and Umbra affirmed that they would not be wasteful with what they killed. Huā nodded, obviously satisfied, and smiled lightly when Umbra spoke of the new alliance. Packs around us, well... upon the land there is a forest called Neverwinter, lead by a friend of mine, Mal. He is very... good-hearted and talkative. Those were good traits in her eyes, but she was unsure whether or not he'd mesh well with Umbra. Still, he had good intentions and it couldn't hurt to form that connection. And there is Moonspear, on the mountain just beyond. Lead by Hydra. She is a very experienced leader and a strong woman... I think maybe you would like her, Huā judged. 

She glanced to Aiolos a moment, then decided it was worth it to tell this too- But be careful, of a group call 'The Saints'. Their leader is a kidnapper who has taken innocent women and also once, one of my young subordinates. He is an arrogant and cruel man who finds joy in pain. If you see him, you will know- he is dark and striped, with a curled tail and flat dog-muzzle, yellow eyes, and big. Huā shared darkly. It was best to warn Umbra now before she had any chance of being fooled by his act of kindness. I suggest you warn the pack, too.
Daddy Moonglow
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Ooc — Vami
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The Sealord snorts, seemingly repulsed by the idea of wasting meat. Aiolos could never think of any reason why he might have ever, either and could not fathom why anyone might. Especially in winter. Especially when sometimes when winters were so harsh, they were forced to hunt down and eat their own kind. 

Allies, she had said and though they knew little of one another, they had a pact between one another none the less. Perhaps not allies the way they saw the forest and mountain wolves, but perhaps one day if this group was to strive. Many had tried to lay claim parts of the coast, many failed, including the very location where Umbra now wished to take. Only time would tell. 

Hua went then to mention the two allies which Aiolos had been thinking on, explaining their were packs inland she could visit but none particularly on the coast. Technically, Yuelong was not on the coast either. He remained silent, even when Hua went on so much as to warn Umbra of the Saints. If Umbra and her group were lucky, they could avoid whatever mess that pack would cause for them.
moonglow daddy
192 Posts
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"I will keep in mind of these groups as our allyship grows." Umbra above all else, values loyalty. Allies could go long ways within these wilds, especially as the sea empress shared about the wariness of a group. If there was a troublesome wolves laying about, gaining the Yuelong ally was even more needed then ever. Fortunately the Stormbound has not yet meet these savages, and she would hope to keep it that way.

The only worry was if they truly caused enough issues.. They weren't but a small group to overthrow easily. There was an internal 'tsk,' thinking of dealing with them so, and while she would rather stomp the bug while it's budding.. Firstly, she had no idea of how their numbers were or how much they terrorized, and secondly the clan was far too weak at the moment.

"I will keep that in mind."
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
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probably my last post in here : D

Umbra was short with her words in comparison to everything Huā said, which only annoyed her a little- she was beginning to understand that the woman's cold exterior was simply her personality, rather than anything disrespectful. She hoped everything spoken, though, would be truly kept in mind. An ally who worked against her allies, or an ally who worked for her enemies, could not be an ally of Huā's at all. Finding that there were no more questions exchanged, Huā gave Umbra a small bow of her chin, Thank you for your visit, and good luck to you in the coming season. You are welcome to come here again if you ever have more questions, Huā offered, a slight invitation for Umbra to dismiss herself. It seemed their meeting was coming to a close.
Daddy Moonglow
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Ooc — Vami
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Last for Olo too.

Alas, he remaind silent as he listened on, Umbra stating she would keep her mind open and vigilant when it came to The Saints as well as those which Yuelong called ally.

Having seemed to cover all grounds, he listened as Hua offered an exit to their little meeting. He dips his muzzle to the stormy sea woman then. In time he would have to visit the Bay, to see how well off Stormbound had become.
moonglow daddy