Cerulean Cape Pt 1: What I've Learned
Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
Someone from Yuèlóng please :D
Teekon was vast! After exploring the ravine, Njord backtracked to an empty Ankyra sounds without a Kigipigak in sight. Only a single gull pecked at jetsam along the beach, its feathers fluffed from the cold air. The islander continued southbound. Though he knew Rusalka needed him home in Dragoncrest, he couldn't shake the image of an island he had seen as he Erzulie and had traveled along the coast. It reminded him of home... and he was both repelled and drawn by it. Coming to an outlook along the beach, Njord steeled himself against the winter sea air, and peered out to the large landmass off shore.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

70 Posts
Ooc — Van
This guy was looking at the island a bit too closely for Haoming's liking. The girl had been going on short excursions beyond their home, so that she could explore and learn a bit more than just what the isle had to offer. She had not run into many others on these trips, but here was one, standing on the coast and watching their island.

"Wh-what're you doing?" she asked as she approached, stiff and defensive, as though she - in all of her tiny glory - would be able to defend that entire island on her own.
Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
omg she is so CUTTEEE

The cold air made Njord shiver. Something about the wind on the coast made it bite right down to the skin. A mist peeled around the island and obscureding the land where water met its shore. He looked for signs of movement, but from this distance could see none. Chances were that wolves did not inhabit that isle… it was a rare thing for their kind to do. Suddenly, a cherubic voice stammered from behind him, Wh-what're you doing?

He turned to meet the stranger's gaze. She was a child who had not yet seen her first winter. A small thing made of sand, driftwood, and sea stone, not unlike himself – but while Njord had fire on his fur, she had fire in her eyes. There was skepticism in her voice and her posture was rigid as she steeled herself against him.

Njord cocked his head and relaxed his stance with a wag of his red tail. “Looking at that island,” he said candidly, hoping to gain her trust with his genuine nature. “It reminds me of my home.” A wolf so young would probably have a pack not far, and although he knew he had not crossed any borders, he wondered if the cold air had tricked his nose. “Do you live nearby?” he asked, unaware he was talking to the princess of Yuèlóng.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Here come the otter

The sea otter had been eyeing the young girl and strange man from her spot at the tide pools, squinting to get a better look from the distance she stood at. One thing Aimi noticed during her time in Yuélóng were the amount of pups that roamed here. Most were half her age and big enough to deal damage if trouble arrived, but you couldn't be too sure nowadays. That being said, Aimi was now "Child Protective Services" of Yuélóng because she said so and will be taking her self-given job seriously.

Anyways, Aimi didn't know what the two were talking about, nor had she ever met the small girl. What she did know is that this pup was from Yuélóng, and this man was not. Distance eventually closed as the sandy she-wolf strode up beside Haoming, albeit a bit protectively, and visually assessed the male with hardened, seaglass eyes. They're body language indicated that they were no threat, but one could never be sure of future events. It would be best to chaperone this meeting and find out....
70 Posts
Ooc — Van
"That is m-my home. The island," she offered, deeming this stranger to be no threat. Didn't have to like him, but at least, she was less... aggressive. At least, until the other stranger came over. 

She didn't know this woman, but she smelled like Yuelong, so she supposed she had to trust her. Still, the way she approached and how she settled up right beside Haoming, like they were friends or something, really rubbed her the wrong way. She bristled immediately, stepping away and cutting multicolored eyes to the side to look at the woman. 

Who the actual hell was this?

Blunt as ever, Haoming looked her up and down, arching a brow. "Wh-who are you?"
Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Omg I’m so sorry!! I didn’t realize it was my turn! D’oh

“Oh!” Njord exclaimed, surprised that wolves did, in fact, live on that island. Was it more common than he thought? He had always assumed Meares Island was one of a kind, and had always dreamed of escaping its sheltered isolation.

Before he could get another word in, a second wolf approached. She appeared older, though small in stature, with finely-made frame. Her pelt was the color of wet sand and eyes of summer’s warm water. Their jewel colored gaze and muted, natural pelage indicated the two women were of a similar breed… or perhaps just closely related. It was the same way with Meares Island. Small, village life bred homogeneity.

Despite her fine features, the second woman’s expression was just as cold as the girl’s: hardened with skepticism. Njord anticipated that they would make a front against him, but suddenly the teen became agitated and stepped away. Wh-who are you? She stammered. Well this is interesting, Njord thought to himself.

He remained quiet and peaceful, waiting for the girls to sort themselves out before interjecting. Blue-eyes looked dubious enough, as it stood, and he didn't want to mistakenly rub her the wrong way.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
LMAO no worries XD

It wasn't long before the younger female took notice of Aimi's presence and shuffled a bit to the side, effectively asking who she was.

Ah, right. The sea otter was too busy trying to play CPS that she nearly forgot said children didn't know who the hell she was. Aimi was still new to this island after all...

Aimi turned down to look at her with an awkward expression, ears idly flicking atop her cranium while trying to think of what to say to a girl who was practically surrounded by a pair of strangers. She was horrible at communicating with kids (cue internal screaming), but she eventually found the words....somewhat...

"不用担心我,我只是在陪伴, err..." refresh -- she forgot some on the island didn't speak mandarin at all -- so more internal screaming initiated as she switched to her broken common. "I here to watch you."

Cringy introductions out of the way, kinda, her seaglass gaze turned towards the gray-scale male again and stared with the same guarded, unsure gaze she approached with. "Who you?"
70 Posts
Ooc — Van
Oh, two strangers was by far her limit. Especially a chaperone. Haoming did not feel as though that was necessary whatsoever, and was quite offended that this... newcomer had the gall to step in like that. Unless Hua herself had asked her to, Haoming would not accept it. Especially because she didn't even offer her name when asked.

"No, th-thank you," she told the woman, tone clear and not as mean as she had initially wanted to be.

Instead of sticking around, Haoming turned, intent on heading back to the island. Maybe her chaperone would follow. It didn't really matter to her.
Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
From Njord’s point of view, Blue-eyes and Fire-eyes had some serious miscommunication going on. The child did not appear to appreciate (or even know) her new babysitter. The islander could emphasize with the youngster - he had always wanted to be left alone by his family, as well.

Blue-eyes turned her attention towards him, asking the Sapphique wolf for his name in broken common language. “I’m Njord Sv-.” Before he could finished, Fire-eyes did a 180 and completely noped out of the conversation. “Ummm,” Njord murmured awkwardly, wondering if he should leave the girls alone or stick around.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
The akward situation only became even more akward as the monochrome teenager turned and left; well then, so much for smooth introductions. Though perhaps it was a good thing that she returned back to the safety of the island, since Aimi still had a stranger she hadn't finished interrogating at their borders. Younger wolves shouldn't be conversing with strange wolves without back-up anyhow, ecspecially when their gullible nature could be taken for granted by the wrong person....

The young woman should know that much afterall -- it was not too long ago before the days where she started transitioning into a young adult.

Anyways, who did crab-booty dude say he was again? Uhhhh... "N.....Njord?" Yeah, thats right. Or was it? God, these local names were so weird and difficult to pronounce that it was almost frustrating! Nevermind that for now though -- interrogation phase 2 is a-go."I Aimi of Yuélóng." The sandy she-wolf said firmly, pointing her muzzle back to the Isle before turning back to Njord. "You sand--no--stand on edge of borders. Can help you with s-something?"
Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
LOL crab-booty. This is gonna be the last post from me! We need a new one, soon! :D

Fire-Eyes left without looking back, leaving Blue-Eyes to discourse with Njord. “Aye, Njord Sveijarn-Corten,” he repeated his name. “Tis a pleasure, Aimi. I was passin’ by when I saw yer island. I was born n’ raised on an island jus’ like it South of ‘ere. Brought back memories.” His red tail waved, friendly and jovial despite his bad memories of Meares Island. Maybe Yuélóng was different? He would have to find out…

“My pack’s close by. We live in tha’ cliffs to tha’ North… named Sapphique! Perhaps I’ll visit again soon? Ta learn more ‘bout yer Yuélóng.” Njord turned, ready to depart. “They’re expectin’ me home soon. Tell fire-eyes I said bye.”

With his last words Njord turned tail and hurried back to Sapphique. He would not forget the two ladies of Yuélóng and their island. Perhaps they could form an alliance in the future? He made a mental note to return again.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!