Ankyra Sound Where it stops nobody knows
756 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
All Welcome 
Upon noticing the absence of Sobo and Coraline, Chacal howled, to let her family know that she, too, had not spotted them but would be touring along the beach to try and find any trace of them. It might've been easier to spot tracks on firmer, inland ground but she had a funny feeling that at least one of the two would have chosen to go for a wander along the ocean's edge. 

They were her brine-siblings, and while the tides swept away footprints and scents, she had a clear view along the flawless white beach of Ankyra Sound and hoped perhaps to spot one of her siblings meandering along. 

It was night-time, and there was a clear sky above her. With the moon tucked beyond the horizon, all was dark. Until-

A star, or something like it- flashing through the sky above and with each second it grew brighter until it could have been light as day
 Chacal was forced to squint her eyes closed and just like that- the bolting meteor flashed from one horizon to the other. 

A moment later came the shuddering [i]thud[/] of a sonic boom, which caused Chacal to crouch. She'd seen meteor showers sure- but nothing had ever seemed as close as this. The fireball that passed over her and burnt up in the atmosphere had been a first for her to witness. Harmless, but quite startling all the same.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
assuming the blackwater crew would’ve been camped out here by now!

the speaker walked along the shore. her eyes were not set on the path before her, but upwards. towards the endless inky sky, with only the pale moon to pierce its darkness.

and then there was a light. flashing and fleeting. morgana held her breath and wondered if the @The Listener was witnessing this anomaly.

the sky burned brighter than the day, then the flying star died. it’s last cry shook the earth.

morgana’s eyes, shut by the light, flew open when the night took over again. adrenaline and elation rushed through her blood and she took off in a hurry with a shaking smile on her face.

to the listener she went. melena. the woman was eager to see her. to know what whispers flowed through her little dreamwalker’s mind after such a sight.

she was so eager, so fixed on this one thought. morgana did not notice the girl she was approaching.
756 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Chacal watched the sky, as if expecting the remarkable feat to occur again. Perhaps there were others to follow; this one had seemed harmless enough to her. She dithered about, a bit too distracted by the sudden intrusion of sound and light to focus intently on trying to find her siblings' tracks to follow, but she lifted her head suddenly when she caught the scent of another wolf nearby. 

In the dark she was hard to spot, but against the pale sand she was a shadow, tall and striking. A pale dusting of moonlight stippled her spine and even in the dark, Chacal caught the hue of her mismatched gaze. She frisked along the beach in Chacal's direction, but whether she intended to chase the jackal off or if she was hurrying because she was frightened, Chacal couldn't yet tell. In the dark she, too, was little more than a shadow on the sand. 

She stepped toward the waves, turning broad-side to the female so she might be spotted more easily, and so that her posture might be inoffensive. She watched, licking her lips, to see if the dark female would hurry by, or if she might pause so she could ask the stranger if she, too, had seen the fireball.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
morgana spotted a dull figure amongst the sand. for a moment she believed the listener had been here all along. she made her way towards her. the closer she became the more dissimilarities she spotted. her smile faded, and she looked upon the girl with mild disinterest.

what brings you here? an obligatory question, for she roamed where the druids rest.
756 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
The shadowed woman slowed her pace, and regarded her with a gaze that seemed to grow more dull as she drew nearer. She gave Chacal the impression that she may have recognized her incorrectly, and was disappointed to realize she wasn't an acquaintance. Still, the jackal dipped her head in a greeting, eyes glistening as she considered the woman's question. 

She was surprised she wasn't asked about the fireball. Maybe it was something she'd seen before. It took Chacal a moment to remember why it was she'd travelled South along the shores after having been so distracted. 

"I s-s...I search for my brot'er an' sister," She lilted. Conversing with strangers was difficult for her. She never knew how they might respond to her need to practically sing everything she said. She hoped that was explanation enough to satisfy her. After all- as far as Chacal knew, there was no reason why she shouldn't be freely roaming along the shores.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
a brother. a sister. the girl speaks in a peculiar fashion. perhaps it was shock, or something greater. morgana didn’t care to ask.

a brother. a sister.

what happened to them?
756 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
She cast her worried gaze out, over the ocean. She wondered how it could be simultaneously so generous and cruel. It gave the wolves of Sapphique their food and shelter, but...

"Dey went missing. In de storm." She said, her voice a mournful lullaby. There was no way to tell if the ocean had claimed them or not, at least- not yet.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.