Spotted Eagle Mountain You know I don't believe in ghosts
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
set sometime after this thread

They had finished making camp, but most likely wouldn't stay here long. Before they would continue, Khaba needed to clear the air with @Makono, as they had done so since he first spoke.
Sure they were alone, the mazoi drew to the girl's flank. We speak.. alone He whispered, careful so that none of their travel party would overhear. The progression of his vocabulary and pronunciation was coming along, but still, it would take time.
This... Khaba gestured to his muzzle with a small swipe of his paw. ... us only. His words, now that they had arrived- it wasn't something he was ready to share with all. Only Makono would know.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

785 Posts
Ooc — anon
if he wished to keep it private, she treated this as if they weren't having a conversation face to face. she allowed him as near as needed but her eyes turned towards the familiar mountain slopes. an ear only softly flicked.

i trust you. it would sound like idle praise to ears, but the glance she offered him spoke of it's meaning. that she did indeed trust this was them only.

a month he would be away from pharaoh, under her order. learning of mereo alongside her.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She trusted him. This knowledge would make things easier going on. And for a month away from Akashingo, he could learn of whether this was indeed the truth. 
And I you. He offered, watching closely to see how she would take the reciprocation.
Watchful eyes peered outward, circling around them. Nazli surely wasn't far. Khaba didn't want even the fellahin to know of his secret. How could he ever be sure of who had been employed as a spy for the pharaoh. He himself had even been commanded as one.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

785 Posts
Ooc — anon
her eyes were warm for a long moment.

i wish to patrol the camp. she informed him, prepared to move and lead them along the fringes. the space would be a kindness to them.

she trusted nazli. she imagined the imperator would try little. their camp was not a whole claim, hardly as big as akashingo or mereo. they would all see one another, no?

i am learning in mereo from the soldiers there, but i may test myself against you. her voice was a playful thing.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
He knew well that she understand him. Words or not, Makono understood.
Upon declaring her interest in a patrol, the mazoi nodded and moved to walk close by her flank. By doing this, his hovering stature could defend her from all sides. It had always been his first thought; an instinct, should one call it that.
"... but I may test myself against you." 
Khaba found it amusing. Then again, he knew better than to overestimate her. Although she still was learning much of life, she knew more than most. After all, she had been named crown prince. Ramesses obviously saw something in her that did not exist in the lost prince, Siptah.
You try.. but will lose. A playful challenge, but also a likely truth. He was an experienced warrior and also much larger in size than she. The purpose of her visit was to learn the ways of combat — ways she did not know of. But she would learn, in time.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

785 Posts
Ooc — anon
she laughed, a low sound in the back of her throat.

low, a hushed voice turned towards him. not for long. her eyes shone with delight, twisted and churning. but when i do lose, it'll be to learn. she assured him. tail briefly flagged above her spine before it settled once more.

she had half a mind to challenge him here, but she already knew she'd be swiftly outmatched.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She just may have been right. When they arrived in Mereo, the amiirad would be given a proper soldier's training — something he never had. In due time, she may just outmatch him by pure knowledge alone.
But one advantage he did have was life experience. The mazoi had been alive far longer and endured much more than she. For this, she was indeed no equal match.
Will learn. He nodded in a sense of confirmation. Germanicus and the other soldier's would teach her, and Khaba would be there with a careful eye to watch their work.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

785 Posts
Ooc — anon
they patrolled the skirt of the camp as one.

he was her hulking shadow and she did feel a soft swaddled of protection with his presence. there will be plenty to learn and do. i imagine the days will be busy. but there other things too. her eyes shone with that as she looked sidelong at khaba.

you must understand i will be humbled, i will face injury. did she say this for him or her? you must let me.

she did not think he would stop her training, but he must not break if her blood was shed upon the redsand.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Busy. Yes.. he would imagine so. Should he expect anything less?
But then she gazed up with slight concern.
Injuries, bloodshed... The reason of his existence was to prevent this. The mere thought hardened his facade. A small scowl even appeared, lip curling across his lower tooth.
Small injury, slight blood. Nothing more. The dark mazoi spoke firmly, tone sharp. He would accept nothing else, no matter what she commanded or how she persuaded.
Healer too... Khaba eventually added. It was assumed that the soldier's camp would have one. But if they didn't, someone would be sent by his order to retrieve Akashingo's sesh
These were his terms. Makono could either agree, or he would fight until his authority was entirely surpassed.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

785 Posts
Ooc — anon
i doubt the imperator would send me back maimed, khaba.

she sought to reassure, slowing as they neared a stony path. not fit for their patrol. it seemed time to turn around. yet she lingered here.

and mereo holds a healer. she assured him kindly.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Khaba snorted, ears rising in contempt.
Fool if so, The imperator.
Will not live for sun... Oddly worded, but the concept was sounded well. Should Germanicus, or any of Mereo be so careless, they would not live to see the sun rise the next morn. Khaba would be certain of this.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

785 Posts
Ooc — anon
fade? <3

she did not understand, but she could tell it was something protective. he would be foolish to turn teeth on mereo under her training.

but she did not speak this.

she would see his response to all and go from there.

come, we should return.

she missed the lilac, she readied herself for training with the roman.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
fine by me :3

Whether she knew of his meaning or not, she seemed to lack concern for the topic at this point in time. Had he acted too overbearing? Perhaps he could have asked, but doing so would have dragged the subject out. The last thing he wanted was to cause her any further frustrations.
So, simply, when she said it was time to leave, the mazoi followed after without another word. 
He would learn of whether she would heed his warnings, or push against his terms of her soldier's lessons. 
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any