Ocean's Breath Plateau She's got a way
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Rodyn is checking in with everyone. Only if you have time <3 I am assuming she'd be over her heat now. That would be the only reason Ro would seek her out. He wouldn't put her or himself in that position.

Rodyn had spent hours finding the softest furs. He had deer for mother, and small otter furs for the babes. He felt otter would be better, it had a different feel to it. It wouldn't be so dangerous for little ones to rest on. So on his back he carried the deer pelt and tight in his teeth he carried the brother otter skins.

And he went in search of @Marina. Today he planned to help her find a place to settle and dig out her den. Especially given that she was with child. She carried the current future of moontide. They were not his or Samani's, but that didn't mean that they were any less important or precious.

By the end of this visit he hoped she'd have a den and a place to rest for babies. This was his hope.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina was, by now, fairly certain that she was pregnant. She just felt... different. Sick some days, but the main feeling that tipped her off was difficult to put words to. It just felt as if something had changed.

When Rodyn came to her carrying pelts, she wasn't sure what to do. She figured immediately that they must be for her, but it just felt awkward to accept a gift. Wasn't she already enough of a burden? Or were they being nice so they could pull some weird shit and try to steal her children? Marina decided not to think that way, and greeted Rodyn with a smile and a waving tail.

Hi. Are those for me? They're lovely, Her ears tilted a little as she considered what she might do with them. I don't have a den yet, though. She realized that she probably should, but honestly, she'd never planned to live by the ocean. Marina was entirely unfamiliar with coastal life, and wary of choosing a place that might later leave her at a disadvantage. What if some strange weather phenomenon she didn't know about left her den site flooded? Maybe Rodyn would know more, or perhaps Samani.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not one that knew much about pregnancy. He just didn't. But he did know she probably felt bad and needed care and friendship.

A soft nod. They are for you. I have one for you to lay upon and 4 otter skins for your little ones. You can never know how many you may have, but 4 seems to be the average.

A small chuckle. I know that is also why i'm here. I figured you could use a little help. So that you can have a den dug for when your little ones arrive.

Rodyn shuffled alittle a small smile on his face. I hope that's okay and I didn't overstep.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina felt a little overwhelmed at the thought of having four children, but she was grateful for Rodyn's thoughtfulness all the same. Particularly when he offered to help her with her den — or rather, her lack of a den. No, I'm grateful for any help. Thank you, She assured him, and stepped forward to inspect the pelts appreciatively.

They really were beautiful. Marina had never owned anything so pretty before. She'd just never been the type of girl to own pretty things — or anything at all. I don't know the first thing about raising children, The admission felt like failure, but she knew when she was in over her head. Or living on the coast. Where should I even make my den? Not too close to the water, I'd think.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know if she would have four children, he just knew that was the average and he didn't want to miss one. That didn't sit well with the russet man.

You're welcome.

he stepped back to give her space as she inspected the furs. He didn't want her to get uncomfortable with his presence after all. Then he waited, patiently a soft smile on his face.

I don't think anyone does the first time. They just do the best they can and ask for help if they need it. Samani and I will do the best we can to help. We both have many siblings.

His tail weaved as he thought. Well I would think closer to the forest side. Perhaps in against a rock face or where the trees are thickest. Somewhere where it's safe and warm for both you and the little ones and away from any strangers, but still within a good distance to get there and yes you want to be uphill from the water.

Hmm. He shifted and motioned towards the furs. If you grab the smaller ones I'll grab your deerskin and we'll get you to a spot for a den. Okay?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
137 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Makes sense, She hummed thoughtfully as he explained, feeling a little less overwhelmed now. It felt good to be doing something other than worrying, something productive. Marina nodded when Rodyn directed her to pick up the smaller pelts, and did exactly that. She would follow him for a time, but eventually something caught her eye and she stopped.

Here, Marina decided immediately, dropping the furs in front of a rocky overhang that fit most of Rodyn's descriptors. It would need to be dug out more, deepened, but there was already a shallow space in the dirt below the rock. It needs work, but it'll keep me busy. What do you think? She tilted an ear his direction and glanced at him, curious.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know much about children, but he did know how to protect them and new mothers. That he did know. Had dug enough dens in his former home. Had watched the women of moonglow as they settled into their roles.

Rodyn nodded. Very well. I'll make it a bit bigger for you. Deepen it. Dig it out and then you can pack it down, decorate it or do what you please with it. MMkay?

A soft smile and he pressed forward and began using blunt paws, broad shoulders to shovel and move the dirt and the mixture. Mindful not to hit the she wolf with anything.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.